Ch.6 Flashcards
Exampl gram+ bacteria rod ?
actinomycosis هاد بعمل actinomycosis
nocardia هاي بتعمل no cardiasis
trophermya هاي بتعمل whipple diseas
What is actinomyces describe هون بحكي عن صفات الاكتينوو بشكلٍ عام
1- branching gram+ bacillus 🦠
2-facultative anaerobic 🦠عشان هيك بصير fail to growth aerobically in primary culture
احسن اشي هون انسيها في بيئه anaerobic او في micro earophilic مع اضافه co2بتركيز ١٥-١٠%
3-almost all speceas are commercial in mouth
4_narrow TM range of growth around 35-37C
What is main species of actinomyces and main diseases for?
actinomyces Israelii
بتسبب مرض
What is Distinguishing Features of Actinomyces israelii?
• Anaerobic
• Branching rods • Non-acid fast🔜 nocardia هاي مهمه عشان افرق بينها وبين
بحيث انه nocardia بتكون partial fact acid
Actinomyces israelii
Reservoir :
Transmission :
Reservoir 🌸هو human (normal flora of gingival crevices and female genital tract
Transmission🌸 endogenous
Pathogenesis 🌸 invasive growth in tissues with compromised oxygen supply
حكينا عن اهم مرض تسوي Actinomyces israelii؟
Disease: actinomycosis
What is characteristic actinomycosis?
1-•Generally not painful but very invasive, penetrating all tissues including 🍖
2-Tissue swelling can lead to draining abscesses (sinus tracts) with “sulfur” granules (hard yellow microcolonies) in exudate that can be used for microscopy or culture ( sulfur” granules (hard yellow diagnosis بكون زي حبه العدس لونه اصفر هاد مهم في microcolonies هاد
3-Only in tissues with low oxygenation (Eh)👾 ex🔜 Cervicofacial (lumpy jaw): dental trauma or poor oral hygiene. هاد عباره عن most common
– Pelvic: from thoracic or sometimes IUDs IUD: Intrauterine Device
– Abdominal: surgery or bowel trauma
– Thoracic: aspiration with contiguous spread
– CNS: solitary brain abscess (Nocardia will produce multiple foci)
How can diagnosis and treatment of actinomycosis?
Diagnosis ✅ identify gram-positive branching bacilli in “sulfur granules”; colonies resemble molar tooth.
surgical drainageاولا
بعدها بعطي penicillin V
Note ❗️metronidazole not effective
هسا بدي اكون عارف انه drugs of choice لكل انواع g+anaerobic هو metronidazole ولكن هون في استثناء
هسا الفرق بين nocardia و actinomycen في تكوين CNS abseas؟
هس كل منهم بكون brain abscess
nocardia〰️ multiple foci
singelبتكون actinomycen
بدي انتبه امنيح في اسئله cases شوبجيبو اما عن sulfur” granule او عن brain abscess
✔️هسا اذا ذكر في الكيس انه abscess لما عملتها drainage طلعت sulufar granuoles اذن هو على الاكيد actinomycen isra
✔️هسا في حال جاب عن brain abscess هون بد اركز اذا حكا singal فهي actinomycen اما اذا multiple اذن هون nocardia
Anthor member of genas Actinomyces? And characteristic?
✔️Very rare cause of actinomycosis.
✔️All these species are commensals of the mouth Endogenous cause of disease
✔️May cause dental plaque and caries (Not A.meyeri, ) how? intieal colony on oral surface contrabutig in oral biofilm
What is 2spices of nocardia?
nocardia ➡️*Asteroid
what is distinguished feature in nocardia?
partiality acids fast
Gram+ branching rod نفس الاكتينو
Reserve 🔜
Transmission 🔜
Pathogens 🔜
✔️soil and dust
✔️airborn or tramitic implantation
✔️ no known toxins or virulence factors; immunosuppression and cancer predispose to pulmonary infection
What is main Disease(s) of nocardia?
🌿Nocardiosis ➡️ Cavitary bronchopulmonary nocardiosis
🌿Cutaneous/subcutaneous nocardiosis
🌿A related group of non-acid-fast species are assigned to the genus Actinomadura, which includes the species Actinomadura madurae and A. pelletieri, common causes of Madura foot
بس ملاحظه هاد مرض madora fot بكون بسس related grom للnocardia رجوactinomycetes