Ch.3 Social and Mobile Marketing Flashcards
Hip, cool contributors, sit at cutting edge and plan to stay there
Social media gives the, new ways to post and share their creative, clever ideas
Social media
Content distributed through online and mobile technologies to facilitate interpersonal interactions
Social butterflies who use social media to enhance and expand their relationships, which they consider all-important in their lives
Constantly on the go and busy, want to appear efficient, with everything together, so they use social media to demonstrate how smart they are
Want to help others, and best way to do so is by being constantly well informed so they can provide genuine insights to others
Internet journal/diary that allows us to make our thoughts open to the world through thought-sharing websites
Corporate blogs
Created by companies themselves, have the highest level of control, they can control content posted on them
Professional blogs
Written by people who review and give recommendations on products and services
Personal blogs
Written by people that receive no products or remuneration for their efforts
Differs from traditional blog in size- shorter sentences, short videos, or individual images
Companies use these apps to build loyalty by making patronage a game
EX: foursquare
Sentiment analysis
Marketers can analyze the content found on sites like Facebook, Twitter, online blogs, and reviews to assess favorable mess or unfavorableness of sentiments
Total requests for a page
Determine the amount of traffic using their sites, visiting their blogs, or tweeting about them
Page views
The number of times any pages gets viewed by a visitor
Bounce rate
The percentage of times a visitor leaves the site immediately
Click paths
Shows how users proceed through the information
Conversion rates
Measure that indicated percentage of visitors or potential customers act as the marketer hopes, whether by clicking, buying, or donating
Keyword analysis
Determines keywords people use to search on the Internet for their products and services
Social reach
Refers to how many people a person influences
EX: Number of individuals in persons social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn
The extent to which the person influences others
EX: how much do the people in a person’s network read that person’s content
Extended network
The influence of person’s extended network