CH04 Motivation and Affect Flashcards
define motivation
motivation refers to the processes that cause people to behave as they do
define a goal
a goal is a consumer’s desired end state
define homeostasis
the state of being in which the body is in physiological balance; goal-oriented behaviour attempts to reduce or eliminate an unpleasant motivational state and return to a balanced one
define expectancy theory
expectancy theory is the perspective that behaviour is largely “pulled” by expectations of achieving desirable outcomes, or positive incentives, rather than “pushed” from within
theory of cognitive dissonance
theory of cognitive dissonance is the perspective that cognitive discomfort results from an individual holding logically inconsistent beliefs about an object or an event; the consumer is motivated to reduce dissonance through changing his of her beliefs and and evaluations about the object or the event
define involvement
involvement is a person’s perceived relevance of an object based on inherent needs, values, and interests
define inertia
inertia is the process whereby purchase decisions are made out of habit because the consumer lacks the motivation to consider alternatives
define the flow state
the flow state is a condition of absorption that consumers enter when they are truly involved with a product, an ad, or a website
define affect
affect refers to the experience of emotionally laden states, which can range from evaluations, to moods, to full-blown emotions
define moods
moods involve temporary positive or negative affective states accompanied by moderate levels of arousal
define emotions
emotions are subjective, conscious, affect-laden experiences that are more intense than a mood, and often related to a specific triggering event
define negative state relief
negative state relief is when the consumer engages in a behaviour that helps resolve existing negative moods
define mood congruency
mood congruency is the notion that our judgements are often consistent with our existing mood states
define happiness
happiness is a mental state of well-being characterized by positive emotions and it varies between individuals and circumstances
define fear
fear is an emotional response to either the presence or anticipation of some type of danger or threat, and it has a powerful effect on consumer behaviour
define disgust
disgust is an emotion that has evolved to allow people to avoid contamination
define envy
envy is a negative emotion associated with the desire to reduce the gap between oneself and someone else who is superior on some dimension of performance, achievement, or possession
define guilt
guilt is an unpleasant emotional state associated with possible objections to one’s actions, inaction, circumstances, or intentions
define embarrassment
embarrassment is a social emotion driven by a concern for what others are thinking about us