Physical processes of GDA( Precipitation)
The GDA gets less rainfall than the west because its dominated by mountains this leads to relief and rainfall,this is known as the shadow effect
Average rainfall
Rainfall in GDA averages 800mm per annum
Climate (temperature)
Average winter 8°c
Average summer 16°c
Annual temp 11°c
Climate (soils)
The soil of the GDA is typically fertile- thick deciduous forest once covered the region
(Climate soils) what type of soil developed in low land region
Brown soils develop in low lying regions and form cause of humans
(Climate soils) why do soils have high calcium
The souls have a high calcium content because of limestone
(relief and drainage)
●Mostly lowland
●Dublin/wicklow mountains only upland
●limestone bedrock-allows soil to drain freely - less water bagging
Primary economic activities in GDA (agricultural)
●Less farmers than West only 2.6%
●more production due to range of favourable conditions
●higher yields means more money-40% higher than national average
(effects of climate) rainfall
Low levels of rainfall>for less leaching>more fertile land in the west
(effects of climate ) sunlight
●4-5 sunlight hours per day>16°c summer>good for arable(crop) farming
●longer growing season 280 days>cattle can be grass fed for longer>less cost and more profit
(Climate effects of climate)
50% of potato crop grown in GDA>less moisture>less chance of blight
Socio-economic factors affecting agriculture(markets)
●GDA has a domestic market of 1.9 million people and highest standard of living
●presence of Dublin City=access to massive market with disposable income
●Transport links well developed=cheaper to move goods around
*Dublin port gives access to EU markets
Physical factor(effects of relief and drainage)
●Mostly lowland>easy for machinery to be used>higher output>more profit
●lowland>less wind>warming soil>better growing
●low land>more transport>easier/cheaper to get from farm to market>more profit
Commercial farming GDA
*many farms are economically viable
*farms are bigger than West-facilitates high level of mechanisation and diversification
*farms in GDA more profitable,average:Yearly$52,000,national average$36,000