Changing Population Flashcards
What is north-south divide?
Increasing inequality levels in development between north/south or HICs/LICs
What is the development gap?
Difference in wealth between developed and developing world
What is OPEC?
Organization of petroleum exporting countries, reps interests of oil exporters
What is the G7/G8?
Group of the world’s most powerful / wealthy countries
What is the G10 or Paris Club?
Group representing wealthiest members of International Monetary Fund
What are some global trends in population distribution?
75% within 1,000 km of sea
85% less than 500 m high
85% between lats 68°n and 20°n
Less than 10% in southern hemisphere
Favor: fertile valleys, reg supply of water, temperate climate, good comms
What’s the difference between HICs, MICs, and LICs?
LICs: per capital income < $1,025
MICs: per capital income $1,026 - $12,475
HICs: per capital income > $12,476
Overall increasing worldwide
Describe case study: economic classifications
First world: developed
Second world: state-controlled communist countries
Third world: developing
More economically developed (MEDC): HICs
Newly industrializing (NICs): rapid growth since 1960 (BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa; MINT: Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkey)
Centrally planned economies (CPEs): socialist, many former-communists
Oil-rich: rich but not well distributed
Recently industrializing (RICs): NICs but recent
Less economically developed (LEDCs): LICs (Egypt)
Least developed (LDCs): not developed (Afghanistan)
It’s a continuum
Describe population distribution in China
Concentrated in eastern area: rain-fed agriculture, trade → mega-regions
Other areas are desert, mountains, grasslands
50% on 8.2% of land
More developed in east → inequalities
Describe internal migration in China
Since 1978, 160 mil migrants mainly to coastal industrial areas for higher pay
Generally good for economy and migrants, but costs are rising
Describe population distribution and migration in South Africa
Population distribution:
High density in core economic regions: mineral resources, farming, trading
Low in most arid and mountain areas
3 periods of internal migration:
Until 1950, economic migration from industrial development
Forced immigration from apartheid
Voluntary immigration after apartheid
After apartheid, many Black people homeland → city for work
Circular migration between home and host areas, often low-paying jobs
Many African migrants go to South Africa, highest # asylum claims in world
Increasing violence toward migrants
What is the demographic transition model (DTM)?
General model based on England, Wales, Sweden; shows change in birth/death rates
Different countries have different models
Stage 1: high and variable
Pop grows fluctuates; only in some tribal communities now
Children for labor, elder care; death from poverty, disease
Stage 2: early expanding
Birth high, death drops; high growth
Sudan, Libya
Stage 3: late expanding
Birth drops, death low; slow growth
Brazil, Argentina
Stage 4: low and variable
Pop growth fluctuates
UK and developed
Stage 5: low declining
Birth < death; pop declines; Japan
Children expensive, social security; less death from higher living standards
What is natural change?
Crude birth – crude death rate = % (decreasing if neg)
Doubling time: years for pop to double; 70 / nat increase
Pop momentum: grow despite fall in birth/fertility bc many people (pre) childbearing
What is the total fertility rate?
Average # births per 1000 women of childbearing age
Completed family size if rate is constant
Generally higher in LICs
Affecting factors:
Status of women (equality = less birth)
Level of eduction + material ambition: more ed = less birth, really rich and poor are large fams
Location (rural = more birth)
Health of mother
Economic prosperity (can you afford a child?)
Need for children (high if high infant mortality, labor)
What is life expectancy?
Average # years expected to live given demographic
Lowest in sub-saharan Africa, esp from poverty, AIDS, conflict
Generally goes up over time, higher for women