Ch. 9-12 Flashcards
Work done on a gas
Change in Internal Energy
△U= Q + W
Change in Internal Energy of an Ideal Gas
△U= n Cv △T
Isobaric Process (△U, Q, and W)
△U= nCv△T
Q= nCp△T
Adiabatic Process
△U= nCv△T Q= 0 W= △U Constant = (PV)^gamma Gamma= Cp/Cv
Isovolumetric Process
△U= nCv△T Q= △U W= 0
Isothermal Process
△U= 0 Q= -W W= -nRTln(Vf/Vi)
General Thermal Processes
△U= nCv△T Q= △U-W W= PV (Area)
Degree of Freedom
each different way a gas molecule can store energy; contributes 1/2R to the molar specific heat capacity; monoatomic Cv= 3/2R; diatomic Cv= 5/2R
Heat capacity at Constant Pressure
Cp= Cv + R
Work Done by a Heat Engine
Weng = l Qh l -l Qc l
Thermal Efficiency of a Heat Engine
e= 1 - [Qc]/[Qh]
Coefficient of Performance
Carnot Cycle Efficiency
e (c) = 1 - Tc/Th
△S= Qr/T Qr= heat flow as the system changes from one state to another
Energy required to change Temperature
Energy required to change the phase
Q= +/-mL
Rate of Energy Transfer
P= kA (Th-Tc)/L k= thermal conductivity
Rate of Radiation Emission
P (net) = sigmaAe(T^4 - Ti^4)
Ideal Gas Law
Pressure of N molecules of an Ideal Gas
P = 2/3 (N/V) (1/2mv^2)
Linear Expansion
△L = ⍺Li△T
Area Expansion
△A = gammaAi△T
Volume Expansion
△V = ℬVi△T
Relationship between Celsius and Kelvin
Tc = T - 273.15
Relationship between Fahrenheit and Celcius
Tf = 9/5Tc + 32
⍴ = M/V
Pressure in a fluid
P = F/A
stress = elastic modulus x strain
Young’s Modulus
Pressure when Barometer is at a certain height
P= ⍴gh
Equation of continuity
Variation of Pressure with Depth
P2=P1 + ⍴g (y1-y2)
Pascal’s Principle
Buoyancy when Object is Submerged
Net Force=B-w=(⍴(fluid)-⍴(obj)) V(obj)g
Buoyancy when Object is Floating
use m=⍴waterAh
Surface Tension
gamma = F/L
Capillary Action
h=2(gamma)/⍴gr (cosAngle)
Viscous Fluid Flow
F = n (Av/d) n= coefficient of viscosity
Rate of Viscous Flow
[piR^4 (P1-P2)]/8nL=Rate
n = coefficient of viscosity
R= radius
Transport Phenomena (diffusion rate)
D= constant of proportionality
C2-C1/L = concentration gradient
Stoke’s Law (motion through a viscous medium)
F = 6 pi n r v n= viscosity v= speed r= radius
Force of Gravity through a viscous medium
W=⍴gV=⍴g(4/3pi r^3)
Buoyant force through a viscous medium
B= ⍴(f)gV = ⍴(f)g(4/3 pi r^3)
Terminal Speed
v(t)= mg/k (1-(⍴(f)/⍴))
Centrifuge Motion (Sedimentation Rate)
V(t)=(( m⍵^2r)/k)(1-⍴(f)/⍴)