Ch. 8 X-ray Production Flashcards
What is the primary difference between X-rays and gamma rays?
X-rays are man-made, while gamma rays are naturally occurring
This distinction is important in understanding the origins of these types of radiation.
What are the three main components of an X-ray equipment system?
- Operating console
- High voltage generators
- X-ray tube
These components work together to produce X-rays.
How far does the thermionic cloud travel from the cathode to the anode?
Approximately 2 cm (~1 in)
This distance is crucial for the kinetic energy of the electrons.
What are incident electrons also referred to as?
Projectile electrons
This term describes the electrons moving from the cathode to the anode.
What happens to the linear energy of incident electrons when they strike the anode?
It is converted to either heat or X-ray photons (99% / 1%)
Also known as a target interaction
What controls the speed of electrons traveling from cathode to anode?
Kilovoltage peak (KVp)
The KVp setting affects the kinetic energy of the electrons.
What is the relationship between the speed of incident electrons and X-ray photon energy?
The greater the speed of the incident electrons, the higher the X-ray photon energy
What is the relationship between the number of electrons burned off during thermionic emission and the number of X-ray photons produced?
The number of electrons is directly related to the number of X-ray photons
This means more electrons result in more X-ray production.
What does mAs stand for in X-ray production?
Milliamperage seconds
This measurement controls the amount of current and time in the X-ray production process.
What is the effect of heat produced during the interaction of incident electrons with tungsten?
99% of the kinetic energy is converted to heat
This heat is a byproduct of the interaction, with no ionization occurring.
What causes heat to be released when incident electrons interact with tungsten atoms?
Excitation of outer shell electrons of tungsten atoms
This excitation causes the atoms to vibrate, releasing energy as heat.
True or False: Ionization occurs in tungsten during the production of heat from incident electrons.
The process described does not involve ionization of the tungsten atoms.
Name the two types of x-ray photons.
- Bremsstrahlung Interaction
- Characteristic Interaction
What is the effect of the kVp on x-ray production?
The type of x-ray being created is dependent on the kVp that is used
What does ‘Brems’ mean in the context of x-ray production?
‘Brems’ means braking or slowing