What is urbanising fastest?
What is land use?
The type of building that features in that area.
What is In the CBD
Large offices and shops
High rise buildings
High land values
Most accessible location
What is in the inner city?
Old high density terraced houses
Old and abandoned factories and warehouses
High rise flats
Pockets of new developments
What is in the suburbs?
Semi detached houses
Less change in this zone
More recent and expensive housing
Where is the rural urban fringe?
Located at edge of city
Often has large parks and woodland
Issues in medc cities
Pollution of air Over population Congestion Run down CBD Ethnic segregation Lack of space
Why is demand for housing increasing?
Ageing population
Population increase
Derelict housing
More people living alone
What are greenfield sites?
Sites that have not been built on before
What are brownfield sites?
Sites have been build on before the land has to be cleared before it can be reused
Advantages of building on greenfield sites…
Cheaper to develop
Land is cheaper
People prefer the peace and quiet
Greater Space for gardens and garages
Disadvantages of greenfield sites…
Harder to obtain planning permission
Need to build new roads sewage and gas - ex,pensive
Advantages of brownfield …
Close to facilities
Regeneration of city
Reduced traffic congestion people live closer to work
What is urbanisation?
A process where an increasing proportion of the population lives in towns and cities.
Disadvantages of brownfield …
Environment not very nice
Can’t build as many houses
Surrounding buildings may be derelict
Case studies…
London docklands redevelopment
Problems in CBD …
Crime, vandalism Lack of space Lack of modern facilities Traffic congestion Air pollution
Why has CBD’s declined?
The rise of the car
Cheapness of land at edge of city
Internet shopping
Solutions to revitalise CBD …
Longer opening hours
Pedestrian only streets
Installing security cameras
Free parking at night
What does multicultural mean?
When there is several cultural or ethnic groups within society
Typical living standards in squatter settlements…
Very overcrowded Simple layout Quality of life is poor No privacy Disease is rife Lack of money Poorly paid jobs
Case study for squatter settlements?
Rochina Brazil
What helps support multicultural societies?
Providing English classes t
Encouraging ethnic mix
Developing ethnic areas as tourist attractions