Change and the Organisation Flashcards
What are the organisational metaphors?
8 ways in which we approach change..
- Machines - designed and controlled
- Brains - intelligence led, library, memory bank
- Political systems - managing groups of needs
- Flux and transformation - chaos and complexity
- Organsims - open systems that adapt
- Cultures - shared systems of meaning, norms, beliefs etc
- Physic prisms - unconscious shadows from family
- Instruments of domination - systems of control
Provide framework
Variety of approaches
Language tailored to approach
What are the levels of organisational culture?
- Surface org - visible artefacts - layout/furniture
- Norms & values - shared right and wrong - rule book, social control, good & bad, assumed unless violated
- Relative basic assumptions, underpin norms and values
What models describe the change process?
- Lewis’s three stage
- Cotters 8 step
- Senge’s systems thinking model
What is the concept of emergent change?
Change is continuous, open ended, unpredictable
Alignment of org to its environment
How does culture develop
Values, assumptions, norms result in success - what happens underpins thinking of org.
Change threatens culture - needs sensitivity
Mange key messages to support change
How is culture ÷shaped?
Behviour - how people act
Symbols - what they do
System - how org supports
What is the difference between climate and culture?
Climate changes more than culture - reflects current feeling, situation
Climate is influenced by culture
Culture is org norms, behaviours
What are Taylors five positive cultural focuses?
Agreement on cultural focus helps success. Can have a blend.
Achievement Customer-centric One-team Innovative People first
What are the different cultural archetypes
Person vs Task
Eligalitarian vs Hyerachial
- Incubator - self expression, fulfilment
- Guided missile - orientated tasks
- Family - power orientated, caring father
- Eiffel Tower - formal beauracracy, structure
Describe Lewin’s three step model
Describes process of change:
Unfreeze: activities to conduct by those leading/impacted by change
Collab helps commitment, richness
1. Define current situation
2. Vision of end state
3. Identify forces that will resist change
Plan followed to implement, involvement, experimentation, role models
New practices become habits
Thinking becomes wisdom
Leaders keep all in line with new ways - reward
Kotter’s 8 step model - antidotes to errors seen in change
- Sense of urgency - essential
- Guiding coalition - leaders
- Develop vision & strategy - why
- Communicate vision - clear
- Empower employees - willing
- Short term wins - boost morale
- Consolidate change and produce more - don’t revert to old ways
- Anchor new in culture - identify threats & address
What is Kotter’s dual operating system?
Traditional family tree hierachy for BAU
Autonomous self directed teams
Second system works alongside first to deliver change, agile, uses structures
What is Senge’s Systematic Model and its 5 learning disciplines?
Describes process that can limit growth and implementation of proposed changes:
- Shared vision
- Mental models
- Team learning
- Personal mastery
- Systems thinking (profound change)
Continuous learning innovation improvement
What are the three change challenges?
Initiating change:
Lack of time, irrelevance, leaders not walking talk
Sustaining the transformation:
Job security, loss control, trust
Measuring change, tension between learning and assessment
Redesign and re-think
Governance- control or direction
Spreading new practices effectively
What is a CAS?
Complex Adaptive System - consisting of many agents, that adapt and learn
E.g. financial market, immune system
Organisations will change over time. Complex interactions, follow rules.
People and Groups influence change.