Changing the definitions of crime c1700-c1900 Flashcards
When were custom officers introduced to track down smugglers?
When were import duties lowered?
The 1780s by William Pitt (Priminister) then again in the 19th century. Smuggling drops as it is no longer profitable.
When did the government introduce import duties?
17th century.
Which goods being taxed in the 18th century caused an increase in smuggling?
wine, cloth, and spirits.
Who was the Hawkhurst gang? When did they operate? Who were their leaders and when did they get caught?
A smuggling gang who controlled long stretches of the southeast. they operated from 1735-1749. leaders were Arthur Grey and Thomas Hill, both caught and hanged in 1748 and 1749.
Why was smuggling a social crime?
Many benefited.
- Smugglers were viewed as heroes.
- locals collaborated with gangs, unloaded boats, and hid goods.
- Powerful upper class bought cheap goods so would conceal smuggling rather than report it.
What practical issues did custom officers face whilst tackling smugglers?
Smugglers worked under cover of darkness and miles of unpoliced coastline made it easy to find a secluded coast to unload their cargo.
What act was passed to deal with poaching gangs?
The 1723 Black Act, making poaching a capital offence and making it illegal to blacken your face (Disguise), carrying snares, and owning dogs that were suitable for poaching could be punished by fines or a prison sentence.
When was the Black Act repealed?
What did you need to have in order to hunt?
You had to be a landowner whose land was worth more than £100 a year.
What caused the increase in a highway robberies in the 18th century?
Better roads, more goods being moved around due to trade. No credit or debit cards to safely keep money and only a few banks. Stagecoach services (Many items to steal).
What did the growth of towns mean for highway robbery?
This meant that the villages and countrysides were less populated and there were many isolated roads where highway robbery could take place.
Who was Black Harry?
A man who robbed “Pack-mule” trains. He was caught and hung in Wardlow mires.
When was the death penalty introduced for highway men and how was it defined?
1772, Anyone found armed and disguised on a highway was charged with the death penalty.
Why was highway robbery treated as a serious crime?
- disrupted travel between towns
- The crime was committed on the king’s highway
- it could involve the theft of mailbags and so disrupt the postal services.
When did highway robbery become less common? When was the last reported case?
less common: 1815
last reported case: 1831
What 2 things contributed to an end in highway robbery?
- Growth of banking system - less need to carry around goods.
- Mounted patrols on major roads
What was the Decriminalisation of Witch Craft?
1736 - fewer severe punishments as witchcraft was now seen to be ridiculous or confidence tricksters trying to take advantage of others.
What was the case of the Tolpuddle Martyrs? When?
- In 1834, farm laborer George loveless and 5 companions were arrested. Accused of administrating an illegal oath. They had sworn to protect their wages and help others and wanted to protest wages of six shillings a week when the average was ten shillings for farm laborers.
- Punished with 7 years of transportation to Australia.
- Protest against their punishment 100,000 people, petition with 200,000 signatures.
- pardoned and released after only 4 years, “hero’s welcome home”
What did the Tolpuddle Martyrs case prove about the government and the public power over the government?
Government: After the french rebellion against authority in 1830, English authorities felt vulnerable and didn’t take nicely to those who wanted political change.
Public: Public opinion could influence what was regarded as a crime.