Ch4- The classical and positivist traditions Flashcards
What is the theoretical approach of the classical school?
an approach based on the belief that individuals are rational beings who choose to commit crimes based on a cost-benefit analysis of their actions.
In what period did the classical school of criminology emerge? and what did this movement enphasise on ?
It emerged during the age of the enlightment period, the enlightment was a cultural and intellectual movement that emphasised reason, science and individualism
Who where the key figures that developed the classical school of criminology? and what beliefs united these thinkers
The key figures included Cesare Beccaria, Jeremy Bentham and Francesco Carrara. These thinkers were united in theri belief that the criminal justice system should be based on principles of fairness and proportionality
Who is Cesare Beccaria? What is he known for and what did he believe?
He was an italian philosopher and criminologist who lived in the 18th century, he is considered the father of the classical school of criminology due to his influential book ON CRIME AND PUNISHMENTS (1764). He argued that punishment should be proportionate to the crime committed and that the legal system should be transparent and consistent. He also believed that the death penalty should be abolished, as it was cruel and ineffective deterrent to crime. He developed the sentencing guidelines in modern criminal justice systems which aim to ensure that similar crimes recieve similar punishments and that punishment is proportionate to the severity of the crime.
Who is Jeremy Bentham? What is he known for and what did he believe?
He was a british philosopehr and legal theorist who lived the the late 18th and early 19th centuries. He is known for the develpment of the theory of utilitarianism, which argues that actions should be evalueated based on their usefulness in promoting the greates good for the greates number of people. He applied utilitarianism to the field of criminology, arguing that the criminal justice system should focus on preventing crime rather than punishing it. He proposed a system of punishment that would be tailored to the individual offender with the goal of rehabilitating them and preventing furture criminal behaviour. He applied his theory in action by the use fo comunity service and other non-custodial sentences as alternatives to imprisonment; these sentences are often used for less serious crimes and aim to address the underlying issues that led to the crininal behaviour.
Who is Francesco Carrara? What is he known for and what did he believe?
He was an italian lawyer and criminologist who lived in the 19th century. He focused on the prevention of crime through education and reform fo the justice system. He believed that the justice system should be based on the principles of fairness and proportionality, he argued that the purpose of punishment should be to protect society rather than to exact revenge on the offender. An example of his theory in action is the use of restorative justice practices, such as victim-offender mediation. These practices aim to repair the harm caused by the crime and prevent future criminal behaviour, rather nat simply punishing the offender.
The modern criminal justice system took impact from what ? and what does the modern criminal justce system emphasise on? who develped these guidelines and reforms?
It took significant impact from the classical school of criminology and it emphasises on proportionality, transparancy and consistency; these guidelines and reforms where developed by Francesco Carrara who aimed at promoting fariness and reducing disparities in the justice system.
What does Francesco Carrara mean by Proportionality?
The severity of a legal measure should be proportional to the harm it is intended to prevent or remedy. In other words, a law or regulation should not impose greater burdens on individualss than necessary to achieve its intended purpose. This principle is often used in cases involving human rights violations, where the states actions must be proportional to the harm caused to the individual’s rights.
What does Francesco Carrara mean by Transparency?
It refers to the openness and accessibility of legal processes and decision-making. It involves ensuring that laws and regulations are clear and understandable, and that information about legal processes is readily available to the public. This principle is crucial for promoting accountability and preventing corruption in legal systems.
What does Francesco Carrara mean by Consistency?
Its the idea that simialr cases should be treated similarly by the legal system. In other words, legal decisions should be based on precedent and established legal principles, rather than arbitrary or inconsistent factors. This principle is essential for ensuring fairness and predictability.
What does Francesco Carrara’s principles ensure and why are they essential?
the three concepts form the basis of a modern legal system tha is fair, transparent and accountable. they help to ensure that laws and regualtions are proportionate to their intended purpose, that legal processes are accessible and understandable, and that legal decisions are consistent and predictable. They are essential tools for promoting justice and protecting individual rights in a democratic society.
What criticism has the classical school faced?
it has faced criticism for its narrow focus on individual decision-making. Critics argue that this approach fails to take into account the broader social and economic factors that contribute to crime.
What is the social context theory ? What is an example of this theory in action?
argues that crime is a result of social and economic inequalities. this theory emphasizes the importance of addressing underlying social issues such as poverty, unemployment and lack of education. An example of this theory in action is the implementation of community-based programs aimed at reducing poverty and promoting education and job training. These programs aim to address the root causes of crime by providing individuals with the resources and support they need to lead productively and fulfilling lives.
What is critical criminology? What is an example of this theory in action?
Challenges traditional notions of crime and justice and emphasizes the importance of power and dynamics and social inequality. It argues that the justice system is often biased against marginalize groups and that social change is necessary to achieve true justice. An example of this theory in action is the movement for police reform and accountability, which seeks to address issues of police brutality and racial bias in law enforcement. This movement emphasizes the need for systemic change to address underlying issues of social inequality and injustice.
What is rational choice theory? What is an example of this theory in action?
Argues that individuals make decisions based on their own self-interest and the costs and benefits of different options. An example of this theory in action is the study of white-collar crime, which often involves making calculated decisions to engage in illegal activity for financial gain. THis research aims to understand teh decision-making process that lead individuals to commit white-collar crimes, and to develop strategies for preventing and deterring this type of crime.