Ch.30 Seed Plants Flashcards
Approximately, how many species of the 5 following Phyla groups:
Coniferophyta, Cycadophyta Gnetoohyta Ginkophyta Anthophyta
630 Coniferophyta 40% of all forests
306 Cycadophyta
65 Gnetoohyta
1 Ginkophyta
Over 300,000 Anthophyta
Gymnosperm means…
Naked seed
Angiosperm means…
Covered seed
Male Gametophytes functions:
Produce pollen grains (which contain sperm).
Dispersed by wind or a pollinator such as a bee.
Does NOT require water for dispersal.
Female Gametophytes Functions
Contained within an ovule, which is within an ovary.
In angiosperms, the ovary develops into a fruit.
What is a fruit?
a mature, ripened ovary of a flower and contains seeds.
Know the whorls of a flower
1st=sepals, 2nd=petals, 3rd=stamen, 4th=carpel (e.g. gynoecium).
Which plant species has the largest sperm cells of all organisms?
Major Fruit Types
True Berry – many fused ovaries, fleshy middle, many seeds (ex: tomato)
Legume – a dry fruit, multiple seeds in a single row, fruit splits (ex: pea pod)
Drupe – a single large seed in the middle (ex: peach, plum, cherry)
Samaras – a dry fruit with a wing (ex: maple, elm, ash)
Aggregate – many unfused ovaries from a single flower (ex: strawberry, blackberry)
Multiple – many fused flowers (pineapple)
Why is fruit dispersal important? What are the methods of fruit dispersal?
The purpose of fruit is to disperse seeds away from the plant.
Parts of the flower function:
Stamen (including filament and anther)
Carpel (including stigma, style and ovary)
Sepal-The outer parts of the flower (often green and leaf-like) that enclose a developing bud.
Stamen-The pollen producing part of a flower, usually with a slender filament supporting the anther.
Carpel -female reproductive organ of the flower
Know that the angiosperms originated in——-.
Gymnosperm Taxonomy
Phylum Coniferophyta – Conifers (pines, firs, redwoods)
Phylum Cycadophyta – cycads
Phylum Gnetophyta – Gnetum, Ephedra, Welwitschia
Phylum Ginkophyta – Ginko biloba
Angiosperm Taxonomy
Phylum Anthophyta – Flowering plants