Ch2 Tourism Flashcards
What took place in Greece in 776 B.C.?
The Olympic Games
According to the text, who became the first noted “business traveler?”
Marco Polo
Which organization pays particular attention to the interests of the developing countries in the field of tourism?
United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Who defines tourism as “Tourism comprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business, and other purposes.”
United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
The terms used to describe how the various of segments of tourism, to an extent, depend on one another for business.
The chain reaction caused by the new money a tourist brings into the economy of the place they are visiting that has an impact beyond their original expenditures.
Multiplier Effect
CASM stands for
Cost per available seat mile
Preferred transportation method for long haul travel.
Air Travel
Uses the hub and spoke system to remain efficient and cost effective
U.S. Airlines
It will get you passage in Europe, but you have to purchase tickets outside of Europe.
Eurail pass
This type of transportation brings people to places that are otherwise inaccessible like ski destinations, dude ranches and remote beaches.
This percent of rental car sales take place at airport counters.
Four top rental car agencies in the United States.
Hertz, Avis, National and Budget
This travel includes routes between towns and cities, charter, tour, special services, commuter services, airport service and urban and rapid transit service.
They travel on holiday, experience new and different surroundings, to rest and relax and to visit friends and family.
Pleasure Travelers
They travel for attend meetings, sales, trade shows and expositions.
Business Travelers
An example of a popular ecotourism destination.
Machu Picchu
Tourist visits motivated wholly or in part by interest in the historical, artistic, scientific, or lifestyle/heritage offerings of a community, region, group or institution.
Cultural Tourism