Ch8 Transport in Animals Flashcards
Why do multicellular animals need transport system?
Describe how the open circulatory system work’s in insects and disadvantages of this type of system:
Describe how a closed circulatory system works and advantages of it:
How does a single circulatory system compare to a large circulatory system?
What do Arteries and Veins do?
Arteries- carry oxygenated blood from heart to body’s cells.
Veins- carry de-oxygenated blood from body’s cells to heart.
What is the pathway of vessels to the heart?
Arteries -→ arterioles –→ capillaries —→ venules —→ veins –→ heart
What are the different components inside blood vessels and what do they do?
- Endothelium - thin layer of smooth squamous cells lining lumen.
- Elastic Fibres - made of elastin, stretch + recoil, vessel has flexibility
- Smooth Muscle - contracts / relaxes to change size of human
- Collagen - structural support to maintain shape + size of vessel.
How does the lumen of artery compare to vein?
Describe blood flow through veins:
As skeletal muscles relax, blood pushes back against valves, causing them to close + prevent backflow.
What is blood? What is the composition of blood?
What are Albumins?
Albumins are small proteins involved in transport of other substances. - regulate osmotic pressure of blood.
Why is the balance of hydrostatic and osmotic pressure of blood important?
Important for the formation of tissue fluid.
What is tissue fluid?
How is tissue fluid and lymph formed?
Describe some properties of the human heart:
Label the different parts of the heart. Flip over to check:
How does the heart work- describe the process of how blood is pumped around the body:
Describe what happens at PQRST on the electrocardiogram?
Explain the myogenic stimulation of the heart:
What does the ECG show for Tachycardia- what does it mean?
What does the ECG show for Bradycardia - what does it mean?
What does the ECG show for Heart Block- what does it mean?
What does the ECG show for Ventricular Hypertrophy- what does it mean?
What does the ECG show for Ventricular Fibrillation- what does it mean?
What does the ECG show for Flat Line- what does it mean?
Describe what happens at P, QRS, T in an ECG:
What adaptations do erythrocytes have that make them ideal for transport in animals?
How does Hb in RBCs bind with oxygen?
How is oxygen able to move out of RBC and into the cytoplasm of metabolising cells?
What is the partial pressure of O2 (pO2) in the lungs and in body cells.
Describe a Hb Saturation Curve and what it shows.
Oxygen Dissociation Graph:
Why does Foetal Hb have a different affinity than mother Hb and What is the graph for oxygen affinity:
Describe the Bohr Effect + graph:
How does the Chloride Shift work. Flip card over: