CH05 The Self Flashcards
define self-concept
self-concept consists of the beliefs a person holds about their own attributes and how they evaluate these qualities
define ideal self
ideal self is a person’s conception of how they would like to be
define actual self
actual self is a more realistic appraisal of the qualities they do and don’t have
define impression management
impression management is our efforts to “manage” what others think of us by strategically choosing clothing and other cues that will put us in a good light
define identity
identity is each concept that contributes to out self-concept
define torn-self
torn-self is a form is self that is the result of a process of change and negotiation as one experiences conflicting values, expectations, and a process of conformity
define symbolic interactionism
symbolic interactionism is a sociological approach stressing that relationship with other people play a large part in forming the self; people live in a symbolic environment, and the meaning attached to any situation or object is determined by a person’s interpretation of these symbols
define looking-glass self
the looking-glass self is the sense of self-arising from the process of imagining the reaction of others toward ourselves
define a self-fulfuling prophecy
self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that causes itself to come true due to the simple fact that the prediction was made
define self-consciousness
self-consciousness is the awareness of one’s own body and self and one’s interactions with the environment, including others
define empty self
empty self is a state that occurs when a person has an absence of community, tradition, and shared meaning; and experiences these absences as lack of personal worth and emotional hunger
define the symbolic self-completion theory
the symbolic self-completion theory predicts that people who have an incomplete self-definition tend to complete this identity by acquiring and displaying symbols associated with it
define the extended self
extended self is the definition of self created by the external objects with which a person surrounds him- or herself
define body image
body image refers to a consumer’s subjective evaluation of their physical self
define body image distortions
body image distortions are misconceptions about one or more features of the body
define agentic goals
agentic goals are goals that favour the advancement of the individual
define communal goals
communal goals are goals that favour the well-being of the group or community as a whole
define chronological age
chronological age is the actual number of years lived
define perceived age
perceived age is how old a person feels rather than his or her true chronological age (eg. 121 y/o)