CH36 Balance of payments Flashcards
How are economies interconnected?
through international trade
The balance of payments accounts are split into what?
into two main parts
What must the balance of payments accounts always be?
they must always be balanced
What are the 4 keys ways in which the process of globalisation has been taking place?
1- the proportion of output of an individual nation economy which is traded internationally is growing
2-there is ever-increasing ownership of physical and financial assets, such as companies or shares or loans in one country by economic actors in another country
3-individuals are migrating in increasing numbers from one country to another
4-technology is being shared between countries on a faster basis
What is the balance of payments account?
it is a record of all financial dealings over a period of time between economic agents of one country and all other countries
what are the 2 components in which the balance of payments accounts can be split into?
1-the current account, where payments for the purchase and sale of goods and services are recorded
2-the capital and financial accounts, where flows of money associated with saving, investment, speculation and currency stabilisation are recorded
what sign (in the accounts) are flows of money into the country given?
they are given a positive sign
what sign (into the accounts) are flows of money out of the country given?
they are given a negative sign
what sign (into the accounts) are flows of money out of the country given?
they are given a negative sign
what are the 3 different parts in which the current account is itself split into?
-trade in goods
-trade in services
-primary and secondary income
what is meant by trade in goods?
-this is often called trade in visibles. This is trade in raw materials such as copper and oil, semi-manufactured goods such as car components and finished manufactured goods such as cars, tablets or mobile phones.
-visible exports are goods which are sold to foreigners. Goods leave the country, whilst payment for these goods goes in the opposite direction. Hence visible exports or, say, cars result in an inward flow of money and are recorded with a positive sign on the balance of payments account.
-visible imports are goods which are bought by domestic residents from foreigners. Goods come into the country whilst money flows out. Hence visible imports of, say, wheat are given a minus sign on the balance of payments.
what is meant by balance of trade?
it is the difference between the value of visible exports and visible imports
what is meant by trade in services?
-trade in services is an example of trade in invisibles. These are intangible services.
-exports of invisibles are bought by foreigners.
-with invisibles, money flows into the UK. Hence, on the official UK balance of payments accounts, invisible service exports are called export credits in services.
-import services for the UK are services which are bought from other countries. A holiday taken by a UK national in Spain would be an invisible import for the UK. With invisible imports, money flows abroad. Hence they are called debits on the official UK balance of payments accounts.
what is meant by primary and secondary income?
-not all flows of money result from trade in goods and services.
-primary income results from the loan of factors of production abroad. For the UK most of this income is generated from interest, profits and dividends on assets owned abroad.
-secondary income is a range of mainly government transfers to and from overseas organisations such as the European Union
-primary and secondary income are examples of invisible along with trade in services
what is meant by the current balance?
it is the difference between the value of exports and total imports.
-it can also be calculated by adding the balance of trade in goods with that of services, income and current transfers.