Ch3 Flashcards
Firms analyzing their internal organization should use a
global mind-set
What is global mind-set
A global mind-set is the ability to analyze, understand, and manage an internal organization in ways that are not dependent on the assumptions of a single country, culture, or context.
Analyzing the firm’s internal organization requires that evaluators understand how to leverage the firm’s unique bundle of resources and capabilities.
Resources can be ……………….. and …………….. .
Tangible and intangible.
What is the four Criteria of sustainable advantages?
2-Rare / نادر
3-Costly to imitate / تقليدها مكلف
4-nonsubstitutanle / غير مستبدله
How can you measured the Value?
by a product’s performance characteristics and by its attributes for which customers are willing to pay.
How Firms can create value?
by innovatively building and leveraging their resources to form capabilities and core competencies.
creating value for customers is the source to achieve above-average returns for a firm. ?
T or F
Core competencies, in combination with product-market positions, are the firm’s most important sources of…………… ……….….?
competitive advantage
The strategic decisions managers make about the internal organization:
- Are nonroutine
- Have ethical implications
- Significantly influence the firm’s ability to earn above-average returns
Making decisions regarding the firm’s assets:
1- Involves identifying, developing, deploying, and protecting resources, capabilities, and core competencies.
2- Is challenging and difficult .
3- Is increasingly internationalized
A firm can improve by studying its mistakes.
T or F
Because The learning generated by making and correcting mistakes can be important in the creation of new capabilities and core competencies.
Three conditions affect managers as they analyze the internal organization and make decisions about resources:
1- Uncertainty / شك ؛ عدم يقين
2- Complexity / تعقيد
3- Intra organizational conflict / صراع داخل المنظمه
What is the Conditions Affecting Managerial Decisions about Resources, Capabilities, and Core Competencies
1- uncertainty
2- complexity
3- intraorganizationalnconflicts
Uncertainty definition
Uncertainty exists about the characteristics of the firm’s general and industry environments and customers’ needs.
Complexity definition
Complexity results from the interrelationships among conditions shaping a firm.
Intraorganizational Conflicts definition
Intraorganizational conflicts may exist among managers making decisions as well as among those affected by the decisions.
The foundation of competitive advantage are ?
1- Resources
2- Capabilities
3- Core competencies