Ch3 - Voting and Elections in TX Flashcards
Is voter turnout high or low in Texas?
Why was 1992 election special?
Because it took place in the middle of TX brief status as a true two-party state
Universal suffrage
the concept that holds that virtually all adult citizens (felons & undocumented immigrants are excluded) have the right to vote.
Jim Crow
laws enacted to deny equal rights to AA
TX and 19th Amendment
TX was the 1st Southern state to approve 19th amendment
TX DP adopted the primary system to replace the party caucus
a closed meeting of a group of persons belonging to the same political party or faction usually to select candidates or to decide on policy.
voters choose nominees
White primary
the practice of allowing only whites to vote in the Democratic primary
Smith v Allwright
US SC case that overturned the white primary; ruled that political parties are “an agency of the state” thus they must abide by federal law regarding political participation and suffrage.
Poll Tax
A tax paid for registering to vote
What did poll tax do?
Lowered minority and poor voter turnout
Part of progressive reforms to pass alcohol prohibition
24th Amendment
Bans poll tax
Texas v United States
- A dual-ballot system in Texas is struck down. Everybody got a federal ballot, but only those who paid poll tax get a state ballot
Voting Rights Act of 1965
national act protecting minorities from discrimination in the voting or registration process
Racial gerrymandering
the process of drawing district lines to dilute minority voting strength
Barbara Jordan
the 1st AA elected to national office from TX since Reconstruction
Shelby County v Holder
SC struck down the provisions in the VRA that required federal approval for changes in voting practices for sts with the history of discrimination
percentage of registered voters who cast ballots.
Off-year elections
general elections in non-presidential years
persons who cannot vote or believe their votes don’t count.
What causes low voter turnout in TX?
- Election Burnout
- Long Ballot
Election burnout
occurs when citizens believe there are too many elections, and thus fail to vote
Long Ballot
a system under which many officials are up for election at the same time.
Primary election
The process through which major political parties choose their nominees for the general election
What to you need to do to win a primary?
Get majority votes, more than 50%
General election
The process through which officeholders are elected from party nominees
What do you need to do to win a general election?
Get plurality of votes (more votes than any other candidate)
exists when a candidate has more votes than any other candidate, even if the total is less than 50%
Gubernatorial elections
the election for governor and other executive offices
When are gubernatorial elections held?
during even numbered years between presidential elections
special election
an election to fill a vacancy, ratify a state constitutional amendment, or approve a local bond issue
What is special about Texas campaign rules
With exceptions of judicial races, there are no limits on what an individual or a PAC can give to a candidate