CDC MQF Flashcards
Hazards should be reported to the safety office using the
af form 457
Any system of policies and procedures used for identifying, controlling, and protecting from unauthorized disclosure, information whose protection is authorized by executive order or statute.
Outlines measures and controls taken to deny unauthorized persons access to information derived from telecommunication and to ensure the authenticity of those communications.
Measures and controls that ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information systems being processed, stored, and communicated.
All measures necessary to protect classified information from access by unauthorized persons.
physical security
security container check sheet, show a security container has been properly marked and checked
standard form 702
What instruction deals with Information Security Program management, which provides basic guidance on the type of containers to be used for storage.
afi 31-401
What manual should be used for consulted for special storage requirements for SCI material.
afman 14-304
Built in combinations will be reset to ________ and padlocks will be reset to _______
50-25-50, 10-20-30
a formally accredited area, room, group of rooms, buildings, or installations where SCI may be stored, used, discussed, or processed.
This permits storage of SCI material on shelves or in metal containers within a SCIF, while authorized personnel do not occupy the SCIF
open storage
. This allows storage of SCI in properly secured GSA approved security containers within a SCIF when authorized personnel do not occupy the SCIF
closed storage
are used daily for handling, processing, or discussing SCI material
secure working area
An area under control of a designated custodian and used to store and protect SCI material.
secure vault area
An area, room, or group of rooms secured against physical and audio penetration for the temporary use of SCI
temporary secure working area
An area in which SCI can be stored in approved security containers and openly discussed and used
secure area
A temporarily accredited facility used for storing, handling, discussing, and processing SCI. It can be established for 6 months.
temporary secure working area
Cooperate to achieve a common end state
unity of effort
Leverage expertise of diverse analytic resources
Exploit all sources of information and intelligence
_________ is a force that is constituted and so designated by the Sec Def, a CCDR, a subordinate unified commander, or an existing JTF CDR.
joint task force
Establishes and maintains personnel accountability and personnel support
Supports the commander and the staff by ensuring the availability of reliable intelligence and timely indications and warnings
Operations directorate in the discharge of assigned responsibility for the direction and control of operations.
Logistics directorate formulates logistics plans, coordination, and supervision of supply, maintenance, repair, evacuation and other logistical activities
Plans directorate assists the commander in long-range or future planning, preparation, of campaign and joint operations plans
Assists the commander in all responsibilities for communications infrastructure, communications computer networking, communications electronics, etc.
The role of ISR during this level of war provides accurate, timely, and predictive intelligence so decision makers can take appropriate actions before or during a crisis.
At this level of war, campaigns and major operations are planned, conducted, and assessed.
At this level of war ISR assets provide intelligence crucial to understanding an enemy’s weakness and key nodes that can be affected. Detects, discovers, indentify, locate, and describe enemy vulnerabilities and the COG.
This level of war is where individual battles and engagements are fought.
ISR helps the unit level operators determine adversary tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP’s).
Conflict between governments, nations, or coalitions
traditional warfare
A conflict in which one or more of the participants is a nostate entity and is trying to either overthrow the governing entity or to win over the public
irregular warfare
Uses locals and other gueilla type forces including the use of sabotage, intelligence activities, and unconventional recovery activities
unconventional warfare
Conflict between equally capable forces
Conflict between groups that are not equally equipped
is a military operation designated by the SecDef as an operation in which the members of the armed forces are or may become involved in military actions, operations, or hostilities against an enemy of the US.
contingency operations
________ or limited contingency operation can be a single small-scale, limited-duration operation or a significant part of a major operation of extended duration involving combat.
crisis response
attempts to address any potential scenario before it happens, giving leadership a head start should that theorized situation arise.
contingency planning
Written description of the combatant commanders concept of operations to counter a perceived threat. Includes all phases of the tasked operation, identify forces, and supplies required, and detail the movement schedule of resources to the theatre of operations
Initiates development and evaluation of a course of action by a supported commander and requests a commanders estimate be submitted
Direct execution planning before a COA is formally approved by the SecDef and President
Normally used following a decision by the president that conduct military operations in support of national interests
Directive issued by a commander to subordinate commanders for the purpose of executing a coordinated operation
Issued by the authority and direction of the SecDef through the CJCS and directs the deployment and/or employment of forces
________ is a temporary, joint SOF headquarters established by the NCA or a JFC to accomplish a specific mission or to control SOF in a specific theater of operation
________ is an ad hoc arrangement between two or more nations for a common action
coalition operation
. Air Force intelligence doctrine is contained in ________
afdd 2-0
defined as a cross-domain synchonization and integration of the planning and operation of ISR assets; sensors; processing, exploitation, and dissemination systems; and analysis and production capabilities across the globe to enable current and future operations.
global integrated isr
provide support across the range of military operations (ROMO). These systems have global and wide-area coverage over denied areas where little or no data can be obtained from ground and airborne sources.
and the concept of global integrated ISR is essential to providing commanders with the most complete ISR “picture” of the battlespace
integrating operations
Accurate intelligence to execute; intelligence assets to plan and execute in a tactical nature
centralized control and decentralized command
Require a constant flow of current intelligence, adapting to and ever-changing combat environment
flexability and versatility
Accurate intelligence to determine what targets to strike first
Require a constant flow of current intelligence, adapting to and ever-changing combat environment
Multi-role aircraft, typical dogfighter, small, and extremely versatile
f-16 fighting falcon
carries the largest payload, the backbone of americas long range bomber force
b-1 bone
multi role bomber capable of delivering both conventional and nuclear munitions
b2 spirit
With jamming and high-speed, anti-radiation missile (HARM) capability, deployed from land bases and aircraft carriers. Monitors EM spectrum and actively denies adversary use of radar and communications
ea-6b prowler
Airborne tactical weapon system that disrupts enemy command and control communications, and limits adversary coordination
ec-130h compass call
Performs SEAD missions, is heavily modified version of the C-130 Hercules designed to disrupt enemy command and control communications
Collects weather data for US military operations
defense meterological satellite program
Allow JFC and subordinate commanders to shape the operational environment. Provides a broad range of capabilities including instant reach back to the global information grid, transmission of critical intelligence, etc.
defense satellite communications system and wideband global satellite communications
Provides secure, jam resistant, worldwide communications to meet essential wartime requirements for high priority military users
. Defines intelligence sources as the means or systems that can be used to observe and record information relating to the condition, situation, or activites ofa targeted location, organization, or individual
joint intelligence
Unique intelligence discipline that integrates imagery, imagery intelligence and geospatial information
. Intelligence produced by exploiting foreign communications systems and non-communications emitters
intercepted foreign communications passé by radio, wire, or other electromagnetic means
non-communications emitters
Involves the technical analysis of data intercepted from foreign equipment and control systems such as telemetry, electronic interrogations, tracking/fusing/arming/firing command systems, and video data links
Derived from the exploitation of foreign material and scientific information
Performs and manages intelligence functions and activities
Prepare, maintain, and present intelligence displays, reports, and briefings. Instruct aircrews on collecting and reporting requirements and procedures; matters such as evasion, recovery, and code of conduct
Exploit and analyze multi-sensors imagery in conjunction with all source intelligence information.
Make recommendations on the appropriate form required to disable an adversary’s targeting system. Determine specific aircraft and ammunition
Support SIGINT activities and operations by monitoring and collecting non-communications electronic signal transmissions using passive receiving equipment
⦁ Perform communication signals intelligence analysis to include acquiring signals though optimum antenna manipulation and receiver tuning
⦁ Collect, identify, and exploit appropriate communications to ensure accurate targeting
⦁ Perform detailed analysis on target network communications for additional exploitation and author time sensitive reports.
⦁ Performs identification, acquisition, recording, translating, analyzing and reporting of assigned voice communications
established the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to better unify and manage the efforts of the IIC.
intelligence reform and terrorism prevention act of 2004
leads the intelligence community efforts with the guidance from the NSC and the HSC
is the principal forum to consider national security issues that require presidential decision
coordinates intelligence matters related to the DoD with the Under Secretary of Defense for intelligence.
Analyzes foreign intelligence related to economical policy and participates with Department of State in the overt collection of general foreign economic information.
________ provides timely, relevant, and accurate GEOINT
designs, builds, and operates the nations recon satellites. Partners with NGA and NSA to provide space-based platforms that specialize in their missions
outlines the role of the armed forces
title 10
________ outlines the role of war and national defense
is the focal point for functional management of all AF ISR capabilites and reports to internal and external consumers
provides the AF/A2 intelligence, special security services, and imagery products. Analyzes foreign air and air defense tactics and training
. The AF globally integrated ISR operational cycle has ________ phases, and is also called the ________
5 pcpad
is the authority to establish, prioritize, and validate theatre collection requirements, establish sensor tasking guidance, and develop thearer-wide collection policies.
is the authoritative development and control of collection, processing, exploitation, and reporting requirements that normally result in either the direct tasking of assets over which the collection manager has authority
commanders critical info requiremnets
⦁ The determination of intelligence requirements; development of appropriate intelligence architecture; preparation of a collection plan; and issuance of orders and requests to information collection agencies
planning and direction
⦁ Converts validated intelligence requirements into collection requirements; establishes, tasks, or coordinates actions with appropriate collection soures or agencies; and monitors results and re-tasks as required
⦁ The conversion of collected information into forms suitable to the analysis and production of intelligence
processing and exploitation
⦁ Conversion of information into intelligence products through a structured series of actions which, although set out sequentially, may also take place concurrently
analysis and production
⦁ The delivery of intelligence to users in a suitable form and the application of the intelligence to appropriate missions, tasks, and functions
dissemination and integration
⦁ Provides continuous day and night, high altitude, all-weather surveillance and reconnaissance in direct support of US and allied ground and air forces
⦁ National and tactical signals intelligence collector that exploits and disseminates information regarding the electronic battlefield
re-135 rj
⦁ Rapidly deployable aircraft, which flies Joint Chiefs of Staff directed missions of national priority to collect optical and electronic data on ballistic targets
rc-135s cobra ball
⦁ Provides strategic electronic reconnaissance information to the President, SecDef, DoD leaders, and theatre commanders
rc-135u combat sent
⦁ Provides the capability to detect and exploit tactically significant ELINT and COMINT information to the appropriate battle group commanders
ep-3e aries
⦁ Medium-to-low altitude, twin engine turboprop aircraft providing ISR support directly to ground fores
⦁ Provides a manned fixed wing, on-call, surge capability form improved tactical airborne ISR in support of special operations forces
⦁ Operational range will be approximately 50 kilometers
uas close range
⦁ Flight duration of 8 to 10 hours designed to penetrate into enemy airspace out to a range of 200 kilometers with data link
uas short range
⦁ High-altitude, long endurance UAS that provides a broad spectrum of ISR collection capabilities to support joint
rq4 global hawk
Medium-altitude, long endurance, interdiction and armed reconnaissance against critical, perishable targets
rq11b raven
⦁ Help protect the US and its allies by detecting missile launches, space launches, and nuclear detonations
defense support program satellites
⦁ Detects and tracks sea-launched ballistic missiles or intercontinental ballistic missiles to support situational awareness
are designed to provide commanders with timely intelligence derived from national, commercial, DoD and combined force ISR nodes via a variety of point-to-point, broadcast, and web-based communications network
strategy division
sos pag
strategy plans, strategy guidance, operational assessment
combat plans
targeting effects, maap, c2, ato prod
combat ops
(defensive ops, offensive ops, sido, ict,
not in isrd
isr ops, ttat, ped managemnt, acf
not in amd
airlift control, air refueling, air mobility control, aero med
⦁ Responsible for target development, TA for the AOC in support of JFACC objectives and coordinates targeting requirements, standards, support, and federated responsibilities with outside agencies
targets and tactical assessment
⦁ Coordinates joint, coalition, component, and national agency intelligence procedures, ensures activities support operations and provides inputs to the ISR Ops team
ped man
⦁ Provides direct exploitation support to the AOC/back-up exploitation node
ise - imagery supprt element
⦁ Plans and executes airborne ISR operations and provides combat ISR support
⦁ Plans, directs, and assesses daily operations employing global, kinetic and nonkinetic capabilities in order to deliver strategic effects
⦁ Functional AOC that focuses on global and theater space operations.
⦁ AMC’s execution arm for providing America’s global reach. Plans, schedules and directs mobility of aircraft in support of combat delivery and strategic airlift, air refueling, and aeromedical evacuation operations around the work
⦁ Responsible for the C2 of AFSOC AF and coordinates SOR mobilization/demobilization requests with other MAJCOMS
process includes integrating analysis, production, collection management, and targeting processes to shape decision making and enable operations.
evaluating potential target systems and individual targets for their significance, vulnerabilities, and exploitable traits.
target development
dynamically control ISR sensors and platforms to satisfy commanders critical information requirements
isr employment
process for selecting targets and matching appropriate actions to those targets to create specific desired effects that achieve objectives
⦁ Second step analyzes potential targets system to help determine a commander’s best COA to achieve a given objective. Phase includes validation of the target, nominations to the appropriate authority, and prioritization for targeting
td, vetting, validation, nomination, and prioritization
⦁ The fourth phase represents the fusion of target nomination with the optimum lethal and non lethal force
commanders decision and force assignement
⦁ The initial step is the foundation and most important step in the process where analysts identify what commanders want to achieve and under what conditions
commanders obj, guidance, intent
⦁ This fifth phase is where the more detailed planning is conducted to actually fly the mission and employ weapons
mission planning and force execution
⦁ The third phase involves evaluating available capabilities against desired effects
capabilities analysis (weaponeering)
⦁ Second step analyzes potential targets system to help determine a commander’s best COA to achieve a given objective. Phase includes validation of the target, nominations to the appropriate authority, and prioritization for targeting
is one in which operations are planned, executed, assessed, and adapted to influence or change systems or capabilities in order to achieve desired outcomes.
effects based
is the combination of individuals, organizations, and systems that collect, process, disseminate, or act on information
info enviornment
seeks to induce, influence, or reinforce perceptions, attitudes, reasoning, and behavior of foreign leaders, groups and organizations in a manner favorable to friendly national and military objectives
⦁ Any military action involving the use of EM or directed energy to manipulate the EM spectrum to attack an adversary
⦁ Use of EM-directed energy, or anti-radiation weapons to attack personnel, facilities, or equipment with the intent of deceiving, disrupting, denying, or destroying and adversaries combat capability
⦁ Enhances use of the electronic spectrum for friendly forces and is focused on protecting personnel, facilities, and equipment from any effects of friendly or adversary actions against them
⦁ Used to locate and identify all sources of EM (Electromagnetic) energy
⦁ The integrated planning, employment, and assessment of military capabilites to achieve desired effects across the interconnected analog and digital network portion of the battlespace
⦁ Conducted using information systems to deceive, disrupt, deny, delay, degrade, or destroy information that resides in networks
net a
⦁ Planning, directing, and executing responses to unauthorized activities in defense of AF information systems and networks
net d
⦁ The collection and production of network related data for immediate decisions involving NW Ops
identifies the geographic location and characteristics of natural or constructed features and boundaries on the Earth.
geospatial info
identifies the military grid reference zone and subdivision covered by the chart
grid ref box
is the vertical angle from the equator
angle measured from the prime meridian
Forces requiring detailed mission planning information on adversary disposition, threat environment, en route and objective/terminal area terrain, and adversary detection, deception, and disruption capabilities.
provides the standardized data elements, export data, and order format to collect individual information, and it should be used by all personnel in according with theater entry requirements
dd form 1833 isoprep
are patterns of expectations that influence one to think in certain ways
⦁ Concluding something is true through logical conclusions based on facts
inductive reasoning
⦁ Concluding something is true based on a general rule
deductive reasoning
⦁ Concluding something is true by testing hypothesis with evidence
abductive reasoning
⦁ Help define tasks, express problems, and delineate boundaries
⦁ Unstated reasons or theories, which are essential in arriving at a conclusion
⦁ An intellectual act by which we conclude something is true based on something else being true, or seeming to be true
⦁ Establish source, reliability, quality, what is known, and what needs to be known. Those pieces of information that , if revealed, would strengthen one’s conclusion or argument
⦁ Are clusters of ideas that are the result of abstract thinking
⦁ The logical relationship between two propositions in which, if the first is true, then the second is true
a primary goal in critical thinking is to maintain a high standard of objectivity, or fairness, throughout the analysis process.