CH1 Foundations Of Psych/Mental Nursing Flashcards
What are the 3 categories of factors influencing a person’s mental health?
1) Individual (Personal)
2) Interpersonal (Relationship)
3) Social/Cultural (Environmental)
Define Health
A state of complete physical, mental, and social wellness, not merely the absence of disease.
Name 10 types of Individual/Personal factors that influence a person’s mental health?
1) Biological make-up
2) Autonomy and independence
3) Self-esteem
4) Capacity for growth
5) Vitality
6) Ability to find meaning in life
7) Emotional resilience or hardiness
8) Sense of belonging
9) Reality orientation
10) Coping/Stress management
Name 4 types of Interpersonal/Relationship factors that influence a person’s mental health?
1) Effective communication
2) Ability to help others
3) Intimacy
4) Balance of separateness and connectedness
Name 6 types of Social/Cultural factors that influence a person’s mental health?
1) Sense of community
2) Access to adequate resources
3) Intolerance of violence
4) Support of diversity among people
5) Mastery of the environment
6) Positive, yet realistic view of one’s world
Define Mental Disorder
A clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern associated with present distress, disability, a significantly increased risk of death, pain, disability, or important loss of freedom.
What are the 5 general criteria for diagnosing Mental Disorders?
1) Dissatisfaction with one’s characteristics, abilities, or accomplishments.
2) Ineffective or unsatisfying relationships
3) Dissatisfactions with one’s place in the world
4) Ineffective coping with life events
5) Lack of personal growth
(T/F) Deviant behavior does not necessarily indicate mental disorder.
What are the 6 examples of Individual/Personal factors that influence mental illness?
1) Biological make-up
2) Intolerable or unrealistic worries or fears
3) Inability to distinguish reality from fantasy
4) Intolerance of life’s uncertainties
5) A sense of disharmony in life
6) A loss of meaning in one’s life
What are the 6 examples of Interpersonal/Relationship factors that influence mental illness?
1) Ineffective communication
2) Excessive dependency
3) Withdrawal from relationships
4) No sense of belonging
5) Inadequate social support
6) Loss of emotional control
What are the 7 examples of Social/Cultural factors that influence mental illness?
1) Lack of resources
2) Violence
3) Homelessness
4) Poverty
5) Unwarranted negative view of the world
6) Discrimination (i.e., stigma, racism, classism, ageism, and sexism)
What are the 3 Purposes of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR)?
1) To standardize nomenclature and language
2) To identify defining characteristics or symptoms
3) To assist in identifying underlying causes of mental disorders
Define the 5 Axes of classification of Mental Illness.
1) Axis I - Major psychiatric disorders except mental retardation and personality disorders.
2) Axis II - Mental retardation and personality disorders as well as prominent maladaptive personality features and defense mechanisms.
3) Axis III - Current medical conditions potentially relevant to understanding the person’s mental disorder.
4) Axis IV - Psychosocial and environmental problems
5) Axis V - Global assessment of functioning (0-100)
Give 4 examples of an Axis I classification.
1) Schizophrenia
2) Anxiety
3) Depression
4) Substance-related disorders
What are the 7 Basic Level Functions in the practice of mental health?
1) Counseling
2) Milieu Therapy
3) Self Care Activities
4) Psychobiological Interventions
5) Health Teaching
6) Case Management
7) Health Promotion and Maintenance
What are the 6 Advanced Level Functions in the practice of mental health?
1) Psychotherapy
2) Prescriptive Authority for Drugs (in many states)
3) Consultation and Liaison
4) Evaluation
5) Program Development and Management
6) Clinical Supervision
Define Deinstitutionalization
A deliberate shift from institutional care in state hospitals to community facilities, which began in 1963.
Define Managed Care
A concept designed to purposely control the balance between the quality of care provided and the cost of that care.
What is the deference between Medicare and Medicaid?
1) Medicare - Covers people 65yrs and older, people with permanent kidney damage, and people with certain disabilities.
2) Medicaid - Covers low-income individuals and families and is jointly funded by Federal and State governments.
Define Standards of Care
Authoritative statements by professional organizations that describe responsibilities for which nurses are accountable.
Define Phenomena of Concern
Describes the 13 areas of concern that mental health nurses focus on when caring for clients.
Define Self Awareness
The process by which the nurse gains recognition of his or her own feelings, beliefs, and attitudes.
Define Utilization Review Firms (aka Managed Care Organizations)
A new form of Managed Care developed to control expenditure of insurance funds by requiring providers to seek approval before the delivery of care.
Define Case Management
Management of care an a case-by-case basis, representing an effort to provide services necessary while containing cost.