CH2 Cell Anatomy Flashcards
Plasma membrane
The plasma membrane; sometimes called the cell membrane; forms the outer; limiting barrier separating the internal contents of the cell from the external environment.
kytos = a hollow; plasma = a thing formed) is a general term for all cellular contents located between the plasma membrane and the nucleus. Has Cytosol(fluid)
Nucleus vs Nucleolus
Nucleus includes the nuclear envelope and nucleolus
Synthesizes rRNA and assembles ribosomes in the nucleus
Acts as cell control center; controls all genetic information (DNA); site of ribosome subunit assembly
Structure of the Plasma Membrane
Made from lipid(fat; Carbohydrate and protein. Has a Phosphate head(hydrophilic) and 2 fatty acid tails (hydrophobic) creating a lipid bilayer. Cholesterol provides strength and rigidity
Integral vs Peripheral Proteins
Peripheral proteins are not embedded in the phospholipid bilayer. They are attached loosely to either the external or internal surface of the membrane; often to the exposed parts of the integral proteins. Integral proteins are embedded within; and extend across; the phospholipid bilayer
X can be lipid/protein/calyx(both) Glyo is a sugar
Active vs passive Transport
Active requires energy ATP
4 Passive Transports
Simple Diffusion 2) Osmosis 3)Facilated diffusion 4) Bulk Filtration
Simple diffusion
As a result of simple diffusion; a net movement of specific molecules or ions takes place from a region of their higher concentration to a region of their lower concentration. This net movement continues until all of those molecules are evenly distributed in the environment
Is a special type of simple diffusion in which WATER diffuses from one side of the selectively permeable membrane to the other. Still High to Low
Facilitated diffusion
Facilitated diffusion requires the participation of specific transport proteins that help specific substances move across the plasma membrane. These substances are either large molecules or molecules that are insoluble in lipids
Bulk filtration
Is driven by pressure and not necessary High to low
Active Transport Types
1)Ion Pumps 2) Bulk Transport (Exocytosis(out) or Endocytosis(in))
3 Type of Endocytosis
1 Phagocytosis: cell eating 2 Pinocytosis: cell drinking 3 Receptor-mediated endocytosis
Ion Pump
Against concentration gradient
sodium-potassium pump TEST
ION PUMP 3 Na+ come in with ATP from the cytoplasm enter the pump then exit into the extracellular fluid while 2K+ ion revert the pump back to it original shape
Phago vs Pino
Eat vs Drinking both into the cell
Receptor-mediated Endocytosis
MOST SPECIFIC is the movement of specific molecules from the extracellular environment into a cell by way of a newly formed vesicle. This process begins when molecules in the extracellular fluid bind to their specific integral membrane protein the movement of specific molecules from the extracellular environment into a cell by way of a newly formed vesicle. This process begins when molecules in the extracellular fluid bind to their specific integral membrane protein receptors.
general term for substances temporarily stored in cell (ex. glycogen; fats
fluid; water; ions in The Cytoplasm
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) What does it look like and Do
A Membrane network with Two Part Rough ER and Smooth ER
Rough ER(Endoplasmic reticulum)
Connects to the Nucleus has ribosomes and Cisternae(flat stacks tops) IT produces proteins via ribosomes and sends them to the Golgi apparatus
Smooth ER
similar to the rough ER but has no ribosomes. IT Synthesizes LIPID and detoxification
Golgi Apparatus
Is a series of cisternae(flat stacks) It modifies package and sorts proteins arriving from the Rough ER NOT attached to the Nucleus
Cis face vs Trans-face
Cis Face receiving end vs trans-face: shipping end ( Golgi apparatus)
Three places the Golgi apparatus can send proteins
1) Out of the cell(exocytosis 2) into plasma membrane 3 Into lysosomes
Formed by the Golgi Apparatus. Have enzymes that digest waste products and other molecules (Break SHIT DOWN)
Similar to Lysosomes in look but Formed from Rough ER and can self replicate. Have enzymes that detoxify harmful substance(toxins
Double membranes organelles that produce ATP via aerobic metabolism. CAN self replicate(POWER HOUSE) have a matric
Matrix and Cristae
These folds; called cristae (kris ?ta? ; -te? ; crista = crest); increase the surface area that is exposed to the internal fluid contents; termed thematrix
Non membrane bound organelle that synthesis PROTEINS can be free or fixed
Protein synthesis
Free ribosomes synthesize proteins for use within the cell 2. Fixed ribosomes synthesize proteins destined to be incorporated into the plasma membrane; exported from the cell; or housed within lysosomes
Made from microfilaments; intermediate filaments and microtubules Provides support and Transport
Microfilaments vs Microtubules
Microtubules are biggest
Centrosome and centrioles
Important in cell division Centrosome is a pair of perpendicular centrioles which are microtubules in a 9 + 3 arrangement
Hair like projections of a call that move thing across its surface (many per cell)
Sperm one big
Control center Contains DNA and surrounded by a nuclear envelope(lipid bilayer connects to Rough ER)
Nucleoli(2+) (nucleolus(1)
Makes ribosome can be 1 or more
4 Bases in DNA and How they Bind
adenine - thymine and Cytosine - guanine
What are nucleotides structure
Deoxyribos(sugar); Phosphate and a Base
Section of DNA code
Name for DNA
Deoxyribonucleic acid
Package DNA
How many chromosomes in humans
46 -> 23 pairs
Two major Phases of cell cycle
Interphase and Mitotic Phase(mostly in interphase)
3 Parts of Interphase
1) Gap 1 (growth) 2) Synthesis(S) (DNA) replication)3) Gap 2 (growth)
4 Phases of mitosis in order
1)prophase 2)metaphase 3)Anaphase 4) Telophase
What is mitosis
Is when a cell duplicates nuclear division and cytoplasmic division
1st Phase: The nucleolus breaks down and disappears. The chromosomes form a big puffy ball within the nucleus. Elongated microtubules called spindle fibers begin to grow from the centrioles; and this event pushes the two centriole pairs apart
2nd Phase Metaphase occurs when the chromosomes line up along the equatorial plate of the cell (figure 2.20c). Spindle fibers grow from each centriole toward the chromosomes; and some attach to the centromere of each chromosome. The collection of spindle fibers extending from the centrioles to the chromosomes forms an oval structured array termed the mitotic spindle
3rd Phase Anaphase begins as spindle fibers pull sister chromatids apart at the centromere
4th Stage BUILD New nuclear envelope is formed Chromosomes uncoil Mitotic spindle breaks down. This causes Cytokinesis(cleavage)
Cleavage furrow is formed pinching cell into 2 daughter cells
similar to cilia but DON’T move provides protection and increases surface area allowing for diffusion/absorption(lots in digestive track) Has a brush border