Ch7 Motivating YourselfAnd Others Flashcards
Each person is motivated by different needs, at varying degrees, at different times
The Complex Nature of Motivation
Motives account for the initiation, direction, intensity and persistence of behavior
The Complex Nature of Motivation
The Complex Nature of Motivation Possible motives include: The need for food, water, sleep
The Complex Nature of Motivation Possible motives include: Ex: Panic, fear, anger, love
The Complex Nature of Motivation Possible motives include: Perceptions, beliefs, expectations
The Complex Nature of Motivation Possible motives include: Influenced by friends, family, media, etc.
Characteristics of Motives: People have different needs
Characteristics of Motives: These will change throughout life
Characteristics of Motives: We may be unaware of feelings or desires.
May be Unconscious
Characteristics of Motives: We can only observe behaviors and make inferences about motive.
Often Inferred
Characteristics of Motives: Motives vary in level of importance.
Expectancy Theory: Suggests that motivation is determined by whether you believe you can be successful.
Expectancy Theory: Perception is an important part.
Expectancy Theory: Self-fulfilling prophecy reflects a connection between your expectations of yourself and what you achieve.
Motivation Through Job Design: ___allows employees to move through a variety of jobs over time.
Job Rotation
Motivation Through Job Design: ____involves expanding an employee’s responsibilities, learn new skills.
Job Enlargement
Motivation Through Job Design: ___is an attempt to make a job more desirable and satisfying.
Motivates via internal motivation: pride, self-satisfaction; not external motivation: rewards given by others – praise, money, assessments
Job Enrichment
Contemporary Employee Motivation Strategies: ___focus on improving behaviors that will cut costs and increase customer satisfaction.
Encourages workers and rewards them for developing new ideas
Contemporary Employee Motivation Strategies: Education and training are critical to individual growth and opportunity.
Motivation Through Learning Opportunities
Contemporary Employee Motivation Strategies: Learning can help secure the future.
Motivation Through Learning Opportunities
Sharing information, authority and responsibility with the lowest ranks of an organization.
Empowered employees experience a sense of pride, self-expression, and ownership.
Not a quick fix: requires long-term commitment from top management down
Contemporary Employee Motivation Strategies: High expectations from others leads to high performance.
Motivation Through Others’ Expectations
Contemporary Employee Motivation Strategies: Supervisors can communicate high or low expectations
- Many do so unconsciously, but the expectations still affect supervisor and employee behavior
Motivation Through Others’ Expectations
Some organizations don’t care whether you are motivated or not, as long as you get your work done.
Self-Motivation Strategies
If you are yearning for a more exciting professional and/or personal life, it’s up to you
Self-Motivation Strategies
Self motivation strategies can help you achieve your potential.
Self-Motivation Strategies
Self-Motivation Strategies: Make a realistic plan in advance.
Keeping Resolutions
Self-Motivation Strategies: Set specific, realistic goals
Keeping Resolutions
Self-Motivation Strategies: Break each goal into small, measurable steps.
Keeping Resolutions
Self-Motivation Strategies: Alter your surrounding to support your behavior
Keeping Resolutions
Self-Motivation Strategies: Plan rewards for yourself as you make progress.
Keeping Resolutions
Self-Motivation Strategies: Hard work and determination, grit, is a major indicator of success
- Self-discipline and delaying gratification are key
Nurture a Gritty Nature
Self-Motivation Strategies: Go outside your comfort zone
Nurture a Gritty Nature
Self-Motivation Strategies: Strive for balance between work and personal life
Nurture a Gritty Nature
Self-Motivation Strategies: Take action; don’t wait for things to improve, do something
Volunteer for a project, talk to your boss, follow up on an idea
Nurture a Gritty Nature
Cengage Learning: Those policies that share information, authority, and responsibility with the lowest ranks of the organization.
Cengage Learning: Based on the assumption that motivational strength is determined by whether or not you believe you can be successful at a task.
Expectancy theory
Cengage Learning: An action taken by another person. It usually involves the anticipation of a reward of some kind.
External motivation
Cengage Learning: Hard work and determination to achieve success.
Cengage Learning: A motivation theory developed by Abraham Maslow. The theory rests on three assumptions: (1) people have a number of needs that require some measure of satisfaction; (2) only unsatisfied needs motivate behavior; (3) the needs of people are arranged in a hierarchy of prepotency.
Hierarchy of needs
Cengage Learning: An external motivation that encourage workers to develop good work habits and to repeat behavior that is beneficial to themselves and the organization.
Cengage Learning: Motivation that comes from the satisfaction that occurs when work is meaningful and gives us a sense of purpose.
Internal motivation
Cengage Learning: Programs that encourage employees to pursue their ideas at work, with the company providing the money, equipment, and time to do so.
Cengage Learning: Expanding an employee’s duties or responsibilities.
Job enlargement
Cengage Learning: An attempt to make jobs more desirable or satisfying, thereby triggering internal motivation.
Job enrichment
Cengage Learning: Allows workers to move through a variety of jobs in a predefined way over a period of time.
Job rotation
Cengage Learning: The basic things people consider essential to any job, such as salaries, fringe benefits, working conditions, supervision, etc.
Maintenance factors
Cengage Learning: influences that account for the initiation, direction, intensity, and persistence of behavior.
Cengage Learning: A motivation theory proposed by psychologist Frederick Herzberg. It is considered a two–factor theory; motivation is the result of maintenance and motivation factors.
Motivation–maintenance theory
Cengage Learning: Job elements that go above and beyond the basic maintenance factors; recognition, advancement, more responsibility, etc.
Motivational factors
Cengage Learning: The connection between what you expect in life and what you actually achieve.
Self–fulfilling prophecy
Cengage Learning: 1. Establishing and maintaining effective relationships with people at work depends on:
knowing what motivates others.
Cengage Learning: 2. ________ is defined as the influences that account for the initiation, direction, intensity and persistence of behavior.
Cengage Learning: 3. According to Maslow’s hierarchy, physiological and security needs:
are more likely to be satisfied by external motivators than by internal motivators.
Cengage Learning: 4. According to Herzberg, ________ factors represent the basic things people consider essential to any job.
Cengage Learning: 5. A shortcoming of Herzberg’s motivation theory is that:
it does not acknowledge those workers who prefer routine work for a secure paycheck.
Cengage Learning: 6.Conor confidently predicted from his first day on the job that he would rise through the ranks of management. Within fifteen years, Conor was CEO of the company. This situation provides support for which theory of motivation?
Expectancy theory
Cengage Learning: 7. Which of the following is not a way in which goal setting motivates people?
Ensures success.
Cengage Learning: 8. The most flexible and innovative way to enhance workers’ knowledge is to provide:
opportunities to access self-paced courses online.
Cengage Learning: 9. The study Pygmalion in the Classroom provides evidence that:
the expectations of others can be a powerful influence on an individual’s performance.
Cengage Learning: 10. Exercises in which one writes sentences about one’s “life purpose” combine:
goal setting and striving for balance.
Cengage Learning: 11. Rick is motivated by his personal drive to achieve a particular goal, while Ghosh will work hard to earn bonus pay. This contrast suggests that:
motivation can be either internal or external.
Cengage Learning: 12. Which of the following is not true about motives?
Motives are greedy.
Cengage Learning: 13. A major difference between job enrichment and job enlargement is that:
job enrichment involves triggering internal motivation, while job enlargement focuses on adding new responsibilities.
Cengage Learning: 14. Which of the following does not describe the Baby Boomers?
They are often referred to as skeptics.
Cengage Learning: 15. ________ refers to those policies that share information, authority and responsibility with the lowest ranks of the organization.