Ch26,p2 Hormones and endocrine system Flashcards
what can stimulate glands?
a. changes in chemical (nutrient) levels, b. Nervous system stimulation, c. other hormones
what are the functions of hormones?
regulate, control, and initiate
which hormone is produced by the pineal gland?
what are the 2 areas of the pituitary gland?
posterior and anterior
which one of them has a connection to nervous tissue?
Posterior pituitary
which one of them stores hormones?
posterior pituitary
what produces oxytocin?
what releases oxytocin?
Posterior pituitary
what is the difference between oxytocin and prolactin?
oxytocin: utrine muscle and breast contraction; prolactin: produce milk
where is the antiduretic hormone produced? Where is it released?
hypothalamus, posterior pituitary
what triggers the production of ADH?
what does ADH target?
kidney tubules
how does the anterior pituitary gland receive orders from the hypothalamus?
releasing and inhibiting hormones from the hypothalamus go everywhere including anterior pituitary gland where itll find its receptors, and order it to release a certain hormone.
what are the 6 anterior pituitary hormones?
thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin (PRL), growth hormone (GH)
how many hormones are involved in the function of the thyroid stimulating hormone?
three. (Hypothalamus will release TRH to anterior pituitary, Anterior pituitary will release TSH to thyroid, thyroid will release thyroid hormone.)
how does prolactin function in birds and amphibians, fish, and mammals?
mating behaviors in birds and amphibians, regulation of water balance in fish, and milk production in mammals.
what hormone causes gigantism and dwarfism?
growth hormone
what is the sequence of events leading to the release of a thyroid hormone?
Hypothalamus will release TRH to anterior pituitary, Anterior pituitary will release TSH to thyroid, thyroid will release thyroid hormone.
what are the 2 main thyroid hormones?
thyroxine and triiodothyronine
what gland makes calcitonin?
what is the function of calcitonin?
decreases calcium levels.
how does TH (thyroid hormone) affect frogs? Mammals?
in frogs, it regulates metamorphosis. In mammals, it increases metabolism.
what are the symptoms of hyperthyroidsm and hypothyroidsm?
hypo→overweight, cold, lethargy. Hyper→underweight, hot, sweaty, increased heart rate and blood pressure, irritability.
what is graves’ disease?
it is the most common form of hyperhyroidsm. Its symptoms include protruding eyes caused by fluid accumiolation behind the eyeballs.
what most commonly causes hypothyroidism?
an autoimmune reaction.
what results from severe iodine deficiency during childhood?
a hindered skeletal growth and poor mental development
what results from an insufficient iodine diet in adults?
goiter. It is an enlargement of the thyroid.
why does iodine deficiency cause thyroid enlargement?
since iodine atoms are a component of thyroid hormone, the thyroid cannot synthesize adequate amounts of hormone with out enough iodine. The lack of thyroid hormone interrupts the feedback loops that control thyroid activity. The blood never carries enough hormone to shut off the secretion of the TRHor TSH. The thyroid enlarges because TSHcontinues to stimulate its growth.
how is hyperthyroidism treated? Hypothyroidism?
hypo or goiter → eat iodine rich food. Hyper → radioactive iodine treatment to kill some thyroid cells.