Chakras Flashcards
Second Chakra (Water)
Swadisthana, located between pubis and navel, color is orange and associated with feelings and emotional aspects of human beings (often considered the sexual center)
First Chakra (Earth)
Muladhara, color is red, located at the floor of the pelvis, and is associated with physical functioning, physical pain, and pleasure
Third Chakra (Fire)
Manipura, located between solar plexus and navel, color is yellow, it is a power center that is associated with linear thinking
Fourth Chakra (Air)
Anahata, color is green and is located beneath the sternum metabolizing the energy of love
Fifth Chakra (Ether)
Vishuddhi, color is blue, and located in throat and associated with the power of the word and taking responsibility for our actions.
Sixth Chakra (Pure Thought)
Anja, color is violet, and is located between the eyebrows and represents the mind. It is the spiritual eye and is associated with intuition and celestial love.
Seventh Charka (Pure Consciousness)
Sahasrara, color is clear and located several inches above the crown of the head. It’s cone shape opens to the heavens and is associated with the higher mind, knowing, and integration of our Spiritual and physical make-up.