CHAP 15 Flashcards
Process in which no heat transfer takes place
Adiabatic process
Cyclical process that uses only reversible processes, the adiabatic and isothermal processes
Carnot cycle
Maximum theoretical efficiency for a heat engine
Carnot efficiency
Heat engine that uses a Carnot cycle
Carnot engine
Ratio of heat transfer to temperature Q/T
Change in entropy
Heat pump, it is a ratio of heat transfer at the output (the hot reservoir) to the work supplied; for a refrigerator or air conditioner, it is the ratio of heat transfer from the cold reservoir to the work supplied
Coefficient of performance
Process in which the path returns to its original state at the end of every cycle
Cyclical process
Measurement of a system’s disorder and its inability to do work in a system
States that the change in internal energy of a system equals the net heat transfer into the system minus the net work done by the system
First law of thermodynamics
Machine that uses heat transfer to do work
Heat engine
Machine that generates heat transfer from cold to hot
Heat pump
Conversion of food into heat transfer, work, and stored fat
Human metabolism
Sum of the kinetic and potential energies of a system’s atoms and molecules
Internal energy
Process that depends on path direction
Irreversible process
Constant-pressure process in which a gas does work
Isobaric process