Changing Places Flashcards
Urban film
the gentlemen, 2019
set in Uxbridge, london
rich lavish main charcter fits, insiders are the rich upperlclass, criminals with status and power, outsiders young local boys
rural film
wild child 2008
set in a boarding school in kent
dull disconnected to urvan life, unlike what the main character has experience, outsider perspective
insiders are the local British girls
Rio de Janeiro demographics
pop of 6.7 million
primarily white portuguese, 11% black
18.6% aged 60 or over
rio endogenous factors
5m above sea level
topography is mostly mountains and forest, Tijuca forest is the largest urban forest
important transport hub, international airport and docks encouraging trade and tourism
trading centre of SA
Known for hosting carnival to celebrate before Lent
Berlin demographics
3 million popoulation 71% ethnic germans, turks and arabs are the largest non white population, 21% over 65
Berline endogenous fctors
34m above sea level
flat topography making it easier to settle and build lasting infrastructure, located on a river bridge point indicating berlin started as a trading output, built environment influenced by 20th century history
How have shifting flows of people stimulated demographic change
young people leaving uckfield as they are unable to afford housing, this leaves older people
large scale migration from north Africa to ewurpoe creates gender imbalances
How have shifting flows of money and investment stimulated demographic change
the london dockalnds was set up in 1981 to redvelop the dicks area to improve the economy and the built envionrmnt, this boosted the population
How have shifting flows of ideas and resouces stimulated demographic change
poorer countries have higher fertility rates so the UNFPA was set up to spread the knowledge of contraceptives and supply resources such as condoms
Media place v lived experience example
tourist companies will present places such as the Caribbean as a place of relaxation, an ideal holiday destination (tourist gaze) however, locals may view it as a place of poverty and stress
How have shifting flows of people stimulated cultural change
people moving bring their own culture into a place, this can change the characteristics. e.g. mass immigration from commmonwelth countries into the UK in the 20th century brought about a mult-ethnic society with a mix of languages, foods, and religions
How have shifting flows of money and ideas stimulated cultural change
new cultral ideas can be brought about by companies, for example the opening of American fast food places is leading to westernisation and cultural imperialism. It is though people in china prefer western food.
industrialisation and deindustrialization created the foundation and image of places
How have shifting flows of people stimulated economic change
people visting can change the economic characteristics of a place. e.g. St Ives, Cornwall use to be a fishing settlement but it is now a tourist destination, a decline in the fishing industry altered the types of jobs available
How have shifting flows of resources stimulated economic change
outward flow of local products and natural resources can have an impact on the economy. e.g. Scottish whiskey has become one of the biggest industries in Scotland due to international exports. This has provided work even in remote communities due to distilliaries
How have shifting flows of money stimulated economic change
e. g. reduced investment has led to the decline of some primary industries in the UK, this has led to deindustrialisation and damaged the economies reliant on those industries. in south Wales thousands of jobs were lost when coal mines in the 50s closed.
e. g. inward investment can have a positive effect, investment into the finance industries in the City of Lonodn has created many high value service sector jobs which has mad it wealthy.
How have shifting flows of people stimulated social change in the form of social inequality
regional rural-urban migration has changed levels of social inequality, e.g. large scale rural-urban migration in cities such as Mumbai has resulted din illegal and overcrowded slums. Th emigrants often has a poor quality of life with limited access to essential amenities such as clean water. This is widening the gap between the wealthy and the working class.
How have shifting flows of resourses stimulated social change in the form of social inequality
the outward flow of resources from poorer countries can change levels of social inequality. e.g. large amounts of oil form nigeria is exported around the world, but this only benefits the wealthy few
How have shifting flows of money stimulated social change in the form of social inequality
gentrification has imporved the social characteristics of some places but this has widened the gap between the rich and poor
Mexico-USA shifting flows
high unemployement in mexico decades ago led to mass migration from Mexico to states such as texas nd califonria, migrants were happy to take any jobs locals did not want, e.g. cleaners
a recession hit and locals became resentful at the migrants for having the jobs they now wanted. more migrants continued to pour in saturating the job market, decreasing wages
by 1990, there were a million mesixcans in the USA and Americans believed hisoanic culture was taking over, creating widespread tension
Germany shifting flows
German government encouraged turkish migration after ww2, they needed labourers and many germans did not want poorly paid unskilled work. The tukish were happy to take these jobs as there was low demand for labourers in turkey
The turkish population within Berlin rose to 100,000 by 2016
this reduced pressure on resources back in turkey and remittiances were sent back home, this solved the labour shortage in Germany and spread tuekish culture
however, the turks were ranked the lowest in the Berlins institution integration ranking, they were secluded from society. when german unemployment grew, the turks were blamed and racial tension grew
How many of the top 10 brands are american
Disney and westernisation
largest entertainment TNC $50bn annual earning
exposes children around the world to western ideas such as chritsmas
has over 140 learning centres in china teaching children english
how has the west shaped china
economy: US investments in 2019 valued at $116.2 billion, foreign invested enterprise account for over half of chinas imports/exports, largest rceieveer of FDI in 2020
diets: 6,600 KFC and over 2,000 Mcdonalds in china, people slowly preferring western food
fashion: changing fashion consumerism in china, out of the top 20 brands, 13 were American
culture: increased consumption of western culture like Hollywood and chridtamas among the youth, brides now wear white
Industrial character of sheffield
the character of sheffield is a misture of its industrial past and the redevelopment that has taken place
sheffield is still characterised as an industrial city, steel works such as Sheffield forgemasters provide steel to international markets, and the heritage of the city has been retained by creating a conservation area to preserve historically significant landmarks, New art installation such has the Cutting Edge sculpture also reflect the city’s industrial character.
New connections have been made that have added to the character of the city, today sheffield is characterised as a student city, with over 50,000 students across 2 universities, both with strong international reputations.
the city has also made connections with high tech industries, for example the advanced manufacturing research centre carries out research into cutting edge manufacturing techniques, which also plays in to the industrial character.
the city has also experienced rebranding which was welcomed bu the community, it has been marketed as the outdoor city. the aim was to boost tourism surrounding physical activities. Household expenditure on outdoor equipment is over three times the national average.
Flows in Detroit
used to be a global centre of car manufacturing
the investment from the agglomeration of automobile tncs gave the city a massive economic boost, providing high wage work
this altered the demographic by attracting large number of african-american migrants, the population peaked at 1.8 million in the 50s
after the 50s, many manufacturing tncs relocated to places with cheaper labour such as Mexico. this led to mass unemployment and population decline as many wealthier white citizens moved to the suburbs where they were able to commute to other places of work, white flight
this led to high levels of social depravtion and crmie rates, there was also racial tension due to segregation of the wealthier white communities from the poorer black Americans in the city, 82% of the city residents are black
describe rebranding of the lake district
largest natgional park in england
famous for scenery
over the years it has tried to rebrand itself as the adventure capital of the UK by offering a wide variety of activities such as boat cruises and climbing as it wanted to attract younger visitors
this was successful attracting 15.8 million visitors annually this earn Cumbria £925 million
for the rebranding of the LD
Adevture capital idea supported by the LDNP authority to encourage new generations to engage with nature in the national park
encouraging outdoor activities brings more tourism and spending opportunities, this money can be reinvested into the park
tradition mines and farms such as the Honister slate mines are shutting down due to deindustrialization, rebranding converts these old industries into tourism hotspots which provides work
against the rebranding
natural beauty is being converted to outdoor activities , this can make it lose its value as some activities such as a ziplne can be intrusive to the natural landscape
400 people were against the building of the zipline, it had potential to damage the environment
increase in tourism can damage the environment, people intruding into previously undisturbed areas, littering
Friends of the LD agsint the rebranding as it affects their sense of place, their slogan is The only membership organisation dedicated to protecting
and enhancing Lake District and Cumbrian landscapes
what is being done for thre LD
active zoning- areas less damaged by tourists are made more appealing in hopes that the damaged areas are given time to heal
Upland Path Landscape Restoration project UPLRP was a 10 year projected dedicated to restoring the paths and fix the damage to the landscape, £900,000 was spent in 2004
improved public transport- gov spent £7 million on the Drive less See more scheme which encourages visitors to not use their cars by providing more bus services, bike paths, and connecting footpaths in the areas
place marketing example
reimaging example
in 80/90s birmingham was viewed as a place with high unemployment and it has reimaged
rebranding example
glasgow ‘people make glasgow’ create positiove associations
literay association
moorlands of west yorkshire inspired the works of the bronte sisters, the village of hawthorn is a tourist hotspot
northumberland coastal route pomotes its castles and historic gospels
outdoor pursuits
kielder water and foret park is advertised as an outdoor adventure playground, attracts 350,000 visitors annually
wembley facts
suburb in brent london
much of the area was forested but now functions for commercial use
flat topography ideal for large infrastructure such as wmebley stadium, ideal for housing the 100,000 that live there
london underground connects wmebley to central London, embodies cummter town characteristics
2007 sports led regeneration attracted business investment and boosted the economy after industrial decline
2013 LDO opened which led to a multiplier effect
young median age of 32 due to immigration
very culturally diverse, 52% first language nor english
moderate crime rates
low proportion of the population in skilled trades, most in professional occupations this reflects the redevelopment and the rise of service sector work