Ch.12 - Inflation Flashcards
What is inflation?
A generalized rise in the overall general prices
What is the Consumer Price Index?
An index that tracks the average price consumers pay over time for a representative “basket” of goods & services
What is inflation rate? How do you calculate it?
The annual percentage increase in the average price level
Inflation Rate = ((Price Level this year - Price Level last year) / Price level last year) X 100
What is deflation?
A generalized decrease in the overall level of prices
What is substitution bias?
The overstating of inflation that occurs because people substitute towards goods whose prices rise by less
What is indexation?
Automatically adjusting wages, benefits, tax brackets, and the like to compensate for inflation
What is the Producer Price Index?
A price index that tracks the prices of inputs into the production process
What is GDP deflator? How do you calculate it?
A price index that tracks the price of all goods and services produced domestically
GDP Deflator = (Normal GDP / Real GDP) X 100
What is core inflation?
The change in prices of goods and services, except for those from the food and energy sectors.
What is a Nominal Variable? What is a Real Variable?
Nominal Variable: A variable measured in dollars (whose value may fluctuate over time)
Real Variable: A variable that has been adjusted to account for inflation
What is Nominal Interest Rate? What is Real Interest Rate?
Nominal Interest Rate: The stated interest rate without a correction for the effects of inflation
Real Interest Rate: The interest rate in terms of changes in your purchasing power
What is the money illusion?
The (mistaken) tendency to focus on nominal dollar amounts instead of inflation-adjusted amounts
What is Nominal Wage Rigidity?
Reluctance to cut nominal wages
What is hyperinflation?
Extremely high rates of inflation
What are the 2 costs of expected inflation?
- Creates menu costs for sellers
(The marginal cost of adjusting prices) - Creates shoe-leather costs for buyers
(The costs incurred trying to avoid holding cash)