Altered Sensation Flashcards
Sequence of events
Open question
Timeline- how did it start, progression since then
Symptom analysis
Site- where do you get the feeling, is it both sides of body
Onset- when did you first notice it, suddenly or gradually
Character- describe what it feels like exactly
Radiation- same sensation anywhere else
Associated features- see systems review
Timing- there all the time or come and go
Exacerbating or relieving factors- worse with stress, heat, or exercise
Severity- affecting you day to day
Systems review
NS- vision, hearing, taste, smell, eye pain, blurred vision, muscle weakness, balance, speech difficulties, headaches, seizures and blackouts
Pain, incontinence, anxiety (do you feel anxious before it happens)
Vascular- does it happen when hands or feet are cold, do they turn white the blue then red, painful when red etc.
Constitutional- FWARJNLCT
Patients perspective
Feelings and effect on life
Background information
SH- alcohol can be a cause of neuropathy
Common presentations- optic neuritis, altered sensation, weakness and ataxia
INSULAR- intention tremor, nystagmus, slurred speech, urogenital Sx, labile emotions, ataxia, retrobulbar neuritis
Have to ask about previous episodes to make a diagnosis however
Sudden onset
Other neurological symptoms likely eg. Motor, speech, eyesight
SOL (tumour or abscess)
Slowly evolving symptoms such as seizures, focal neurological deficits, cognitive/personality changes, signs of raised ICP
Pressure on nerve root affecting sensory or motor modalities of that root
Cervical spondylosis
Alternated sensation below level affected (neck stiffness possible)
Upper limb- LMN sign
Lower limb- UMN sign
Spinal stenosis
Pressure on spine from mass, trauma
Sensory level with altered sensation below affected level
LMN signs at affected level, UMN signs below affected level
Neuropathic claudication
Specific area of sensory or motor loss related to location of syrinx
Usually one sensory tract is lost at a time eg. Spinothalamic
Symptoms may worsen due to events such as trauma, sneezing or coughing
Affects a single dermatome and or myotome, can be motor sensory or both
Can happen following trauma/nerve compression eg common peroneal nerve palsy
Mononeuritis multiplex
Inflammation of multiple single peripheral nerves causing pain, numbness, weakness, associated with DM, autoimmune infections, or amyloidosis
Causes ABCDE- alcohol, vitamin B deficiency, chronic renal failure, diabetes and everything else (MS, cancer, amyloidosis)
Mainly motor or sensory (glove and stocking), or mixed
Anxiety attacks (+-hyperventilation)
History of anxiety with tingling sensations around mouth and in fingers
Sympathetic response- tachycardia, sweating, trembling, shaking
Raynauds phonomenom
Hands turn from white to blue to red with severe pain, often when cold
Primary Raynauds very common and benign
Secondary causes include scleroderma, lupus, vasuciltis- get distal necrosis and ulcers
Neurological examination, finger prick BM
Bloods-FBC UE HBA1c blood glucose (may be new diabetes diagnosis) vitamin B12 and folate
Nerve conduction studies
MRI. head/spinal cord (depends on findings)