Ch4 - Political Parties in Texas Flashcards
Political party
a group of people who share common goals and attempt to control government by winning elections
Interest group
a group comes together to influence public policy, often around a specific issue
What is the main goal of political parties?
Win elections
an alliance of a variety of individuals and groups in support of a particular candidate for elected office
What is the basic structure of American political parties?
Each party comprises of a # of different subgroups that band together to win elections
Ideas are vaguely defined
Tension and rivalry between factions
division group within a political party
What is the basic structure of political parties in other countries?
Factionalism is rare
Fidelity to principle>winning elections
characterizing a group who adhere to a strict set of political beliefs
Ideological parties in Texas
Libertarian party
Raza Unidas
Tea Party
Green party
formal party meetings to select leadership and delegates and to create a platform
What is done at conventions?
Each party:
- selects a chair for the convention
- writes a platform
- selects the state R/D Executive Committee
- selects a state chair
Pres years:
- selects delegates to the parties’ national conventions
- selects a slate of elections who will cast electoral votes
the statement of principles passed by a PP’s convention
- becomes the party’s written agenda
- important for convention members / not important to candidates
The Chair for the State Party
- The spokesman over the ensuing 2 years
- the go-to person for the media
- fundraising
- recruiting new candidates to run for office
- elected by majority vote
- no salary
The State R/D Executive Committee
- 31 men + 31 women, each selected in their senate district caucus at the state convention
- meet >= 1/quarter to make statements and manage party’s biz
- informal responsibilities: to raise $, recruit new candidates
- no salary
State Senatorial District Convention
midlevel party meeting between precinct and state; same level as county convention
What is done at state senatorial district convention?
- selection of delegates to the state convention
- writing county/district platforms
Precinct conventions
the basic or grassroot level at which delegates are selected to the county party convention
The base of TX political system
a political subdivision through which elections are carried out
Precinct Chair
- elected by the primary voters
- responsible for running the primary election in their precinct
- works to rally loyal party members to the polls in the general election
- no salary
- 2 year terms/ no limit
- serves as a member of the county executive committee
County Executive Committe
- comprised of precinct chairs
- assists the county chair in carrying out their duties and serves in an advisory capacity
- no salary
The County Chair
- elected by voters in the primary
- no salary
- 2 year term/ no limits
- responsible for running the primary elections & staffing precincts with election judges and workers
- point of contact for candidates
a political movement of ordinary people who feel their concerns have been disregarded by those in power.
D Party factions in TX in early 1900s
Progressive - fought for election reform & against the sale of alcohol; managed to pass child labor laws + electoral reforms + introduce party primaries
Conservative - more biz oriented
Down-ballot races
statewide races below the level of president, US Senator, or governor
John Tower
The 1st Republican elected to the US Senate from Texas since Reconstruction (1961).
Laid the foundation for the growth of Republican party in Texas
Bill Clements
The first Republican to win a governor seat in Texas since Reconstruction. 1978
When did Texas become a two-party state
Election Day 1988
Republican challenges
To appeal to minority voters. especially Hispanic
Factions of the Republican Party
Economic Conservatives:
Social conservatives
Libertarian conservatives
Tea Party Wing
Trump Wing
Economic Conservatives:
- country club Republicans
- most concerned with economic issues
- low taxes + limited biz regulation
- no strong opinions on social issues; others quietly progressive
Libertarian conservatives
- smaller gov and less regulation
- oppose social agenda of the religious conservatives
- agree with economic conservatives on taxes, yet would prefer even less gov spending
Social conservatives
- moral decay is the basis of the st’s & nation’s problems
- aka Religious Right
- oppose abortion, gay marriage & porn
- agree with economic conservatives on tax matters, but not regulatory ones
Tea Party Wing
- Arose out of dissatisfaction with government bailout programs during the financial crisis of 2008 Recession
- Share many of the concerns of the social conservatives
Democratic challenges
Get more voters to the polls
Appeal to their bases: minority voters. young people, and suburban women