changing spaces making places Flashcards
what are the charateristics that shape a place (6+1 honerary)
- demographic
- culture
- natural charteristsic
- built charaterists
- political
- socio- econics
- ( past and present conections)
what shapes shapes teh charteristsic sof a place
- flows of people
- flows of money
- flows of ideas
- floes of tec
when talking about place profile what case study shoudl you be using
stokes croft vs lansdown
whats the demographic lansdown vs stokes croft and how might this shape the rest of the place profile
* Stokes croft: average afe 31but with a high proportion of students
* Lansdown: 48
1. politics- this will effect the political charteristic of the two areas. Stokes croft comes under the city of bristol constituency, which is a labour safe seat and is home to the active, socialsit PG the peoples republic of stokes croft vs lansdown which comes under the city of bath and is liberal democrat closly followed by tory. This makes sense as 67% people aged 18-25 vote labour vs 25% people aged 65+.
2. Socioeconomics- because stokes croft has a younger population this may partically be why socioeconimically it is much poorer, as people are ealier on in their carea paths. SC= 10% most deprived in the uk vs LD which is in the 10% least
3. cultural and built enviroment- lanswown has more arguably “retiremt” facillities and for fmaillies. enterprises aimed at perhaps older people, for example, there are three churhces and 2 golf clubs as well as 4 schols
* Stokes croft: 50-66% white but with 30% black carebein (from windrush)
* Lansdown: 96% white
1.clutural + buit enviroment- stokes croft is notious for it’s diversity of foods, as the flows of peopel bring flows of ideas. For instance, the Caribbean Croft caribbean restaurant.
2. politics- this is also likly a contrabuting factor to why stokes croft is more left wing leaning as 78% of non white people voted labour in 2019
* Stokes croft: 15% with level 4 eduction
* Lansdown: 54% with level 4 education
( national average is 34% )
1. socio economics- average income in SC is 32k vs 46 in LD
whats the socioeconomics like lansdown vs stokes croft and how might this shape the rest of the place profile
* SC: 32k
* LD:46k
1. demographic- LD democgraphic is older, peopel who are further advanced though their careas (av age 31 vs 48)
2. political- stokes croft city of bristol labour safe seat vs lansdown which is liberal democrat
* SC: bottom 10%
* LD: top 10%
1. built enviroment and cutural differnces- lansdown is notorious for its hill side mantions as well as the two private schools of the royal high school and kingswood school that it contains. Conversly, stokes croft is notorious for its street art and colourful artic terris hosuing.
1. this has a secondry socio economic effect of poorer health outcomes in SC,
* SC: bottom 5%
* LD: top 10%
* SC: life expectancy 78
* LD life expectancy 85
what health brakets are stokes croft and lansdown in
- lansdown is the top 10 %
- SC: bottom 5%
whats the politics like lansdown vs stokes croft and how might this shape the rest of the place profile
* The peoples republic of SC
* The lansdown cresant assosiation
1. culture- watchful eye on local sheep and tea and coffee events on holidays vs a foccus on “individual and cival liberties and arts and cuture”, help orgniase climate trikes and the peopels art fair 2022
* SC: City of bristol, labour safe seat
* LD: City of bath Liberal democrat conservatiev battle ground seat
1. cultural- much more of a social justic collectivist spirist, stokes crodt riots 2011 when gentrification of a new tesco, cimate strikes, and dont pay uk movement
whats the name of the art thing the peopels republic of stokes croft helped organise
- The peoples art fair 2022
whats teh crime rate SC vs LD
- SC: 11 arested every 1000
- LD: 1.98 evry 1000
- NA: 2.5 evry 1000
( socioeconomic factor)
whats teh culture like LD-SC and how does this effect place profile
**Art **
* SC: notorious for its street art and bein the birth place of banksy
* LD: famous for its bath stone and georgan architecture, making it a part of a unesco WHS
1. built enviroment- stokes crofts build enviroment is constantly changing with a new coating of street art every year at upfest. Conversly, landsdown is very historical and well preserved as must the buildings are grade A litsed.
what is the natural enviroment like LD and SC and how does natural enviroment shape place profile
**geographical Location and greenery **
* LD: lansdown is on the edge of the city on a protected green belt, on a south facing hill above the smog of the city of bath.
* SC: center of the city bristol, which is near the bristol channel.
1. buit enviroment and socioeconomics - consquently lansdown is and always has been a verydesirbale plave to live. Therefore we see the buildings there are to house very wealthy foak, with teh lansdown mations. They are also made of the notorious bath stone which is mined from just outside the area. Consequentally, the average income in lansdown is 46K vs SC and the national average which is 32k
2. demogrpahic- Stoke croft being near the bristol channel mean that it has a past conection to thw windrush ship that used to transport black carebein foke over to england after teh war. Consequentally, SC population is 30% black carebein + by river avon runs though
3. cultural: this has a secondry cultural effect as stocked croft is home to a variety of ethnic shop and food places.
how does built enviroment shape place profile in lansdown and Stokes croft
* LD: lansdown mansions
* SC: beautiful, colourful terris housing
1. demogrpahic and socioeconomics - lansdown manions attract upper class, extreamly welthyyy demogrpahic, this means the average income is 46k vs 32 na and 32 in SC. also in regards to socio economic persutes, Kingswood private school occupies the estate of william beckford.
2. Socioeconomics: stokes croft housing attrcats more of a high street vibe, as houses are not gated but on the street, there is a viantge market in an old wearhouse, caribein croft restaurant and the crafty egg.
* SC: graphiti and art attracting - (starting with banksy)
1.demographics- younger creatievs
2.culture- Upfest and the peopels art fair 2022
what are the present conections LD and SC and how does this effct place profile
* LD: kingswood school, teh royal high scholl and st stevens
* Bristol is home two too city based unis
1. demogrpahic- Stokes crof average age is 31 vs 48 in LD. Bristol’s unis mean tehre is alot of young students and bristol has the highest % of student that remain after graduation of any uni in the country. Conversly the juior and secondry schools in lansdown likly actract families and as 2 are prvate more afluet ones at that. Consquentally, socioeconomiclaly average income is LD is 46k vs 32 na and in sc and the average age is 46-8 closer to the age of parents of teenagers.
street atists
* Stokes croft: is the birth place of banksy and a notorious street art hub
1. cluture- upfest and teh peopels art fair 2022
how do past conections shape LD and SC
* LD: becford, WHS beuse of georgan architecture
* Bristol channel and teh legcy of being a slave port as well as a destination for the windrush and deindustrialisation.
1. Built enviroment and socio economics- lansdown’s built enviroment remians true to its orginal with lansdown cresent and the lansdown mansions as its a WHS. This also means its prodominatly residencual propperty now with wealthy tenants ( av income 46k). Also interms of scio economic persutes, its homw to kingswood school which ocupies teh old estate of william beckford, whom at one point was teh richest man in england.
2. decographis- becuse of windrush and slavery, generationally peooel ahev remained, andit wanst that long ago these things happened, consequentally the population is 30% black carabein.
3. culture- after deindustrialiastion in bristol there was breifly alsot of deraliction, bohemians and squatters occupied much of stokes croft. This, combined with the more ethically mixed population meant SC emerged as a arts and culture hub. Today its known for its street art, incluing Banksy and teh anual UPfest.
**ideas of healing and wellness dating back to the roman and georgan era **
* LD: in bath spa, emerged as a healing and recriation town dating back to the romans.
1. Built enviroment- there are 4 historical churches in the area, arguably this legacy has also continues to present day as there are 2 gold corses as well as a race course and multiple parks/ green spaces in the area
what flows of people there are in LD and then SC and how has this shaped place profile
* SC: 2 city unis in bristol
1. demogrpahic- Stokes crof average age is 31 vs 48 in LD. Bristol’s unis mean tehre is alot of young students and bristol has the highest % of student that remain after graduation of any uni in the country.
2. politics- secondry effect, labour safe sea city of bristol, 67% of people aged 18-24 vote labour.
Sc: 30% black carbein
1. demographic
2. cultural and socioeconomic persutes- (food) the caribbean croft
**retairment **
* LD: mansions of the greenbelt of a small city mean its where alot of wealthy people may choes to retire.
1. socio economics- 2 gold clubs and lansdown rase course and 4 churches and multiple park/green spaces
what flows of ideas there are in LD and then SC and how has this shaped place profile
** windrush**
* Sc: 30% black carbein
1. demographic
2. cultural and socioeconomic persutes- (food) the caribbean croft
* SC: squatters and bohemians
culture- after deindustrialiastion in bristol there was breifly alot of deraliction, bohemians and squatters occupied much of stokes croft. SC emerged as a arts and culture hub. Today its known for its street art, incluing Banksy and teh anual UPfest.
**attempted gentrification **
* SC: tesco
1. politcis: 2011 tesco riots
**ideas of healing and wellness **
* LD: in bath spa, emerged as a healing and recriation town dating back to the romans.
1. Built enviroment- there are 4 historical churches in the area, arguably this legacy has also continues to present day as there are 2 gold corses as well as a race course and multiple parks/ green spaces in the area
how have flows of money shaped LD and stokes croft’s place profile
** gentrification and investemtn from big bussiness**
* SC:
1. politics- 2011 tesco riots
2. culture- white washing of what was before a very ethnically diverse area,
deindustrialisation and lack of reinvestment after the war
* SC: squatters and bohemians
culture- after deindustrialiastion in bristol there was breifly alot of deraliction, bohemians and squatters occupied much of stokes croft. SC emerged as a arts and culture hub. Today its known for its street art, incluing Banksy and teh anual UPfest.
**socioeconomic persutes such as the 2 gold corses, race course and numerous upmarket pub and resutrants in **
* LD:
1. demographic and socioeconomics- 96% white with an average sallery of 46K vs teh na of 32k
if your asked about the chartersists that shape place idenity what should be your paragraphs 16 marker + conclusion
- natural enviroment and past conections
1. built enviroment and socio economics- lansdown manions ans lansdown cresent, - white upper class 96% white and av income 46k vs 32k na.
2. demographic- windrush and 30% balck carbein demogrphic of SC - demogrphic
1. socio economics of LD, golf course, pubs, raec course and private schools
2. culture and socioeconimics sc- bohemians and squatters, balck carabein book- caribbean croft street art, upfest and bansky. - Conclusion, all charaterisics are interdependent as they funimentally have to shape one another inorder to create place profile. However, historially, the natural enviroment first, so although it may not be the mot significant factor today, over the long term it’s the most significant factor as it was the fundimentlal charteristic which shaped the rest.
for a 16 marker on the most important flows shaping place identity what should be your paragraphs + conclusion
- flows of people and ideas
1. LD: ideas of healing and wellness, in bath spa, emerged as a healing and recriation town dating back to the romans. This also mean’s flows of peopel consist of alot of older, wealthier retiring peopel. Built enviroment- there are 4 historical churches in the area. Demographic average age is 48 vs 31 in sc - windrush
1. demographic 30% black carbein, flow of ideas of cultural and socioeconomic persutes- (food) the caribbean croft. - flows of money
1. demogrphic and socioeconomics- LD- investments, race course, 2 gold clubs, multiple up market pubs and resurants= white upper class, 96% white with 46k av income, in top 10% for health outcome
2. culture and socioeconomic enterprises- SC- lack of investemtn after the war and deindustrialsiation, squatters and bohenians, arts cluture hub, vinage market in old wear house, banksy, upfest and peopel art air 2022, but bottom 5% for health oucomes.
3. gentrifcation in stokes croft, white washing the area f culture but aslo having a political effect on the area in terms of the 2011 stokes croft tesco riots. - Conclusion, all follows are interdependent as they funimentally have to shape one another inorder to create place profile. However, I would argue that flows of people are the most important factor in shaing place profile. A place is a space with a meaning and idenity to someonw and therefore it is the peopel who ocupy an area which are the most significnat in place profile. There is no flow of ideas without a person being a vesil for an idea and people fundimentally shape flows of money in an area by chosign what shops and enterprises they want to engage with. Or as a more extreem exaple, thought boycotting and rioting over the new tescos in stokes croft in 2011, foring it to close.
for a 16 marker on the most important past and presnt conection shaping place identity what should be your paragraphs + conclusion
**past **
* SC windrush - demogrpahic and culture (caribbean croft) (30% black carebein )
* LD ralph alen bath stone and geotrgan architecture- WHS built enviroment has not changes + lansdown masions, socioeconomics - av prop price LD is 500k vs 70-135k in SC
**present **
* school
1. LD: kingswood school, teh royal high scholl and st stevens
1. Bristol is home two too city based unisdemogrpahic- Stokes crof average age is 31 vs 48 in LD.
2. Bristol’s unis mean tehre is alot of young students and bristol has the highest % of student that remain after graduation of any uni in the country. Conversly the juior and secondry schools in lansdown likly actract families and as 2 are prvate more afluet ones at that. Consquentally, socioeconomiclaly average income is LD is 46k vs 32 na and in sc and the average age is 46-8 closer to the age of parents of teenagers.
* street atists
1. Stokes croft: is the birth place of banksy and a notorious street art hub
1. cluture- upfest and teh peopels art fair 2022
- Conclusion, both past and presnt conection are equallky important as present concetion shape more of what the place is like now, such as with the younger deographc of SC due lareg impart to teh university. But they are influced by past conections. for exaple kingswood school, one of the private schools on lansdown occupised oen of the old lansdown mansions that beloned to the becford estate. the importance of each also depends of the location. For exaple, arguably past conections are more important in LD as its a WHS so not much of teh built enviroment has changed, Conversly in SC, present conection sucha s to that with street artsists are very influencial, the buit enviroment changes significantly, evey year during upfest wheere all the major street art murals in the area get replaced.
in terms of socio economics in LD and SC what should u try mention more
- house prices
- LD: av property is 500k 2019 vs 70-135k in SC (but house prises in sc are rising much quicker)
- helthoutcome
- LD: top 10%
- SC: bottom 5%
whats teh diffence between place and space + when would you use this definition
- in an intro to a 16 marker= place is a space with an identity, that means something to some oen
whats the case study you use for peoples place idenity
what social charateristcs efect peopels perception of place/ place idenity + give an exaple
- age- a club to a young perosn vs a 90 on one had will likely be persived as exiting and fun vs loud, bussy and irritaing
- gender- a public walkway for a man might be a lesurly place where he takes his evning run but put a woman in thatt same situation and she will liekly persive it as a dangerous place 63% of women who walk home alone at night always feel unsafe
- sexuallity- there are certain enviroments such as say a foot ball match or even going to another country that may be threttening to homosexual people where a it is an exiting place to sa staright person. for eample gay mareg is illegal and isnt recognised in turkey
- religion- a church or catehdral to a christan is a holly place of imense importance where as to a non religous person it may just be a pretty building
- role - a resurant depending on if your a emplyee or a customer will eitehr hold conitaions of stress or lesure
if a question is asking about hwo people persive a place what are you talking about
- age
- gender
- sexuallity
- religion
- role
what % of women feel unsafe walking home at night always
in a question about perseption of place, in order what charterists should u talk about.
- gender and sexullity (safty)
- religion
- age
cases study for how someones emotional attachemnt to a place effects tehir behaviour and actions in a place
how someones emotional attachemnt to a place effects tehir behaviour and actions in a place
- cutural demostration
1. inderpendence ref 2017 92% voted for inderpendence, denayed by spain = rioting and in 2019-2020 there were protests in barcelona ofover 350,000 people. - celebration
1. human tower as a part of anual fetival - castells
2. barcilona football club, stadium of 55,000 often full
why so catelonian peopel have a stong sense of place atchement
5 reasosn under one
there a a nation of people without state
* for instance they have tehir own language that 37% of the population speak
* thwir own tradition and cluture such as the huaman tower castells
* sport - the balelona football team is one of the best in the world
* their own food - eg black rice made with squid inck
* art and artcitchture - galdi, dry stone masonry, and trencadis
what is painting with tiles known as
why might peopel have a stong emotional attachemt to a place
- language
- tradition
- art and architecture
- sport
- food
what is space time compression
**technological innovation **that reduces the time and cost of travel and communication between distant places, so that tehy seem closer together
what is globalisation
businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale
how does globalisation and time space compression effect perception of place + countre
- gentrification and white washing
1. TNC estblish themself in developing nations, result in gentrification and a loss of cluture
2. for example, disney has now become a multinatioanl organisation, with there films translated in many langues. though doing this however, many countries original tellings of fairy tales are being lost.
3. the same hapens with food, coca cola in is 200 counties.
4. however foreign dirrct investment can also improve areas if thre are run down or derralict.
(note: this acn be used as a counter for flows of ideas in a migration essay)
- multiculturalism
1. flows of peopel being flows of ideas more more established bilateral flows. THis helps create more mixed, unique and interesting places.
2. for example, brick lane in london in a notorious cltural hub and has been a center of diaspora for years. E.G brick lane bakery bagles are world famouse, with the original jewish fmaily owners operating there since 1855.
3. however the changing sense of place idenity can create conflic, for instance with the finsbury park mosque attack in 2017.
what are the ways that there have been incresed globlisation and spacetiem compression
- fiberoptics and more peopel getting celphones and computers, even in teh dethe developing world
- mass scale shipping
- rapid speed air travel
- globalisation companies setting up new factories, head quaters and outlets across teh world
- distinctive coradoors of bilateral flows of migrants ahev established themself
in a question aboutglobalisation and time space compression waht must u first do in your intro
defien them
for any 16 marker what must u do that u always forget
- expalin teh words of teh question in teh intro to show you knowledge and understanding
for any 16 marker what must u do that u always forget
- expalin teh words of teh question in teh intro to show you knowledge and understanding
how many countries is coca cola in
what is TNC investing in new countries called
foreign dirrect investement
what does globalisation and space tiem compression arguably create .. (term)
- a gloabal village
what do i mean when i say formal vs informal plce represenation
- formal - quantative data
- informal- quallatatiev
when talking about formal vs informal place representation what should be your case
New york
whats teh issue with formal and informal place representaion
- formal ignores peopels place idenity
- informal is subject to alot of bias
what are formal represenations of place
- census data
- geo spacial data - ( data about the landsacpe)
what are teh inforal represenations of place
- TV, film, music, art, photogrpahy, literature, (graphiti and blogs)
how does differnt informal place idenity contrast with it self
* TV and Film- films and musica like annie and west side story highligth the huge deprivation and inquallity in NY where as serise like sex in the city and friends paint it out to be quite a glamerous place, where you can have a 2000sq apartemt on a chef and waitress sallery.
* music- music can glamerise NYC such as in franksinatras new york new york where as other songs paint a more relaistic picture, such as teh only living boy in new york by simon and garfunkle which expresses how lonly it actully is.
* literature-
* photographs- the slum dogs of new york phot of child homlessnes vs lucnh a top a sky scraper highlighting the opertunitys in nyc ans the brave hustler spirit of its workforce.
how does differnt informal place idenity contrast with formal place idenity
**informal is more possitve **
**socioeconomics **
* housing
1. the averege rent is nyc is 2700 dollars and av apartemnt size is 820sf vs the frinds appartment which is 1,700sf and is estamted to cost 4,000 a month. yet isowned by a waitress and a chef.
* employment
1. frank sinatra new york new york, says he wants to wakup and find hes “A numbre 1 top of the list king of the hill” yet in the bronx 16% of the population earn less than 10,000 a year and 30% live bellow the poverty line.
Natural and buit enviroment
* there is a corrilation between represention and reallity
1. in the song epire state of mind its decribed as a concreet jungle, taking him back to that macdonelds and being hood. this represets the phsycial pace profile as new york with its 6000 sky scrapers, the bronks area and infestation of TNC’s
informal represenations of place are more significant than formal representations in influenicng peoples perseption of place/ is more acurate representaion of place idenity - essay plan
- intro
1. informal place idenity its anyhting classified as quallative data about a place. This involves, TV, Films, Art, photography, literature, street art and blogs. formal place idenity is quantatative data, so census data and geospacial data. both are important in shapign peoples perseption of a place but becuse of the greater prevelance of the media in peoples lives informal place representaion is more significant. - informal
1. informal representions are more significant as they reach more people/affect more peoples place perseption, depite inacuracies.
1. for example frinds which is set in nyc and give quite an idelaistc view of the city is the most watched tv show of all tiem. In the show they own a 1,600sf apartment valued at $4000 dollars a mounth depite being a waiter and a chef. This shows how socioeconics as a charteristc of place idntity of a place can be distorted easily by conventional media and accepted by the masses so that they have a false sense of place identity
2. However, For example the only living boy in nyc by simon and garfunkle speaks about how lonly nyc is, when according to a census study 57% of newyorkers are lonly. - yet peopel tend to view neq york as a scocial hub/ “city that never sleeps” - formal
1. formal place identity- more acurate
2. for example, shows like sex in the city and gossip girl try and paint a picture of nyc as a glamerous, upmarket city. Howver, nyc has still gained a reputaion for being one of the dirtiest cities in the world. Thsi refects geo spavial data as tehre is estmated to be over 2 million rats in the city which is equivilant to a rat per 4 peopel.
3. however there is a massive overlap as formal idenity shapes informal idenity: for example in the song epire state of mind nyc’s physical place profile is describes as a concreet jungles, and acording to geo spacial data nyc is one of the bussiest skylines in the world, with over 6000 high rise buildings. Therfore its impossible to tell which is more significnt. - conlusion
1. formal place idenity is significant in shaping peopels perseption of place as it is more a more acurate representionof place. However, as people consume ore informal representaion, especially now adays becuse of the media, informal place idenity is more significant.
how many high rise buildings are ther in nyc
what % of newyorkers described tehmself as lonly
how many rats are tehre in nyc
- 2 million, 1 for evey 4 peopel
what is social inequllity
- the unequal distrbaution of resorces and wealth across a population.
by what mechnisms can you mesure inequallity
- housing
- healthcare
- access to servies
- education
- emplotment
- wealth/income
how can u measure income inequallity - realting to employment and wealth
- gini coefficent
- % of peopel in absolute poverty
how much do u have to live off a day to be considered as livin in absolute poverty
- $1.25 a day
what does the gini coefficent do
- measures the rate of icome inequallity in a country 0 being absolute equallity and 1 being 1 person having all tge resources.
give an example in the UK of there being alot of wealth inequallity
- London has a high gini coefficent rellative to the rest of teh uk, at 0.337.
if your taking about inequallity between places where r u talking
- lansdown vs SC
give evidence of inequallity though housing within and between places + explain
- social inequallity is closly liknked to the, type, condition and price of housing in an area. its a good reflection of income as it shows what people in an area are able to aford.
**average prop/rent price **
* between
1. LD- 500k
1. SC- 70-400k
- whithin
1. London
Hatton cross - £325 per month
Notting hill - £1820 per month - dtroit
85,oo lots abandoned
if your talking inequallity within a place where are you talking
- london or england as a whole if yo dont have a london example
explain give evidence of inequallity though health within and between places + explain + what other topic this links to
- There is a massive “post code lotterly” in the uk, in that where you are born dictates your health outcome. helth outcome is a good reflecter of inequallity as it refects access to servises, such as peropel per doctor. certain deprimental life style factors in terms of health are worse in deprived areas/ are unavoidable to people on lower incmes. For example, access to good air quallity or a good diet. A worse quallity of life also means that alchoholism, drug adictions and smoking are more previlent and can permiate culture.
- disease dillemas - and the so called “post code lottery”
life expectancy and health outcome
* LD- top 10% and av lif ex 84
* SC- bottom 5% av lif ex 78
give evidence of inequallity though education within and between places + explain
- education is a good refection of your job a income and therfore inequallity
**peopel with level 4 qualificatins **
* LD: 54%
* SC: 15%
give evidence of inequallity though empoyment within and between places + explain
- lower rates of emplyment mean peopel arnt able to fund their life style. thi scan result in absolute poverty and a worse standard of living.
** employment** - LD: emplyment is nolonger publishes as a statistic but lansdown ranks amung the lowest interns of benifits claims in the country
- SC: stokes croft is amung the top is in the op third for benifits claims. w
give evidence of inequallity though access to servises within and between places + explain
- in places like in most of america, distrabution of tax is done via disticts. Therfore, if your district has a lower tax basis you will have less acess to quallity servises and a cycle of deprivation will ensue.
- however, genrally acess to servises in the uk are unequally distributed, to premote further economic growth and to reach the most amount of peopel quallity servusises either public or private are usually placed in richer urban areas. For example, the elizabeth line in cental london.
access to schooling
* LD: 2 notoriously good state primary schools and 2 private senior schools
* where as tehre areno schools in stokes croft depite them being the same sized area
* this will then dictate the futures of the kids who grow up there and drive either a cycle of economic growth or deprivation.
give evidence of inequallity though income within and between places + explain
- income is teh best dieect indicator of standard of living and thus inequallty between places.
**income **
* LD: 46k
* SC: 32k
whats the best indictors of inequallity/ indicators u shoudl talk about in a question
- list them all but them, however the UN find that interms of an indicator of development and inequallity between places that which is included in HDI is the most important. This includes
- Healthcare/health- refected by life expectancy
- education- reflected by literacy rate
- income- refected by GNI
- however more on international scale, and in uk liercy rate is almost 100% so i will comare level of schooling and average income instead.
why are there spacial patterns of inequallity between places + eplain + example
- housings inequallity
1. lower income, less afordable housing since the 1980s, 2nd home ownership andgentfification causing house prices and cost of living to increse
2. in SC the house market has seen a 200% increse, making it harkder for local to aford livivng in the area.
2. can have secondry health implications from mold of sleeping rouph= more time off work keeping peopel in a cycle of deprivation - health inequallity
1. lower income= poorer diet, clure of alcholholism, smoking an drug adiction as an escape from having a lower standard of living and quallity of life. rural areas often have poorer access to helth servises and the NHS is more over run due to the already decrese health outcome’s from the reasons liste above.
2. SC: life ex 78 vs 84 in LD, income LD =46k vs 32SC LD-10% lest deprived SC= 10% most depived in uk
3. the glasgow eeefctb - education inequallity
1. unequal opertunity, e.g private schools and tuition since early 2000s mean people get differign eductions depending on their parenst income/ socio economic backagroud as well as where tehy grew up.
1. poor eductional opertunity helops maintain wealth inequallity, putting people in a cycle of deprivation. in more crowded urabn areas there is more stress on the schhols.
2. LD: 2 private schhols and 2 exeptionary state primary schools.
2. LD: 54% level 4 eduction vs SC: 15, income 46k vs 32k.
3. generationally this cycle of deprivation - wealth inequallity
1. low income, differnce in cost of living, e.g cost of living in londondon is 1,000 a month more than the rest of the uk average and the gini coeffcient for london is 0.334 vs in places like wincester where its 0.210 - inequallity in access to servises
1. this greatly effects quality of life and standard of living
2. schools in lansdown vs stokes croft
what involved with quality of life and standard of living
- social
- political
- economic
- physical
list why/ how are there spacial patterns of inequallity between place
- housing
- eductaion
- health
- wealth
- access to servises
winchester gini coefficient
why are there spacial patterns of inequallity between places, what are your paragraphs
- wealth
- health
- housing
whast the cycle of deprivation
- poverty
- poor living consittions and access to srvises
- poor health and education
- poor skills and low productiverty
list how social inequallity impacts on peopel and place in differnt ways if its a question about comparing two places.
LD and SC
* physical enviroment(housing) (enviromental quallity)
* social inequallity
* digital divide
for a case study of two places, what types of evidense is there of social inequallity list
LD and SC
* enviromental quallity
* social inequallity
* digital divide
for a case study of two places or if it has peopel and place in the title, what types of evidense is there of social inequallity
LD and SC
* housing
1. 500k vs 70k-135k average
* enviromental quallity
1. LD: green belt with two golf clubs and a two woodland areas inlcuding primrose woods. this has implictaions for quality of life and health outcome. SC on the other hand has one small area of greeland known as bog island which is no more than a few meaters squared.
* social inequallity
1. crome rate in sc is 11/1000 vs 1.98 in LD, speaks to despiration of people
* income inequallity
1. 46k vs 32
* digital divide
1. 98% of residents in LD have their own mobile devise or laptop vs 76% in SC. ….(made up)
for a case study of two places or if it has peopel and place in the title, what types of evidense is there of social inequallity what are your points
- housing inequallity
- income inequallity
- factors relating to social inequallty (crime)