CH4 Flashcards
what are some of the assumptions about psychological testing and assessment?
- psychological traits and states exist
- psychological traits and states can be quantified and measured
- test-related behavior predicts non-test-related behavior
- all tests have limits and imperfections
- various sources of error are part of the assessment process
- unfair and biased assessment procedures can be identified and reformed
- testing assessment offer powerful benefits to society
Give another example of how the same
behavior in two different contexts may be
viewed in terms of two different traits.
cheering someone on?
at a funeral or at an event where they are participating
funeral = asshole
event = supportive
what is the definition of a trait?
any distinguishable, relatively enduring way in
which one individual varies from another
this term refers to an informed, scientific concept developed or constructed to describe or explain behavior
Do you believe that testing can be conducted
in a fair and unbiased manner?
yes? but there is also a side that can say no due to how it isnt fair that a skill test is more passable if other people had better education.
what is overt behavior?
overt behavior refers to an observable action or the product of an observable action, including test- or assessment-related responses
what is cumulative scoring?
In cumulative scoring, a trait is measured by a series of test items.
Each response to a test item is converted to a number according to a test “key” (e.g., correct =
1 and incorrect = 0).
The magnitude of the trait is assumed to correspond in some way to the
sum of the keyed responses
In practice, tests have proven to be good predictors of some types of behaviors and not-so-good predictors of other types of behaviors.
For example, tests have not proven to be as good at predicting violence as had been hoped.
Why do you think it is so difficult to predict violence by means of a test?
can it be because violence takes a multitude of forms? or pwede din ano like it’s an impulsive thing? not sure since impulsiveness can also be measured or maybe because of uhhh no one would willingly admit to any behavior about violence?
this term refers to the component of a test score attributable to sources other than the trait or ability measured.
error variance
what is the most controversial assumption of psychological testing and assumption?
unfair and biased assessment procedures can be identified and reformed
what are the two key aspects of the psychometric soundness of tests?
reliability and validity
how should we think of reliability?
think of three scales trying to weigh a pound of gold. A, B, and C. on scale A, it is 1 pound good! on scale B, it is 1.3 pounds kinda okay but not good, on scale C it is 0.7 pound and 1.6 the next time it is weighed. scale A is the best since it has the same weight every time the gold is put on it.
when is a test considered valid?
a test is considered valid for a particular purpose if it does, in fact, measure what it purports to measure
Why might a test shown to be valid for use for
a particular purpose with members of one population not be valid for use for that same
purpose with members of another population?
hmmmm i think pwede ito ma compare sa research namin for expe psych na yung pag measure sa conformity is with a general knowledge quiz that contained filipino trivia and that would not have any validity whatsoever if the testtaker was a foreigner or someone who didnt grow up with a filipino educational system
this term refers to the method of evaluation and a way of deriving meaning from test scores by evaluating an individual testtaker’s score and comparing it to scores of a group of testtakers
In this approach, the meaning of an individual
test score is understood relative to other scores on the same test
norm-referenced testing and assessment