Channels & Points Review Flashcards
What is an accupuncture point?
- transportation & transformation of information
- regualtion of channel & organ function
- irrigation of surrounding tissues
- connectivity to channel system as a whole
What is Jingluo?
- Jing = main branches of channels that run deeper & connect with zangfu
- 12 primary
- 12 divergent
- 8 extraorginary vessels
- Luo = connecting channels that are more superficial
- 15 luo connecting
- minute collatrals
- 12 sinew channels
- 12 cutaneous regions
What are the two ways the 12 channels are paired?
- 6 Channel = arm/leg pair
- Yin Yang = int/ext pair
What are the 12 primary channel organ connections?
- each channel always connects to organ on it’s own channel & int/ext pair
- LU = LU, LI, ST
- LI = LU, LI
- ST = ST, SP
- SP = ST, SP, HT
- HT = HT, SI,LU
- SI = HT, SI, ST (connection to ST)
- BL = BL, KD, Brain
- KD = BL, KD, HT, LU, PC, LV (all yin except SP)
- PC = PC, SJ
- SJ = PC, SJ
- GB = GB, LV
- LV = GV, LV, LU, ST
How many points on each of the 12 primary channels?
- LU = 11
- LI = 20
- ST = 45
- SP = 21
- HT = 9
- SI = 19
- BL = 67
- KD = 27
- PC = 9
- SJ = 23
- GB = 44
- LV = 14
What is the directional flow of the 12 primary channels?
- 3 hand yin = chest to hand
- 3 hand yang = hand to face
- 3 foot yang = face to feet
- 3 foot yin = feet to chest
- LU = middle jiao - 1st intercostal (1) - thumb (11)
- LI = index finger (1) - naso-labial groove on opposite side of face (20)
- ST = LI20 - infraorbital ridge (1) - 2nd toe (45)
- SP = big toe (1) - midaxillary line at 7th intercostal (21)
- HT = heart - center of axilla (1) - radial little finger (9)
- SI = ulnar little finger (1) - middle tragus (19)
- BL = inner canthus (1) - lateral 5th toe (67)
- KD = beneath little toe - sole of foot (1) - lower border of clavicle (27)
- PC = center of chest - 1 cun lateral to nipple at 4th intercostal (1) - middle finger (9)
- SJ = ulnar ring finger (1) - lateral eyebrow (23)
- GB = outer canthus (1) - lateral 4th toe (44)
- LV = lateral big toe (1) - 6th intercostal space on mamilary line (14)
What are the divergent channels?
- usually separate from primary on upper limb (knees/elbows & up)
- enter related zang/fu
- resurface at head & neck & end in primary yang
- strengthen yin/yang relationship b/t channels & sang fu
- distribute qi & blood to head & face
- integrate areas of body not supplied by primary channel
- explain clinical action of some commonly used points
What are the divergent meeting points?
- LU/LI = LI18 (lateral side of neck level with tip of laryngreal prominence b/t the sternal & clavicular heads of the SCM)
- Window of Heaven Point
- SP/ST = ST9 (1.5 cun lateral & level with tip of laryngeal prominence, in the depression b/t the anterior border of SCM & lateral border of thyroid cartilage)
- Window of Heaven Point
- HT/SI = inner canthus (BL1)
- KD/BL = BL10 (1.3 lateral to DU15 at nape of neck) + popliteal area
- BL40 & BL10 open divergents
- PC/SJ = SJ16 (posterior border of SCM, 1 cun inferior to GB12)
- LV/GB = outer canthus (GB1) + pubic region
What are the 8 extraordinary channels?
- act as reservoirs
- link the 12 primary channels
- protect the body
- they are the 1st channels formed in the body and the deepest channels in the body
What are the 8 extraordinary vessels?
- Du Mai = Sea of Yang (Governing Vessel)
- Ren Mai = Sea of Yin (Conception Vessel)
- Chong Mai = “Many Seas” (Penetrating Vessel)
- Dai Mai = binds up & controls longitudional vessels (Girdling Vessel)
- Yin Wei = links all yin channels & rules interior
- Yang Wei = links all yang channles & rules exterior
- Yin Qiao = Yin Motility
- Yang Qiao = Yang Motility
- opening and closing of eyes
- balance/moment of lower limbs
- mental disorders (both enter brain) - epilepsy, insomnia, etc
What are the luo connecting channels?
- travel from the luo connecting point of their channel to connect with the source point on yin/yang pair
- strengthen connection between yin/yang pair & zang fu
- luo points can treat:
- disorders of yin/yang channels or organ
- disorders reached by longitudional luo
- psycho emotional disorders (mostly yin channels - all spirits ruled by yin organs)
What are the sinew channels?
- 12 channels
- circulate on periphery
- do not benetrate zang fu
- origionate in extremities
- ascend to head & trunk
- fx to nourish muscles, ligaments & tendons
- pathological manifestation:
- bi syndrome, stiffness, spasm, atrophy
- jing well points activate the sinew channel
Where do the 12 sinew channels bind?
- 3 foot yang (GB, BL, ST) = bind at eyes
- 3 foot yin (SP, LV, KD) = bind at genitals
- 3 hand yang (LI, SI, SJ) = bind at angle of forehead
- 3 hand yin (LU, HT, PC) = bind in chest
What are the 5 shu points?
- transporting points
- located distal to elbows & knees
- flow of qi along the channel
What are the Jing Well points?
- 1st/last point on the channel
- revive consciousness
- clear heat
- treat uppermost & opposite end of channel
- fullness/stiffness below the HT
- YIN = wood | YANG = metal
- LU = 11
- LI = 1
- ST = 45
- SP = 1
- HT = 9
- SI = 1
- BL = 67
- KD = 1
- PC = 9
- SJ = 1
- GB = 44
- LV = 1
What are the Ying Spring points?
- 2nd/2nd to last point on the channel
- clears interior heat/reduces fever
- changes in complexion
- YIN = fire | YANG = water
- LU = 10
- LI = 2
- ST = 44
- SP = 2
- HT = 8
- SI = 2
- BL = 66
- KD = 2
- PC = 8
- SJ = 2
- GB = 43
- LV = 2
What are the Shu Stream points?
- 3rd/3rd to last point on the channel
- except GB channel - skip GB42
- heavey body sensations & joint pain
- yuan source on yin channels
- YIN = earth | YANG = wood
- LU = 9
- LI = 3
- ST = 43
- SP = 3
- HT = 7
- SI = 3
- BL = 65
- KD = 3
- PC = 7
- SJ = 3
- GB = 41
- LV = 3
What are the Jing River Points?
- on the forearm or lower leg (closer to wrist/ankle)
- chills & fever
- cough, asthma, dysponea, loss of voice
- YIN = metal | YANG = fire
- LU = 8
- LI = 5 (LI4 = yuan source)
- ST = 41 (ST42 = yuan source)
- SP = 5 (SP4 = luo)
- HT = 4 (HT5 = luo, HT6 = xi cleft)
- SI = 5 (SI4 = yuan source)
- BL = 60 (BL63 = xi cleft, BL64 = yuan source)
- KD = 7 (KD4 = luo, KD5 = xi cleft)
- PC = 5 (PC 6 = luo)
- SJ = 6 (SJ4 = yuan source, SJ5 = luo)
- GB = 38 (GB40 = yuan source)
- LV = 4
What are the He Sea Points?
- around the elbows or knees
- counterflow of qi (rebellion, stagnation, sinking)
- YIN = water | YANG = earth
- LU = 5
- LI = 11
- ST = 36
- SP = 9
- HT = 3
- SI = 8
- BL = 40
- KD = 10
- PC = 3
- SJ = 10
- GB = 34
- LV = 8
What are the Yuan Source points?
- can treat zangfu disorder; excess or xu
- access yuan qi
- always 4th point/4th to last point on the yang channel except GB foot shaoyang
- same as shu stream (3rd point) on yin channels
- balancing = tonification/dispersion
- LU = 9
- LI = 4
- ST = 42
- SP = 3
- HT = 7
- SI = 4
- BL = 64
- KD = 3
- PC = 7
- SJ = 4
- GB = 40*
- LV = 3
What are the Luo Connecting Points?
- treat disorders of int/ext related channel/zangfu
- treat areas reached by luo connecting channel
- treat psycho-emotional disorders (yin)
- yuan/luo = host/guest combination
- LU = 7
- LI = 6
- ST = 40 (phlegm)
- SP = 4 (chong mai)
- HT = 5 (stuttering speech)
- SI = 7
- BL = 58
- KD = 4
- PC = 6
- SJ = 5
- GB = 37 (eyes)
- LV = 5
What are the Xi Cleft points?
- acute pain conditions
- qi delves more deeply here
- bleeding conditions on the yin channels
- 12 regular meridians, yin/yang qiao & wei
- clinically used for stubborn, chronic conditions
- LU = 6
- LI = 7
- ST = 34
- SP = 8
- HT = 6
- SI = 6
- BL = 63
- KD = 5
- PC = 4
- SJ = 7
- GB = 36
- LV = 6
- Yin Wei = KD9
- Yin Qiao = KD8
- Yang Wei = GB35
- Yang Qiao = BL59
What are the Back Shu points?
- on the bladder line (1.5 cun lateral from midline)
- roughly at same level of related organ
- located on yang aspect of body; treat yin diseases (chronic)
- clincially treat zangfu; excess or xu
- upper jiao = above T7
- middle jiao = T7-T12
- lower jiao = below T12
- BL13 = LU (T3)
- BL14 = PC
- BL15 = HT
- BL17 = Diaphgram & Blood
- BL18 = LV (jump to T9)
- BL19 = GB
- BL20 = SP
- BL21 = ST
- BL22 = SJ
- BL23 = KD (L2)
- BL25 = LI (L4)
- BL27 = SI (S1)
- BL28 = BL (S2)
What are Front Mu points?
- located on the chest and abdoment
- roughly over the organ they correlate to
- on the yin aspect of the body; treat yang diseases
- can be used in assessment & treatment
- CV17 = PC
- CV14 = HT
- CV12 = ST
- CV5 = SJ
- CV4 =SI
- CV3 = BL
- LV14 = LV
- LV13 = SP
- GB25 = KD
- GB24 = GB
- ST25 = LI
- LU1 = LU
What are the 8 Extraordinary Vessel Confluent Points?
- activate respective channel; usually used in 4 pairs
- Ren|CV = LU7 + Yin Qiao = KD6
- Du|GV = SI3 + Yang Qiao = UB62
- Chong = SP4 + Yin Wei = PC6
- Dai = GB41 + Yang Wei = SJ5
What are the 4 Command Points?
- treat any disorder in these regions
- ST36 = Abdomen
- BL40 = Back & Lumbar Region
- LU7 = Head & Nape
- LI4 = Face & Mouth
- PC6 = chest & lateral costal region
- DU26 = resuscitation
What are the 4 Sea Points?
- can treat any symptoms related to the seas
- Sea of Blood: BL11, ST37, ST39
- Sea of Qi: REN17, BL10, ST9
- Sea of Marrow: DU15, 16, 19, 20
- Sea of Water & Grain: ST30, ST36
What are the Lower He Sea Points?
- treat 6 fu organ disorders
- ST36 = ST
- ST37 = LI
- ST39 = SI
- BL39 = SJ
- BL40 = BL
- GB34 = GB
What are the 8 Influential Points?
- Zang = LV13 (also Front Mu of SP)
- Fu = REN12
- Qi = REN17
- Blood = BL17
- Sinews = GB34
- Vessels = LU9
- Bone = BL11
- Marrow = GB39
What are the Window to the Sky Points?
- treats dizziness, HA, hyper/hypo-tension, qi rebellion
- tx local pain, goiter, nose bleeds, sore throat (anything stuck)
- 3 adams apple level = ST9, LI18, SI16
- 3 mandibular level - SI17, SJ16, BL10
- 2 front and back of neck = REN22, DU16
- 2 exceptions = PC1, LU3
What are the Ghost Points?
- treat mental disorders *more severe in nature*
- DU26, DU23, DU16, PC7, PC8, SP1, REN24, LU11, LI11, BL62M ST6, REN1, Hai Quan
What are the important meeting points?
- DU20 = BL, LV, SJ Divergent
- DU14 = all yang channels
- RN3,4, SP6 = 3 foot yin channels
- ST8 = 3 hand yang channels
- PC5 = 3 hand yin channels
- SP6 = 3 foot yin channels
- GB39 = 3 foot yang channels
- KD11-21 = meeting with chong
- ST12 = all yang channels except BL
- BL1 = yin/yang qiao, DU, SI, SJ, GB, ST
- RN1 = chong, ren, du
- ST1 = yang qiao, ren
- GB20 = yang qiao, yang wei
- RN22, 23 = meeting with yin wei
- DU15, 16 = meeting with yang wei
- GB26, 27, 28 = meeting with dai mai