CH32 Causes of economic growth and the trade cycle Flashcards
What is economic growth?
it is the change in potential output of the economy shown by a shift of the PPF to the right
What is economic growth usually measured by?
it is usually measured by the change in real national income
what is the trade cycle?
the trade cycle is the fluctuations of economic activity around the trend rate of growth.
When does a positive output gap exist?
a positive output gap exists when the economy is in boom and GDP is below its long-term trend value
when does a negative output gap exist?
a negative output gap exists when the economy is in recession and GDP is below its long-term trend value
what is economic growth caused by?
economic growth is caused by increases in the quantity or quality of land, labour, and capital, and by technological progress which lead to a rise in long run aggregate supply
What is potential growth?
potential growth is the change in the productive potential of the economy over time.
-It is shown on a diagram by the shift to the right in the LRAS curve or the PPF
What can the phrase ‘economic growth’ either mean?
it can either mean actual growth (change in GDP) or potential growth
what is the problem with using real GDP to measure the productive potential of an economy?
the problem with using real GDP is that, in the short term, GDP fluctuates around the long-term trend growth path of output.
what are the 4 main phases that every trade cycle has?
1) Peak or boom
2) Downturn
3) Recession or depression or trough or slump
4) Recovery or expansion
What does it mean when the economy is at peak or is in a boom?
it means that national income is high.
-it is likely that the economy will be working at beyond full employment.
-Consumption and investment expenditure will be high. Tax revenues will be high. Wages will be rising and profits increasing.
-there will also be inflationary pressures in the economy
what is present in an economy if it is in a boom? and why?
overheating is present, due to the economy most likely working at beyond full employment. (However, this is not always the case, an economy could be at less than full employment, according to Keynesians, if there are bottlenecks in certain industries in the economy)
what does it mean when an economy moves into a downturn?
it means that output and income fall, leading to a fall in consumption and investment.
-tax revenues begin to fall and government expenditure on benefits begins to rise. Imports decline and inflationary pressures ease
What is the economy like during a recession?
-economic activity is at a low in comparison with surrounding years.
-high unemployment exists, so consumption, investment and imports will be low.
-there will be few inflationary pressures in the economy and prices may be falling (i.e. there will be deflation)
what is the economy like during recover?
-as the economy moves into a recovery or expansion phase, national income and output begin to increase. Unemployment falls. Consumption, investment and imports begin to rise. Workers feel more confident about demanding wage increases and inflationary pressures begin to mount.