Ch3 Concept and Formulas Review Flashcards
For y=mx how to calculate unknown constant m when a paired value of x and y were given? Saying the value gien for x and y pair as x1 and y1.
replace the x and y in formula using given paied value y1=m×x1 next step we solve this equation to get m as x1×m÷x1=y1÷x1 so m = y1÷x1
how to calculate distance using speed and time?
distance = speed × time
how to calculate speed using distance and time?
speed = distance ÷ time
how to calculate time needed for moving distance and speed?
time = distance ÷ speed
how to calculate total cost to buy a number of thing at the unit price?
total cost =unit price × number of items
how to calculate unit price when the toal.cost and number of items were given?
unit price =total cost ÷ number of item
Meaning of Slope
Example of slope in real life?
what is the meaning of y-intercept?
what is the meaning of x-intercept
how to find x-intercept?
how to find y-intercept?
what are the real-life examples of y-intercept?
what is the slope-intercept form of linear relationship?
what is the point-intercept form of linear relationship?
what is the standard form of linear relationship?
Give an example of a real-life slope-intercept form of a linear relationship.
Give an example of a real-life point-slope form of a linear relationship.
Give an example of a real-life standard form of a linear relationship.
how to use a slope when drawing the line of linear relationship?
how to use a y-intercept when drawing the line of linear relationship?
The 3 steps of drawing a line of the slope-intercept form of linear relationship are?
The 3 steps of drawing a line of the Point-Slope form of linear relationship are?