Ch9 Cross-cutting Systems Engineering Methods Flashcards
What are the benefits of models and simulations?
1) they confirm the need for the systems and anticipate system behaviors before proceeding with the development of an actual system, and
2) they present a clear, coherent design to those who will develop, test, deploy, and evolve the system.
What is a model?
An abstraction or representation of a system, entity, phenomenon, or process of interest.
What is a simulation?
The implementation of a model (or models) in a specific environment that allows the model’s execution (or use) over time.
List some of the purposes that models can serve.
1) characterizing an existing system;
2) mission and system concept formulation and evaluation;
3) system architecture design and requirements flow-down;
4) support for systems integration and verification;
5) support for training;
6) knowledge capture and system design evolution.
What is “Model-based System Engineering (MBSE)”?
The formalized application of modeling to support system requirements, design, analysis, verification, and validation activities beginning in the conceptual design phase and continuing throughout development and later life cycle phases.
What are the benefits of MBSE?
1) improved communications;
2) increased ability to manage system complexity;
3) improved product quality;
4) enhanced knowledge capture and reuse of information;
5) improved ability to reach and learn SE fundamentals.
What are the common pitfalls of using IPDT?
1) Spending too much time defining the vision and objectives;
2) Insufficient authority;
3) IPDT members are insensitive to management issues and overcommit or overspend;
4) Teams are functionally oriented rather than cross-functionally process oriented;
5) Insufficient continuity of team members through the project;
6) Transition to the next stage team specialists occurs too early or too late in the schedule;
7) Overlapping assignments for support personnel compromises their effectiveness;
8) Inadequate project infrastructure.
What is the distinctive capability exhibited by agile systems?
The ability to sustain effective operation under conditions of unpredictability, uncertainty, and change.
What is the purpose of the verification, validation and accreditation (VV&A) process?
To certify that a model or simulation is acceptable for use for a specific purpose. This is done to reduce the associated risk of employing the model or simulation in the decision process.
What is FBSE (Functions-based systems engineering method)?
An approach to SE that focuses on the functional architecture of the system. FBSE describes what the system will do, not how it will do it. It should be conducted iteratively.
What is OOSEM (Object-Oriented System Engineering Method)?
A methodology which uses object-oriented concepts together with other traditional SE methods. Objects-oriented concepts include blocks and objects, along with encapsulation and inheritance. Techniques that are unique to OOSEM include parametric flow-down, system/logical decomposition, requirements variation analysis.
Which kinds of prototyping exist?
Rapid prototyping and traditional prototyping. Rapid prototyping is a particular type of simulation quickly assembled from a menu of existing physical, graphical or mathematical elements.
What is the goal of interface management?
To provide a simple but effective method to formally document and track the exchange of information as the life cycle processes are performed.
What is an IPDT (Integrated Product Development Team)?
A multidisciplinary group of people who are collectively responsible for delivering a defined product or process.
What is IPPD (Integrated Product and Process Development)?
The process of using IPDTs to simultaneously develop the design for a product or system and the methods for manufacturing the product or system.
What is Concurrent engineering?
A management/operational approach that aims to improve product design, production, operation, and maintenance by developing environments in which personnel from all disciplines work together and share data throughout all stages of the product life cycle.
What are some benefits of IPPD?
1) improved team communication (through IPDTs)
2) proactive risk process
3) decisions based on timely input from IPDTs
4) improved customer involvement.
Which ones are the basic steps and key activities to organize and run an IPDT?
1) define the IPDT teams for the project
2) delegate responsibility and authority to IPDT leaders
3) staff the IPDT
4) understand the team’s operating environment
5) plan and conduct the kick-off meeting
6) train the team
7) define the team vision and objectives
8) have each team expand the definition of its job
9) establish an expectation of routine process assessment and continuous improvement
10) monitor team progress via measures and reports
11) sustain and evolve the team throughout the project
12) document team products
13) close the project and conduct follow-up activities.
What is Lean SE?
The area of synergy between lean thinking and SE, with the goal to deliver the best life cycle value for technically complex systems with minimal waste.
What is Lean thinking?
A holistic paradigm that focuses on delivering maximum value to the customer and minimizing wasteful practices.
Which are the eight categories in which LAI (Lean Advancement Initiative) classifies waste?
1) overprocessing
2) waiting
3) unnecessary movement
4) overproduction
5) transportation
6) inventory
7) defects
8 ) waste of human potential.
What are the six principles of creating value without waste?
1) value
2) value stream
3) flow
4) pull
5) perfection
6) respect for people.
Which are the four agility measures?
1) time to respond
2) cost to respond
3) predictability of response capability
4) scope of response capability.
Which are the ten reusable, reconfigurable and scalable design principles of Agile architectural design?
1) encapsulated modules
2) facilitated interfacing
3) facilitated reuse
4) peer-peer interaction
5) distributed control and information
6) deferred commitment
7) self-organization
8) evolving standards
9) redundancy and diversity
10) elastic capacity