CH11 Flashcards
ERP waveform
excellent temporal resolution, identify temporal sequence of cognitive processing.
excellent spatial resolution, identify areas.
the electrical activity produced by one or more local groups of aligned pyramidal neurons firing in
changes in regional cerebral blood flow, sending radio
frequency signals through head coil. Blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) contrast signal. Blood
carrying oxygen-laden hemoglobin flows to the active regions to meet metabolic needs of the neurons.
Rise in BOLD signal occurs too slowly (temporal resolution).
distinguishing feature of stimuli used (s.a. ear)
distinctive or deviant stimulus.
cognitive processes without effort and focal attention. Ability to detect a change
preattentively would appear necessary for the very purpose of soliciting our attention
. Mismatch negativity (MMN)
brain’s response to mismatch
in the perceptual context established by standard. Can occur in absence of attention. MMN grows with physical difference between standard and oddball.
Involuntary orienting
Deviant oddball has attracted the observer’s attention, producing ERP component called P3a,
Neural generators of change detection
Event related: separate functional scan of the BOLD response for each of the signals. fMRI:
mismatch → superior temporal gyrus. Medium and large oddballs in right prefrontal cortex, draw
attention to themselves.
The dual-channel oddball task
Oddball in attended channel is target, in unattended channel are distractors. Study the cognitive
processing of unattended stimuli.
Channel separation
pay attention to and detect targets in one ear. Compare paying attention to them versus
ignoring them. Measure channel separation: time at which physiological processing in the attended
channel diverged electrically from processing in the unattended channel. Whether selection occurs
early or late.
channel separation
time at which physiological processing in the attended
channel diverged electrically from processing in the unattended channel. Whether selection occurs
early or late.
Effects of prefrontal damage on channel separation
All about dorsolateral PFC. Weaker channel separation. Implies that control of selective attention is lateralized in the frontal lobe in favor of the larger right prefrontal cortex. Lesions sparked disinhibition of distractors. Dorsolateral PFC concerned primarily with modulating perceptual
responses, rather than perceptual coding.
Prefrontal control of selection duality
Excitatory control of targets and inhibitory control of distractors. More interference from distracting
tones. Enhanced electrical activation of distracting tones 20-40 ms after stimulus onset, reduced N1
component to targets
Role of prefrontal cortex in attention disorders
Elderly and ADHD, dramatically reduced levels of channel separation, abnormal prefrontal
The anterior cingulate cortex
Differences in BOLD signal represented increased hemodynamic activation to incongruent stimuli.
Prosopagnosia of gezichtsblindheid is een specifieke vorm van agnosie. Personen die lijden aan deze aandoening, hebben problemen bij het herkennen van gezichten, soms zelfs hun eigen gezicht in de spiegel. Hun gezichtsvermogen is intact en ze hebben in principe geen problemen om voorwerpen of vormen te herkennen.
Parahippocampal gyrus function
for spatial layouts and
houses. Whether focussing on motion also activated the object-selective extrastriate areas. BOLD signal greater in those areas related to the object (face/house) depending on what moved. Attention can modulate areas that code complex, higher-order representations of stimuli.
Unilateral neglect
ignore stimuli in contralesional visual field, most common is left-side neglect.