Ch.6 Flashcards
the process by which the analyst improves thinking by applying the scientific elements of reasoning and logic to gather, eval, and use info effectively
critical thinking
using reasoning to arrive at a logical conclusion
critical thinking
a declarative statement that has yet to be established as true
unconscious belief that conditions, governs, and compels our behavior
letting personal xperiences affect your analysis
unconcious belief, nfluences the act of knowing or making a judgement call
cognitive bias
patterns of expectations that influence one to think certain ways
individuals have a natural tendency to assume other think and percieve the world in the same way they would
cultural bias
when an analyst unconsciously ascribes attributes of one event to another
common viewpoints amongst a small grroup
organization bias
enable us to repeat an action we have taken before without going through all mental steps
a pattern of expectations that influence one to think in certain ways
an analyst gives more importance to SECRET material tan open source
personal bias
calculate or think by forming a new statement based on stateents already known or discovered
true based on general rule