chap 12//12.7 Flashcards
designing subs prdrs for PPE
- First adt, eve must be obtained regardimngthe fairness of the opening bal and ownership of the assets making the bal
- can review predecessor working papers, if previous adt done by another firm
- when not previously adted, adtr need to investigate opening bal and info OBTAINED should be included in the PERMANent file to be then updated at every start of adt
- for recurring engmnt, adtr focusses on CY trsn.opening bal checked with last adt done. such acc accumulate trsn and thus trsn are a few during the year.
- adtr will rely on inspection of documentary evidence for additional pPE bought and PPE DISPOSED AND PERFORM mathematical accuracy for deprn.
- riskier areas for PPE involve prdrs testing existence , occurrence and AVA
- verify opening bal matches closing bal from working papers of previous period adt
2.test mathematical accuracy of lead schedule for additions and disposal to determine if it matches general ledger bal
- vouch lead schedule items to entries in the ledger acc and tracing ledger entries to schedule to ensure accuracy
- analytical prdrs
1.not considered very useful when testing for PPE as bal vary substantially with fewer trsn happening
- comparison of annual DEPRN charge with cost or written down value to provide a comparable measure to DEPRN rate.
3.Evidence for AVA
- year wise comparison of maintenance expense provide evidence for maintenance evidence recorded and they are not capitalized.
- Test of trsn
- affected by addition, disposal and repairs and maintenance
- Test of trsn//addition
- consider mgt policy in making distinction between capital and expenses expenditures.
- entities have a cut off value to classify the purchase as expense e.g calculators
4.a policy to differentiate capital expenditure and non capital expenditure
- recorded items are vouched to supporting doc esp authorization in minutes, invoices and contracts
- for construction in progress, review documentation for construction cost and inspect Major assets physically to ensure that it matches details from documentation
- enquire abt leases for PPE and review lease documents to ensure that properly accounted for
- perform computation for accuracy for the present value of leases
- vouching test for existence, R&O and accuracy
- examination of lease test for disclosure assertion
- Test of trsn//disposal
1.evidence of sales, disposal should be made available in form of cash remittance advices, written authorizations and sales agreement
- determine accuracy and propriety of accounting records including recognition of gain or loss
- can be determined by
-tracing disposal authorization to accting record
-inquiry of mgt to disposal
-analysing revenue for items like sale software PPE
-inspection of PPE count provide evidence that disposal has been recorded - evi that disposal have been recorded relates to R&O and accuracy
- evi providing validity for refusing assets relates to completeness
- Test of trsn//dmaintenance and repairs
- reviewing maintenance and repair expenses acc helps to ensure consistency of the charges to this expense
- examine additions to ensure that they are properly capitalized and it provides evi for completeness
3.may also reveal misclassification that needs to be corrected for classification assertion
4.test of balances
1.important for Existence , R&O, completeness assertion
2.main test of balances relate to AVA and disclosure. it involves accumulate DEPRN, provision for impairment and appropriateness for revaluation
4.test of balances//contract
1.check ownership by examining registration certificate and insurance policies. for PPE, paid invoices are most persuasive evi
2.title deeds and property papers is also evidence for ownership
- test provide evi for existence and R&O
4.test of balances//DEPRN
- need to ascertain reasonnableness, consistency and accuracy for DEPRN
2.reasonableness-consider factors like useful lives and remaining useful lives. need to review DEPRN rate and are in accordance to IAS 16
- Consistency-DEPRN methods used by reviewing lead schedule for PPE and inquiry with mgt. should be consistent with past years by checking past years working papers
- Accuracy:perform computation to ensure accuracy especially for major assets
4.test of balances//impairment
- observe obsolete or damage units during PPE count
2identify assets linked with discontinuation and not yet disposed
3. inquiry with mgt abt budgets and forecast for specific activities related to the assets
4.test of balances//valuation enquiry
- when mgt decides to revalue PPE, adtr will have to seek assistance from expert//independent valuator for class of asset and interim valuator for interim valuation
- adtr will have to obtain :
-a copy of valuator repot
-basis of valuation
-appropriateness of the basis for determining carrying value - provides evi for AVA and presentation