chap 11 Flashcards
the factors relevant to determining an acceptable level of detection risk for the audit of purchases, payables, and payroll
- acc pay is the largest current liability
- risk of understatement as mgrs will try to present favourable FS
- adtr gather evidence relating to completeness assertion
acc pay DR assertions
- affected by purchase and payment
- DR assertions based on the inherent and control risk of purchase and payment
Determining An Acceptable Level of Detection Risk
- IR and CR high indicating that environ. has high likelihood of completeness errors and that controls not effective
- control risk has 2 components:
-CR for purchases
-CR for pmts
control risk has 2 components
if CR for purchases is high then, CR for pmts is moderate
any issue with them leads to completeness with payables acc in the end:
- if completeness prob with purchases, this means that purchases not recorded in suppliers acc thus completeness issue with payables acc
2.if occurrence prob with cash pmt, payables acc lowered but pmt does not exist. again completeness prob
DR risk and its assertion
- After assessing the IR and CR, detection risk is set to achieve the required audit risk
- assertions for which audit risk should be low:
-AVA and completeness
- requires more persuasive evidence for AVA and completeness
DR and type of approach
If detection risk is set at low, then extensive substantive testing will take place
If detection risk is set at high, then a combined approach will be used
substantive procedures steps
1.Initial Procedures
2. Analytical Procedures
3.Tests of Details of Transactions
4.Tests of Details of Balances
5. disclosure
1.Initial Procedures
- Trace opening balance to previous balance from working papers
- Review activity in the general ledger acc and investigate for any unusual trsn
- Obtain suppliers listing and perform summation to see if it corresponds to the amt found from subsidiary ledger and general ledger control acc for accuracy
- Analytical Procedures
first stage, review understanding of entity
second stage, compare amts of CY and PY to identify changes in absolute amt. Done when preparing lead schedule for payables
Third, use ratios:
-GP (if greater than expected, could arise from understatement of purchases or deliberate cut off)
-Ratio of each expense to sales in CY and PY. usual low expense could indicate unrecorded liability thru cut off error
-for payroll, average wage per employee important
3.Tests of Details of Transactions
- performed during interim audit// dual purpose test
- No substantive tests of details of payroll transactions because the tests of controls are the main sources of substantive evidence for payroll transactions
- Vouching recorded payables to supporting documentation
- Performing purchases cut-off tests
5.Performing payments cut-off tests
Tests of Trsn//Vouching recorded payables to supporting documentation
- to verify occurrence, vouch the purchases trsn to supporting doc likes suppliers invoices
2.test numerical continuity of purchase orders and receiving reports and trace them to supplier’s invoice and acc payables to verify for completeness
Tests of Trsn//Performing purchases cut-off tests
- making sure that purs trsn ocurring near end of reporting year are recorded in proper accounting period
2.adtr will review receiving reports and purchases trsn and match them with suppliers invoices. those unmatched but relate to current accounting period are recorded through journal entry. this ensures completeness of records
3.this becomes challenging for adtr as unlike for receivables, suppliers take time to send their invoices relating to trsn occurring before reporting date
- cut off very sig. but many entities do have strong control to make distinction of trsn happening before end of reporting year and after reporting year. Thus, adtr will set DR low and perform extensive testing
- vouching and tracing used for testing completeness can be used here to test for cut-off.
- receiving reports after year end are traced to suppliers invoices to check if correctly recorded to the next period
7.recorded purchases before end of reporting year are vouched to receiving report dated before end of reporting date to ensure that no trsn happening after year end are recorded before year end. occurrence is also tested
- these tests take 5-10 days before reporting date
9,. adtr needs to ensure that proper cutoff is achieved fro physical inventory as well as recording the purchases trsn
- when inv coined other than end of reporting period, adtr needs to check cut off for purs inventory at count date and end of reportinng date
- In summary, because invoices from suppliers can be delayed, auditors perform detailed checks around the cut-off date to ensure all transactions are recorded in the correct period, focusing on completeness to maintain accurate financial records.
Tests of Trsn//Performing pmt cut-off tests
- important for correct presentation of cash and acc pay at end of reporting year
- verify pmt cutoff is to check the dates when unpresented cheques are actually presented for payment. This helps ensure that payments are recorded in the correct period. verifies the dates when performing bank recon for next period.
Tests of Details of Balances for
- for payables
- for payroll
Tests of Details of Balances//payables
1.reconciling payables to monthly statements received by the entity from suppliers
2.confirming accounts payable
3.searching for unrecorded liabilities
1.reconciling payables to monthly statements received by the entity from suppliers
1.externally generated evidence held by entity. thus need to be cautious that the doc is not altered. avoid using photocopies or scanned versions.
2.when in doubt request a copy or amt directly from suppliers
- Selection of Accounts for Testing should be on the volume of business conducted during the year rather than the balance shown in the accounts payable listing. This is because the main concern is that the recorded balance might be understated, meaning some liabilities might not be recorded.
- Discrepancies are often due to:
- Goods in transit (items shipped but not yet received)
- Cash in transit (payments made but not yet recorded)
- Disputed amounts (disagreements over invoices or payments) - Assertions:
-Existence- Completeness
In summary, focusing on the volume of business for account selection and investigating discrepancies helps ensure that the accounts payable are accurately and completely recorded, supporting the overall reliability of the financial statements.
2.confirming accounts payable
PAYABLE confirmation less frequently performed as :
- provides limited assurance abt unrecorded liabilities
- invoices and suppliers monthly statement evidence for the balances test
- recommended when:
- DR is high
- for suppliers having a significant presence but do not send monthly statements
-suppliers not having statements available at end of reporting year
4.The auditor uses a positive form, meaning the supplier is asked to confirm the balance owed.
5.The confirmation does not specify the amount due; instead, the supplier indicates the amount, which is then reconciled with the entity’s records.
3.searching for unrecorded liabilities
- identifying unrecorded liabilities involves examining next period’s purchase and pmt transaction and reviewing unpaid invoices from cuts off test
2.using analytical procedures to spot unexpected discrepancies,
3.reviewing contractual commitments for existing liabilities not yet provided for :
-Progress Payments: In long-term contracts, there might be progress payments due as certain milestones are reached. If these payments are not yet recorded, they represent unrecorded liabilities.
-Accrued Amounts: There might be amounts that have been accrued (incurred but not yet paid or invoiced) under a contract, such as royalties or franchise fees, which need to be recorded as liabilities.
-Lease Commitments: Future lease payments under operating leases might need to be disclosed or recorded as liabilities.
4.performing subsequent-events testing.for undisclosed contingent liabilities
Tests of Details of Balances//payroll
- recalculating payroll liabilities
2.verifying directors’ and executive officers’ remuneration
- recalculating payroll liabilities
- main adtr concern for payroll is overstatement but at year end the concern becomes understatement of accruals and the consistency in measuring the accruals thru’out different period
- adtr review mgt calculations and make independent calculations to ensure mgt calculations are reasonable
3.The auditor examines payments made after the reporting period but before the completion of the audit fieldwork
- MAIN assertion AVA
2.verifying directors’ and executive officers’ remuneration
- their remuneration audit sensitive as they can override control to gain from compensation more than authorized
2.remuneration will be reviewed by reference to employment contracts and board minutes to ensure their remuneration is not overstated
1.disclosure for each class of liability by charge and by nature should be made