Change In Bowel Habit Flashcards
Sequence of events
Open question- tell me more
Timeline- when did it start/ how has it progressed
Timing- has it happened before/ if so when
Symptom analysis
Clarify- what do you mean? Had consistency changed or are you going more or less frequently
Frequency- how often do you normally Koenig your bowers. What is normal for you?
Character/ colour- what are your motions like? Watery, semi solid, achy mucus in stools or tissue paper, colour?
Malaena- any dark, foul smelling stools?
Exacerbating or relieving factors?- does anything trigger the events? Anything make it better?
Tenesmus- do you feel like you always need the toilet, even after you’ve been? Is this despite not passing much stool?
Systems review
FWARJNL Tiredness (anaemia)
GI- vomiting, nausea, pain, bloating, flatus, haematemesis, dysphagia, reflux or indigestion
NS- any back pain, weakness in legs
Foreign travel recently
Colon cancer
55+ (unless FH)
Red flag symptoms
Consider in men and non menstruating women with unexplained iron deficiency anaemia
Previous history of malignancy and inflammatory bowel disease (coealiac)
History of risk factor eg, uncooked food, travel etc.
Acute diarrhoea (watery, loose, bloody etc)
N and v
Household members may also be unwell
Blood or mucus in stool
Abdominal pain
Fever mouth ulcers anorectal disease and extraintestinal Sx
Weight loss
Fluctuate between diarrhoea and constipation
Anxious personality/ associated with stress
Crappy abdominal pain and bloating
Pain relieved on passing a motion
No blood in stools or other red flags
Coeliac disease
Anaemia symptoms
Abdominal discomfort
Diarrhoea Heat intolerance Irritability Tremor Oligomenorrhoea
Cold intolerance
Obstruction (not passing flatus) Opiates (constipation) Lactose intolerance Diverticulitis Clostridium (recent ABX) Calcium abnormalities Faecal impact ion- overflow diarrhoea CMV diarrhoea in HIV
Patients perspective
Feeling and effect on life
Ideas concerns expectations
Anaemia, IBD, previous malignancy
Laxatives, anti diarrhoea’s, analgesics eg. Coedine
IBD, malignancy (colorectal and OVARIAN)
Smoking alcohol recreational drugs
Home life
Factors causing constipation
Diet- low fibre, processed or ready meals, reduced water intake
Lack of exercise and immobility
Medication- opioids, iron supplements etc.
Anorectal disease eg. Fissures that make defecation painful
Diverticular disease
Middle aged elderly patients with bloody diarrhoea and pain in left illiac fossa
Diverticulitis- fever, nausea, vomiting
Risk factors- obesity and low dietary fibre
Eg, due to coeliac disease, chronic pancreatitis, thyroid disease, diabetes
Steatorrhoea, weight loss, general malaise
Full abdo exam and PR exam FBC LFT UE TFT CRP ESR coeliac screen Stool culture Faecal occult blood AXR Colonoscopy, endoscopy Abdominal CT