Ch 7 Flashcards
What is bartletts reconstrcuive narrative
Read a story, recall the same story multiple times. The story becomes more coherent, distorted and more conventional with each time. Retelling stories distorts them
What is autobiographical memory
Memory’s consisting of events recollected from an individuals life
Is autobiographical memory different from lab experiment memory?
Yes it is
What was lintons diary study?
She recorded 2 events daily for 6 years. She then tested herself at delays up to 3 years. Performance was good at all delays
What was the brewer beeper study?
Brewer would randomly use beepers to test random selected events. At random times participants were reminded by a beeper to write down location, time, actions, and thought, and rate how often this occurred, how pleasant, and how significant. Memory was good, but better for actions than tonight.
What is flashbulb memories?
Detailed recollection of memorable events (jfk assasination, 9/11 etc)
What did studies find for flashbulb memories?
Pillemer found that participants who reported a stronger emotional reaction to the news had more detailed memory. Pezdek found that memories were often distorted. Neisser found that story telling was at fault for the progression in distortion.
What was weavers experiment?
Compared memories of next meeting with roommates and friends (everyday event), vs gulf war(flashbulb event). Found that accuracy for both fell off after 3 months, higher confidence in flash bulb memories.
Are flashbulb memories special
What is eyewitness memory?
How a person that witnessed an event remembered the details of the event and how it happened
What is memory malleability?
Elizabeth lotus used series of accident slides and asked things like “did another car pass when car was stopped at the stop sign?”
75% correct if question was consistent with video
41% correct if question was not consistent with bud
More influenced by misleading questions
Is eye witness memory accurate?
No it is easily influenced
Does eye witness confidence indicate accuracy?
No, misleading questions gave wrong answers
What was the lofted experiment?
People viewed a film of white car driving (no barn in the video), they were asked a week later if they saw the barn. 17% people reported seeing a barn. Peoples memories can be altered with misleading questions.
What was the bransford and franks study?
Evidence for memory malleability in lab studies. During the study they were told: ants were in the kitchen, the jelly was on the table, the jelly was sweet, the ants ate the jelly, the sweet jelly was on the table, the ants ate the sweet jelly on the table. Later the subjects said “the ants in the kitchen are the sweet jelly that was on the table” this proves people so not store copies of sentences that were actually given.
What is implanting new memories
False child hood memories. Loftus and picktrll found that interviews or 4-6 year olds at the time of the event gave 3 true events and 1 false event. False memory can be forked through suggestive questions.