CH19: Building Customer Loyalty Flashcards
the 5 stages of the customer acquisition funnel
- awareness
- appeal
- ask
- act
- advocate
conversion rate
the percentage of customers who move from one stage to the next
retention rate
the percentage of customers who who continue to use the service or product over a predetermined period
customer satisfaction
a person’s feelings of pleasure or disappointment that result from comparing the perceived performance or outcome of a product or service to expected performance or outcomes
the 2 aspects of quality
- performance (overall functionality)
- consistency (the degree to which performance remains the same over time)
the 7 main outcomes for a highly satisfied customer
- stays loyal for longer
- buys more
- talks favorably of the company
- pays less attention to competitors
- is less sensitive to price (inelastic demand)
- offers ideas to the company
- costs less to serve than new customers
the 3 main ways to build customer loyalty
- interact closely with customers
- develop loyalty programs
- build brand communities
brand community
a specialized community of consumers and employees whose identification and activities revolve around the brand
customer relationship management
CRM; the process of carefully managing detailed information about individual customers and all customer touchpoints to maximize loyalty
making the company’s offering as personally relevant as possible to as many customers as possible
permission marketing
marketing to customers only after gaining their express permission; based on the premise that marketers can no longer use interruption marketing
customer empowerment
the ability of customers to choose whether and how they want to engage with company marketing; social media experiences must provide tangible value
the 6 main steps in dealing with customer complaints
- make it easy for customers to complain
- set up a 24/7 hotline
- reach out to dissatisfied customers
- identify the real source of dissatisfaction before finding a solution
- accept responsibility
- resolve the complaint
customer lifetime value
CLV; customer equity; the monetary equivalent of the value that customers will create for the company during their tenure with the company
activity-based costing
aims to identify the real costs associated with serving each customer—the costs of products and services based on the resources they consume; all revenue less all costs
how do customer equity and brand equity differ?
customer equity focuses on the bottom-line financial value; brand equity tends to emphasize strategic issues, and provides practical guidance for specific marketing activities
which types of companies focus on brand equity vs customer equity?
in general, product-centric companies focus on brand equity, and service-centric companies focus on customer equity
the 5 main strategies to build CLV
- improve customer service
- engage customers
- enhance the growth potential of each customer
- manage unprofitable customers
- reward the most profitable customers
the 3 building blocks of trust
- competence
- honesty (telling the truth and keeping promises)
- benevolence (demonstrating concern for the interests and goals of customers and employees)
CLV financial definition
the net present value of the stream of future profits expected over the customer’s lifetime purchases, applying the appropriate discount rate; includes monetary and strategic value