CH5- Structure in the entrpreneurial organisation Flashcards
Why do larger organizations struggle with entrepreneurship and innovation?
As organizations grow, they tend to become more structured, usually by introducing more levels of hierarchy. This hierarchy can slow down decision-making and innovation because it introduces bureaucracy and reduces the organization’s flexibility.
What is ‘deconstructing’ in the context of large organizations?
Deconstructing means breaking a large organization into smaller, more manageable units. This allows the organization to behave more like a startup—faster, more responsive, and more entrepreneurial in identifying and capitalizing on new opportunities.
Why is hierarchy a problem for large organizations?
Hierarchy, while necessary for organizing large groups of people, can become a barrier when it slows down communication and decision-making. With more layers of management, information takes longer to flow, which hinders the organization’s ability to quickly adapt to market changes.
What are the benefits of hierarchy in an organization?
Hierarchy provides structure and order. It gives managers clear authority, simplifies communication, and allows for specialization and cooperation within the organization. It helps in managing complex tasks efficiently by reducing the number of communication channels.
How does a simple hierarchy compare to a self-organizing team?
In a simple hierarchy, there are fewer interactions and relationships to manage, making communication more efficient. For example, in a team of five people, there are only 4 interactions needed in a hierarchical structure, whereas in a self-organizing team, the same group would need 10 interactions to communicate a single message.
What is a self-organising team?
A self-organizing team is a group of individuals who manage their own tasks and make decisions collectively, without the need for a formal hierarchy or manager overseeing their work. These teams have the flexibility to distribute responsibilities and decide how best to achieve their goals.
Why do interactions increase in a self-organizing team?
In a self-organizing team, everyone communicates directly with each other. As the number of team members increases, the number of interactions grows rapidly. This can create communication overload, leading to delays, confusion, and potential conflicts.
What is Parkinson’s Coefficient of Inefficiency?
This principle, proposed by Northcote Parkinson, suggests that when a group exceeds 21 people, communication becomes inefficient. In a self-organizing team of 21 people, there would be 210 interactions needed to share a single message, which is impractical and leads to misunderstandings.
What is the ideal group size for managing effectively?
Managers can typically manage about 15 to 20 people before communication and control become inefficient. Beyond this point, informal communication between staff increases, leading to potential delays and conflicts.
Why is size an enemy of creativity?
As organizations grow larger, the need for structure (especially hierarchy) tends to stifle the creativity and freedom needed for innovation. Larger organizations often struggle to maintain the flexible, creative environment that smaller companies and startups excel in.
How can larger organizations overcome these challenges?
By breaking themselves down into smaller units and encouraging more decentralized decision-making, larger organizations can create an entrepreneurial environment. This allows them to remain agile and responsive to changing markets.
What is a formula to calculate the number of interactions in a self-organising team?
The formula n(n−1)/2 shows how communication complexity grows rapidly as team size increases in self-organizing teams. While small teams may benefit from flexibility, larger teams require hierarchy or structure to keep communication manageable.
Why do organizations need structure as they grow?
As organizations grow, they need a structured hierarchy to avoid chaos and ensure operations are efficient, stable, and rule-driven. Without structure, coordination between different departments and employees becomes challenging.
What is a classic hierarchy in organizations?
A classic hierarchy involves departments (e.g., marketing, production), functions within those departments (e.g., sales, advertising), and individuals. This structure is divided into clear levels, creating a stable environment and a defined career path for employees.
What are the potential downsides of hierarchical structures?
While they create stability and efficiency, hierarchical structures can sometimes discourage collaboration and knowledge-sharing between departments. This can stifle innovation, as new ideas often emerge from cross-departmental interactions.