Ch5 Flashcards
What is the free recall memory test?
Recalling words in any order
What is the cued recall memory test?
Paired learning, pairing the words together
Ocean-tree, pen-calendar
___-___. ___-____
What is the yes- no(old-new) memory test?
Test asks yes or no for each option
Tree (yes or no), paper (yes or no), pen (yes or no), cup (yes or no)
What is the n-alternative forced-choice recognition memory test?
Gives choice like multiple choice
(1) book, (2) paper, (3) tree, (4) camera
What is the modal model of memory?
Assumes that information is received, processed, and stored differently for each kind of memory. (Short term, long term, sensory)
What is sensory memory?
It is unattended memory that lasts only for a few seconds (1-3 at most)
What is short term memory?
Memory that lasts for 20-30 seconds
What is long term memory?
Memory that lasts a life time examples can be, who was your 4th grade teacher, correct spelling for tomorrows test etc
What is serial position curves in free recall?
When a person is given a list of words to remember and ask to recall words in any order. People are more likely to remember the beginning of the words from primary effect , or the end due to decency effect.
What does primary effect make subject remember?
Beginning words in a list
What does recency effect make subject remember?
End of the list of words
What is serial position effect
Remembering the beginning or the end of a list of words
What does olfactory pertain to
What does gustatory pertain to
What does tactile pertain to
What is the capacity of sensory memory?
It can store large amounts
What is the coding of sensory memory?
What is the icon of sensory memory
Visual info
What is the echo of sensory memory
Auditory info
What is the duration of sensory memory
Is it short. The icon lasts shorter than .5 seconds, the echo lasts from 2-3 seconds
What is iconic memory?
It is known as sperling memory, it is very short term sensory memory that a person can recall of visual image once gone, it doesn’t last longer than .5 seconds
What is the sperling experiment?
It was a series of tests involving letters and memory. Subject shown letters and asked to recall what they were shown. Involved tests asking subject to name only vowels/constonants, naming only certain colored letters, or using visual cues. This tested iconic memory
How much memory was retained in sperlings experiment?
4-5/12 letters remembered in first test, of 3/4 letters when using partial & sound cues
Collusions of sperlings experience
Test 1: partial no better than whole,
Test 2, partial no better than whole
Test 3: partial was better then whole
Test 4: partial is no better than whole
What is echoic memory?
Sensory memory for auditory memory
What was the procedure for echoic memory?
Moray, hates, and Barnett did “four eared test”. Participants had earphones on that had 4 channels of random letters coming from different areas at the same time and asked subject to repeat. Other test used visual cues which were lights along with hearing.
Results of echoic memory procedure
Partial report is no better than whole report. Echoic is very short sensory memory
What is the capacity for short term (miller) memory?
7 (plus or minus 2) items in a sequence
How is short term memory coded? (Conrad)
What is the Conrad confusion matrix?
Letters between similar sounds (P&T) show more difficult to recall than letters with different sounds (P&F) even if the different letters look more similar.
What is millers memory span, chunking?
That people can remember about 7 (minus or plus 2) items in a new sequence. Memory span can be increased by chunking groups of objects
How long does short term memory last?
About 18-30 seconds
What is the Brown-Peterson task?
People are shown 3 items and then start counting backwards by threes. After 18 seconds the items(trigram) is forgotten.
What is the glazer and cunitz experiment?
Investigated recency effect in free recall using a serial position curve
Study with 15 words in free recall
With a 30 second delay recency(memory of end of sequences) effect dissapears
Why is STM forgotten?
Can be because of decay hypothesis or interference hypothoseis
What is decay hypothesis?
When the memory trace will simply decay
What is the interfereande hypothesis?
When the info is displaced by other information
What is the Waugh and Norman probe digit task?
They predict if decay and interference theory is correct. Results state that forgetting in short term is due to interference not decay. Memory performance decrease as interference items went up, regardless of duration
What is sternberg STM search experiment?
Sternberg looked at retrieval from STM. Studied a short list of up to 6 items followed by test probes, subject decided if probe was on the list in a yes/no response, this is yes-no(old-new) recognition.
What we’re sternberg three hypothesis?
Parallel, serial self terminating, and serial exhaustive
What is working memory(WM)?
Evolution of short term memory. Actively processing information.
What is phonological loop in WM?
Repeating info subconsciously to retain auditory/verbal material. The memory span is less than 7 for longer words/sentences. Explains confusion based on sound (acoustic)
What is visuosptial sketch pad?
Short term memory for visual/spatial information (visual material through visualization)
What is central executive?
It directs the flow of information and chooses which information will be operated on when and how
It functions as an attentional system rather then a memory store, maintains task goals and objectives.
What is episodic buffer?
A limited capacity temporary storage system capable of inegrating information from a variety of sources
What is retrograde amnesia?
the inability to retrieve old memories (amnesia for old events)
What is anterograde amnesia?
The inability to form new long term memories (amnesia for new events)
Who is H.M.?
One of the most studied amnesia patients in history. Suzanne corkin knew personal details of him and knew him for years, but he could never remember who she was.
What is H.M evidence for
He proves that lesions to structures of temporal lobes including hippcps and amygdala could not transfer new memories to long term memory. He could remember a series of 7 digits, but if he was distracted he didn’t retain in.
Where does amnesia happen?
In the hippocampus