Ch6 Choosing A Reseach Design Flashcards
What is a research design?
The specific methods and procedures used to answer a research question
Name three types of questions.
What are the three categories of research design?
What is a nonexperimental research design?
You suck methods and procedures to make observations in which the behavior or event is observed as is or without intervention from the researcher
What is experimental research design?
Use of methods and procedures to make observations in which the researcher fully controls the conditions and experiences of participants by applying three required elements of control: randomization, manipulation, and comparison/control
What is a quasiexperimental research design?
Do you think methods and procedures to make observations in a study that is structured similar to an experiment but the conditions and experiences of the participant like some control because the study lacks random assignment including pre-existing factor or does not include a comparison/control group
What is the category of research design I can demonstrate cause in effect?
Which type of research design has the highest internal validity?
What are three elements of control in an experiments that allow researchers to Draw cause and effect conclusions?
Randomization manipulation and comparison/control
What is characteristic of a factor that threatens the internal validity of a research study?
Very systematically with the levels of independent variable
What are the four subcategories of external validity?
What are two types of realism that can increase external validity?
Mundane realism and experimental realism