ch.8 Team Dynamics Flashcards
Define Team:
Groups of two or more people who interact and influence eachother other, are mutually accountable for achieving common goals associated with orginizational objectives, and perceive themselves as a social entity within an orginization
what are informal groups?
the friends you meet for lunch are an "informal group" but they are not a team because they the have little or no interdependence, and no organizationally mandated purpose. (they exist to primary to benefit the members) reasons they exist: -the drive to bond -social idenity theory - goal accomplishment - emotional support
types of teams in organizations
- departmental teams
- production/service/leadership teams
- self directed teams
- advisory teams
- task force (project teams)
- skunkworks
- virtual teams
- communities of practice teams (but often informal groups)
advantages of teams:
- make better decisions
- better information sharing
- increased employee motivation/engagement
Challenges of teams:
- process losses (extra resources needed)
- social loafing ( members can exert less effort)
- brooks’ law (adding more people to a late project just makes it more late
Team effectiveness model
- Organizational and team environment design. states- team processes effectivness
(time and development)
Organizational and team environment (team effectiveness model)
- rewards
- communication
- organizational structure
- organizational leadership
- physical space
task characteristics (best tasks for teams)
1.complex tasks divisible into specified role’s
2. well structured tasks - easy to coordinate.
3. higher task interdependence
-sharing materials/info/resources
-teams are usually better becouse high interdependance
(requires better communication, and motivates team membership)
- teams are less effective if task goals differ (serving clients)
task interdépendance:
the extent to which team members must share materials information or expertise in order to perform their jobs.
levels of task interdependence
(lowest to highest)
- pooled interdependance (lowest)
- sequential interdependence (middle)
- recipricol interdependence (highest)
rule: the higher level of task interdependence, the higher need to organize people into teams rather than working alone.
levels of task interdependence: pooled interdependence (lowest level)
employee shares a common resource (machinery, admin support, budget) with other employees) but otherwise does independent tasks
levels of task interdependence sequential interdependence (middle level)
output of one person becomes the direct input of another person
ex: (assembly lines)
levels of task interdependence reciprocal interdependence (highest level)
work output is exchanged back and fourth between individuals, (people who design a new product or service typically have reciprical interdependence because their decisions affect others involved in the design process)
team sizes
smaller teams are better because:
- less process lost ( wasted resources developing team)
- requires less time to develop the team
- more engaged with the team because they know the team members.
-more responsible for the success of the team.
(teams must be large enough to accomplish the task but not to big)
Team Composition ( the five C’s of team member competency)
- cooperating (sharing)
- coordinating (on track, align work with others)
- communication ( share info efficiently, listen actively)
- comferting ( show empathy, comfort, build confidence)
- conflict resolving ( diagnose conflict sources, use best conflict handling strategy)
effective team members:
- willing to and able to work on the team
- effective team members posses the specific competencys in the (5 c’s diagram)
Team Diversity
- team members have diverse knowledge, skills, perspectives, values, etc.
pros and cons of team diversity
-view problems/alternitives from different perspectives
-broad knowledge base
-better representation of team constituents
-takes longer to develop as a team
-less motivation to coordinate
team roles:
role: a set of behaviours that people are expected to perform because they hold certain positions in a team and organization
team members are assigned specific roles within their job responsibilities
Transactive memory;
describes how task-relevant knowledge is distributed within a team
team building;
a process that consists of formal activities intended to improve the devolopment and functioning of a work team types of team building: 1. clarify teams performance goals 2. improve teams problem solving skills 3. improve role definitions 4.improve relations
team norms:
informal rules and shared expectations that teams/groups establish to regulate the behaviour of their members
norms develop through:
- initial team experinces
- critical events in the teams history
- experience/values members bring to the team
preventing dysfuntional team norms:
- state desired norms when forming teams
- select members with preferred values
- discuss counter productive norms
team cohesion:
the degree of attraction people feel toward the team and their motivation to remain members
team cohesion in stronger/occurs faster when:
- higher member similarity
- smaller team size
- frequent member interaction
- somewhat difficult team entry
- higher team success
- external competition/challenges
high cohesion teams perform better because:
- motivated to maintain membership and achieve team objectives
- share information frequently
- co-worker satisfaction
- better social support( less stress)
- resolves conflict more effectively
contingencies of cohesion and performance
- Task interdependence
- cohesion motivates cooperation, less important with low interdependence - team norms consistent with organizational objectives
- cohesion motivates conformity to team norms
- cohesion motivates LOWER performance if norms oppose the company objectives
Team efficacy:
the collective belief among team members of the teams capability to successfully complete a task it TEAM EFFICAY
teams with high and low efficacy:
-teams with HIGH efficacy outperform teams with lower levels of efficacy.
- HIGH efficacy leads team members to set ambiguous goals, put fourth greater effort,, and persistence when faced with a challenge
High team efficacy= better coordination/cooperation
-LOW TEAM EFFICACY- leads to team members felling apathy, uncertainty, and a lack of direction
Team trust:
Trust the positive expectations one person has toward another person or group in situations involving risk
the three levels of trust:
- indetification based trust
- based on mental models/values
- increases with persons social identity - knowledge based trust
- based on predictability and competence - Calculus based trust- based
- fragile and limited potential because dependent on punishment
self directed teams:
-cross functional groups
- organized around work process
-complete work requiring several interdependent tasks.
-have substantial opportunity over task decisions
(success factors)
1. responsable for entire work process
2.high interdependence with their team
3.low interdependence with other teams
4.autonomy to organize and coordinate work
5.worksite/tech support team/ communication/ coordination
team processes
team process: refers to the interactions and activitys that occur within a team as it works towards its goal
internal team processes:
- teamwork: activitys that are devoted to enhancing the quality of interactions, cooperation and coordination
taskwork: efforts devoted to understanding the task requirements,discovering the rules, exchanging task-related info, and developing solutions to problems etc…
external team processes:
team boundary spanning: team actions that establish or enhance linkages and manage interactions with parties in the external environment.
5 stage model of team dynamics
- forming (discover expectations, test boundary’s of behaviour)
- storming ( interpersonal conflict, influence goals and means)
- norming ( form team mental models, devolop cohesion)
- performing (task oriented, committed, efficient coordination)
- adjourning (disbanding; shift from task to relationship focus)
developing team identity
- view the team as “us” not “them”
- team becomes part of the persons social identity
developing team mental models and coordination routines:
- forming habitual routines with team members
- framing shared/complementary mental models
virtual teams;
- members operate across space, time, and organizational boundary’s – linked through information technologies
- virtual team success factors:
1. virtual team member characteristics
2. toolkit of communication channels and freedom channels that work best for them
3. fairly high task structure
4. oppertunitys to meet face to face.
Team Decision making constraints:
-time constraints
-evaluation apprehension
( reluctance to mention ideas that seem silly because of evaluation of other team members)
-peer pressure to conform
(surpresing opinions that oppose team norms)
- overconfidence (inflated team efficacy – caused by collective self enhancement, high cohesion, external threats)
groupthink: the tendency of highly cohesive groups to value consensus at the price of decision quality.
Guidelines for Team Decisions:
- team norms should encourage critical thinking
- sufficient team diversity
- checks/balances to avoid dominant participants
- maintain optimal team size
- introduce effective team, structures
thinking up as many ideas as possible, brainstorm rules: -speek freely -don't criticize -provide as many ideas possible -build on others ideas Brainstorm limitations: production blocking conformity effect (fixation)
electronic brainstorming:
a form of brainstorming that relies on networked computers for submitting and sharing creative ideas
other team structures for creative decision making
brain writing
electronic brainstorming
nominal group technique
brain writting:
brainstorm without conversation,
nominal group technique
- problem s described, the people write down solutions
- people describe their soulutions
- people vote on the solutions privately
(problems of production blocking and evaluation apprehension)