Ch 9; Producing Data: Experiments Flashcards
Observational Study
Observes individuals & measures variables of interest but does not attempt to manipulate variables
Deliberately imposes some treatment/variable on individuals to observe their responses. (Study whether treatment causes change in response)
Confounding Variables
2 Variables (explanatory/lurking) are confounded when their effects on a response variable can’t be distinguished from each other.
Explanatory Variable
When a variable is codependent on another
Lurking Variable
Unknown variable that has a significant effect on the variables of interest.
Individuals studied in experiments
Explanatory variables
Any specific experimental condition applied to subjects
What Factors could Make A Experiment Not Work
Uncontrolled experiments that experience confounding variables.
Randomized Comparative Experiment
An experiment that uses both comparison of 2+ treatments & random assignment of subjects to treatments
Control Group
Group that receives a “standard” treatment (placebo) & provides a basis of comparison
Completely Randomized Design
All subjects are allocated at random among all treatments
What Reduces Chance Variation in Experiments
Replication or large number of subjects
List the 3 Principles of Experimental Design
1) Control; Restrict effects of lurking variables on the response, by comparing 2+ treatments
2) Randomization; Use chance to assign subjects to treatment
3) Replication; Use enough subjects in each group to reduce chance variation in results.
Statistical Significance
An observed effect so large it would rarely occur by chance
Factors that Make A Study Better (2)
Placebo, Blind (Single/Double)
Placebo Effect
Favorable response even though not receiving treatment (Generally given to control group)
Single Blind
The subjects don’t know if they received placebo/treatment
A particular value/category of factor
Double Blind
Neither subjects or people who interact with subjects know which treatment each subject is receiving.
Matched Pairs Design
Compares just 2 treatments & chooses pairs of subjects that are as closely matched as possible. (Randomize within pair)
Block Design
The random assignment of individuals to treatments is carried out separately within each block
A group of individuals that are known before experiment to be similar in some way that is expected to affect response to treatments (gender).