CH20 Flashcards
PERIPHERAL nervous system include sensory and motor neurons whereby
afferent, efferent
sensory, afferent fibers transmit….
transmit impulses from receptors to CNS
sensation, blood and lymph vessels, skin, muscles, tendons, mechanorecptors, proprioceptors are
afferent fibers
transmit impulses from CNS to effector organs are ___ and results in muscle conraction and reflex activity
motor division efferent fibers
responsible for maintaining internal environment
autonomic nervous system
releases noreipinephrine and excites an effctor organ and inc heart rate or BP
sympathetic division of ANS
releases ach and inhibits effctor organ
parasympathetic division of ANS
cell body=
receptor areas, conduct impulses toward cell body
carries electrical impulse away from cell body toward another neuron ; may be covered by schwann cells
axon nerve fiber
forms discontinuous myelin sheath along length of axon (insulation)
schwann cells on nerve fibers
nerve impulses is propagated bounces from node to node; saltatory conduction- increases conduction velocity
gaps-nodes of ranvier
large myelinated fibers- skeletal muscle 60-100 m/sec
axon nerve fiber
non-myelinated fibers mixed in with myelinated 6-10m/sec
axon nerve fiber
ability to repsond to a stimulus and convert it to a neural impulse