Chaney Flashcards
- show funhaler provides +ve reinforcement ~ improved adherence in young asthmatics compared to conventional inhalers
Research Method
- Field: natural, but still controlled, eg. queationnaires
- Repeated measures: can easily guess aim/provide info to support it, but no individual differences
- 32 Australian kids
- 10 boys & 22 girls
- random sample, 5 diff states/clinics
- mean: 3.2 years
- IV: normal inhaler, funhaler
- DV: adherence rates (measured by self-report)
Ensured funhlaer didn’t compromise drug delivery
1) Parents given 1st questionnaire at start ab child’s attitude/compliance to their normal inhaler
2) 2 weeks after funhaler, given 2nd questionnaire (had same Qs as 1st)
3) Qs related to how easy device was to use, compliance of parents/children & treatment attitudes
4) During study, each parent called randomly to find out whether they had attempted to medicate child day b4
- 80% took recommended dosage for funhaler, 50% normal
- 68% pleasure w funhaler, 10% normal
- 81% medicated child previous day w funhaler, 59% normal
- significantly more parents reported ‘always’ successful in medicating child (22/30) compared to normal (3/30)
Type of data
- no. kids complied w funhaler vs normal = ez to compare
- no info directly from kids (assumed adherence ; positive reinforcement)
- funhaler which has incentive toys provide positive reinforcement ~ improved adherence in young asthmatics
- funhaler improves measures of clinical outcomes,
> eg. lowers admission rates to hospital for asthma attacks - self-reinforcement strategies w devices (eg. funhaler) may improve overall child health
- ~ by making regime fun, adherence in kids improve but more research recommended in long term for efficacy of treatment
- low internal: self-report ~ bias ; wanting to seem good saying they medicated children more than they have - social desirability
- high ecological: own home, natural environment
- matching questionnaires after each inhaler ~ responses = comparable
- diff environments ~ situational variables could alter measures consistency
- researchers tried to minimise bias by not giving extra info on funhaler usage
Sampling bias
- b & g
- random sampling ~ low bias ~ representative
- in Perth/Western Australia ~ higher generalisability
- but may not be applicable to outside Australian cultures, eg. Asia & Africa - 80% rely on home remedies
- tests carried out to ensure satisfactory amount of meds delivered
- IC: parents briefed on aims
- RTW: kids may have felt forced to participate to obey parents
Practical applications
- reduce asthma attack risks by enforcing positive reinforcement strategies
- in schools, hospitals, home
- Deterministic: environmentally determinism - changing environment (funhaler) changes behaviour
- Nurture/Situational: changing smth in environment to increase desired behaviour
- Individual differences: some kids may hv more compliant or rebellious disposition, eg. ~ compliance rates not 100%
- Reductionist: behaviour change only ; of positive reinforcement - funhaler
- Usefulness: less strain in medical centers/healthcare service, reduces mortality rate, hospital admissions