ch4 vocab Flashcards
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
the branch of the US Public Health Service that supports general health research and distributes research findings and treatments guidelines with the goal of improving the quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness of healthcare services
Aggregate data
data extracted from individual health records and combined to form deidentified information about groups of patients that can be compared and analyzed
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
An organization that governs standards in many aspects of public and private business; developer of the Health Information Technology Standards Panel
The number of inpatients presents in a healthcare facility at any given time
Data sets
a list of recommended data elements with unicorn definitions that are relevant for a particular use and encourage uniform data collection and reporting; includes both a description of the data elements to be collected and definitions for those elements
an organized collection of data, text, references, or pictures in a standardized format, typically stored in a computer system for multiple applications
Disease Index
an index that is arranged by diagnosis code and allows the retrieval of patient information by diagnosis, Research studies and quality improvement studies are two uses for the diagnosis index
Enterprise master patient index (EMPI)
an index that provides access to multiple repositories of information from overlapping patient populations that are maintained in separate systems and databases
Facility-specific index
Databases established by healthcare facilities to meet their individual, specific needs for customer care or other reporting requirements. Tese indexes make it possible to retrieve health records in a variety of ways including by disease, physician, operation, or other data element. Prior to computerization in healthcare, these indexes were kept on cards. Today, most of are compiled from databases routinely developed by the facility
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
the federal agency responsible for controlling the sale and use of pharmaceuticals, biological products, medical devices, food, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation, including the licensing of medications for human use
Health services research
Research conducted on the subject of healthcare delivery that examines organizational structures and systems as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare services
an organized (usually alphabetical) list of specific data that serves to guide, indicate, or otherwise facilitate reference to the data.
Master patient index (MPI)
a patient-identifying directory referencing all patients related to an organization and which also serves as a link to the patient record or information, facilities patient identification, and assists in maintaining a longitudinal patient record from birth to death
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
the federal agency responsible for collecting and disseminating information on health services utilization and the health status of the popuilation in the United States; developed the clinical modification to the Internationsal Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10)
National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB)
Operative index
Physician index
Population-based registry
Primary Data
Primary Data source
Public Health
Secondary data
Secondary data source
Vital statistics